I have an Idea for a new Christian Branch.


Well-known member
That may be so, but when you look at where we are in the universe, or even the history of the earth, we are very insignificant.

Where we are in the universe is a very, very unique planet, created with purpose and uniquely suited to man's existence.

The evidence of the history of the earth bears out the revelation concerning the fall of paradise.


New member
That may be so, but when you look at where we are in the universe, or even the history of the earth, we are very insignificant.
Are acorns insignificant in light of their size compared to everything around them? How much space we take up in the universe isn't a good measure of our significance. And if you believe in God, as you've claim, it shouldn't be hard for you to accept we are very significant to Him.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The story of Adam and Eve did not happen (at least not as the Bibe describes it). The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis is...a metaphor or a symbol for how we as humans got detached from God.

Luk_3:38 Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.

Rom_5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.

1Co_15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

1Ti_2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
1Ti_2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

Jud_1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,


Well-known member
It is true we are somewhat. But it is our job to spread him throughout the Universe when we can

Oh, come on Mr. Scientist try it one time:

Quote function:
All you have to do is click the 'quote' button at the bottom right in my post.
My post will come up in a box. Respond to it underneath and click 'Submit Reply'.

James Shepard

New member
Feel free to discuss this people. With not just me but also among yourselfs. It is interesting topic and I want to see what others have to say in the matter


Well-known member
Feel free to discuss this people. With not just me but also among yourselfs. It is interesting topic and I want to see what others have to say in the matter

My would be response.

Or I should say, what others opinions are on how to improve it.

My would be response.

I clicked that little button to the right of the 'Quote' button on Post #110 and then I clicked the 'Quote' button on Post #111 and the result is what you see in this post plus my [would be response]. This way you can collect different posts together to respond to them.

I'm tired and probably checking out for the night.
Maybe catch up later.
Nice talking with you, James!

James Shepard

New member
My would be response.

My would be response.

I clicked that little button to the right of the 'Quote' button on Post #110 and then I clicked the 'Quote' button on Post #111 and the result is what you see in this post plus my [would be response]. This way you can collect different posts together to respond to them.

I'm tired and probably checking out for the night.
Maybe catch up later.
Nice talking with you, James!

Good night man :)


The Bible is verbatim the Word of God, not just a collection of stories.

John 17:17 King James Version (KJV)

17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
How do you use the word "verbatim" according to the many different biblical translations and versions that bookstores carry?

There has always been God, and there have always been a multitude of interpretations of him made by men.

James Shepard

New member
How do you use the word "verbatim" according to the many different biblical translations and versions that bookstores carry?

There has always been God, and there have always been a multitude of interpretations of him made by men.

Thank you for bringing that up :)

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
I believe God created the universe imperfect on purpose. That we are supposed to build is kingdom here as best we can and build/fix the universe in the image he wants. Us striving to making the universe perfect will bring us closer to him as we will be using His language to guide us (science and math). We do this out of our love and respect to Him. Math and Science are his true word and the Bible is how we use the word to strive towards the above goal. And my idea is that no religion is more right than the other, and all are welcome to worship and discuss their interpretation of the blueprint. Not only that but He does not directly intervene. But unlike deists, I don't believe he does nothing but observe. I believe he gives us hints to better interpret and apply His blueprint.

Now I will be happy to discuss this with anyone as I believe in what I have just stated :)

I find it reasonable that God knew Adam and Eve would sin, thus creating the separation from Him that allows for free, true and pure love to be made in our reunion and union with Him through His Spirit.

Math and Science point us to truths about Him, but can not explain Him completely. There is no evidence beyond the beginning, or big bang. Physicists have their hunches about other dimensions of reality, where God could sit upon His throne right now, but it is conjecture and we won't know the truth of that while we are here.

Science has it's limits as does math in understanding truth. Jesus came to reveal the truth as it is found in Him. He is "the way, the truth and the life". If you seek truth, seek Him, His presence, His love, His joy, His peace will give you all you need. There is more than meets the eye.


Thank you for bringing that up :)
My pointed questions fail to even register for most people on TOL.
And if they do, they are too often met by childish reactivity like taunts and name-calling.

I enjoy a good discussion and actually look forward to those times when my comfortable beliefs and thoughts get the rug pulled out from underneath them.

James Shepard

New member
My pointed questions fail to even register for most people on TOL.
And if they do, they are too often met by childish reactivity like taunts and name-calling.

I enjoy a good discussion and actually look forward to those times when my comfortable beliefs and thoughts get the rug pulled out from underneath them.

Well good to see you here with me. Maybe you would like to follow my idea? :)

James Shepard

New member
I find it reasonable that God knew Adam and Eve would sin, thus creating the separation from Him that allows for free, true and pure love to be made in our reunion and union with Him through His Spirit.

Math and Science point us to truths about Him, but can not explain Him completely. There is no evidence beyond the beginning, or big bang. Physicists have their hunches about other dimensions of reality, where God could sit upon His throne right now, but it is conjecture and we won't know the truth of that while we are here.

Science has it's limits as does math in understanding truth. Jesus came to reveal the truth as it is found in Him. He is "the way, the truth and the life". If you seek truth, seek Him, His presence, His love, His joy, His peace will give you all you need. There is more than meets the eye.

Seeking Him is what lead me to this revelation. With the TRUE word of God as Math and Science with the Bible being the instructions for using His word, no one is able to debate it as it is fact and Atheists might even fall into my idea as a few have already :)

Wick Stick

Well-known member
The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis is...a metaphor or a symbol for how we as humans got detached from God.
My 200 hours of study in ancient near eastern literature says its a history of the beginning of the Israelite nation, but written in the form of an apocryphon.

It has some merit as an allegory, though, too. That's a legal use of ANE literature. It's just not the original intent.
