I have an Idea for a new Christian Branch.


Well-known member
I dont want to debate just for the sake of debating. That is not the point. People will very rarely change their opinions and/or beliefs through argument alone. My idea is just to have a better understanding of our place and a way to become closer to God. As I said, no religion is more right than the other in the eyes of my idea for a religious sect.

So you're asking people to take what you claim by faith?


Well-known member
I am not. I trying to get people to think and help me build my ideal version of what religion should be.

So what is it you don't like about the version that exists now? Or are there just too many to choose from, so you want to come up with another one (your ideal)? You must realize there is but one TRUTH, don't you? Truth is not something you can actually "build", it just is.

James Shepard

New member
Thanks anyway.

I believe

1. That Math and Science are the true word of God
2. The Bible is to be used to teach us how to use His word and not take everything in it verbatim
3. God purposely made the universe imperfect so we can fix and build His Kingdom here as best we can to get closer with Him.
4. Jesus and His death is what gave us light of what we should be like to build/ fix the universe.
5. We can never achieve the perfection we strive to, yet we still do so out of love and respect to the Lord knowing that only through Him we can achieve the perfection we strive towards.
6. No religion is more right than the other and we can interact with each other as long as it helps aid in the blueprint the Lord left to us.
7. God does not get directly involved but instead gives us hints to what we need to do.

Got the gist?

James Shepard

New member
So what is it you don't like about the version that exists now? Or are there just too many to choose from, so you want to come up with another one (your ideal)? You must realize there is but one TRUTH, don't you? Truth is not something you can actually "build", it just is.

There are too many reasons. And I am aware there is one Truth. But every religion and sect has its place and each one aids in the blueprint the Lord left us.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
It may or may not be the original intent. The problem is that we just truly do not know as it was written so long ago and written by at least 4 different sources which like to contradict each other. So I use it as more as an allegory.
The story of Adam and Eve? Just one author, and a little bit of redaction. We weren't talking about the whole of the Pentateuch.

Although, the story of Abram and Sarah is roughly the same story...
