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Well-known member
A 'confession' and 'faith' may be a 'start' on the spiritual path, but the 'proof' comes via 'personal experience'.....your own 'resurrection' and 'ascension'.


Most certainly, receiving salvation is the first step in living a godly life well pleasing and worthy of God.

I Timothy 2:4 makes that clear as can be.

God's will is

1. that all men be saved.

2. that they come to the knowledge of the truth.

the word for knowledge in this verse is not referring to simply being mentally aware of something but knowledge gained by experiencing something, ie, the truth. See John 8:32 for another similar use, it is not simply being aware of truth that sets men free, it is experiencing truth by living it, that sets men free.

Coming to the knowledge of truth by experiencing it takes work.

It may take hard work to enjoy the benefits our salvation.

Having received the gift of salvation we must experience what salvation is to really know what it is. That takes work and action on our part.

Receiving salvation is simply the first step in living the gift of eternal life. Romans 6:23

We must also know what this gift contains and what we are to do with it as God would have us use it.

As a bonus, we should consider that having a gift and using it are both involved in salvation, or wholeness.

To be saved means to be made whole.

We have all received gifts in our lifetime, it is only when we use those gifts that we truly benefit in the present in having those gifts.

Let me illustrate, just because we have a God given brain, does not mean we will wisely fill it and use it. Part of benefiting from having a brain is in its active use. Our brains actually develop as we fill it with knowledge and use it. It can physically and mentally develop towards evil or toward good depending how we choose to use it.

Likewise our bodies, we can abuse our bodies for evil or use our bodies for good. Romans 12:1

Salvation is received but it is also developed and strengthened if we use it according to God's word.

As we renew our minds to God's word, that is when we choose to think what God wants us to think, see Philippians 4:8;2:5, Romans 12:2..., our salvation becomes stronger in us in that it permeates our walk with God, ie, our lifestyle to live God's way, not the way of the world.

Once having received salvation, we can stay inert and stagnate or choose to dynamically involve ourselves in using God's gift of salvation/eternal life/holy spirit.

By choosing to live our salvation by renewing our minds, we receive more benefits of that salvation. We have the basic package but how we use it determines how much salvation is evidenced in our lives. In sense, we actually grow in salvation as we use it. Thus until Jesus Christ returns, I John 3:1-3, we can continue to appropriate more and more of the benefits of that salvation, a process that is unlimited for we will always have ways to improve.

This is where verses like Philippians 2:12 come in.

We are to "work out" our salvation.

We have it, but it lies dormant until we renew our minds and start working it, much like physical exercise to "work out". We become more healthy and whole as we "work out" our salvation just like working out doing physical exercise increases our physical health and vitality (and according to medical sciences is good prevention against some ailments)


Active member
You are a man pleaser and trip yourself up in being so.

Unfounded lie. God is who I seek to please. You are trying to judge another man's heart. Judging other men IS a sin however. If I were a man please, I wouldn't be doing this for one and the fact that I could care less what you think of me should tell you something about that.


New member
Unfounded lie. God is who I seek to please. You are trying to judge another man's heart. Judging other men IS a sin however. If I were a man please, I wouldn't be doing this for one and the fact that I could care less what you think of me should tell you something about that.

The proof of your being a man pleaser is the manner in which you dealt with free-will you went left and right and in trying to do so you went nowhere.

God's Truth

New member
The proof of your being a man pleaser is the manner in which you dealt with free-will you went left and right and in trying to do so you went nowhere.

You claim he is not saved for seeking God and that you were saved because you were seeking booze and women.

So how is it you speak with such absurdity when you say you, when you were a man pleaser was saved because you were a man pleaser and you didn't search for God, yet xfrodobagginsx is a person seeking to please God and is really the man pleaser?

God does not teach such things as you do. Give the scripture example of a man or woman living in sin and hating God and were just miraculously saved.

Give the scripture now or be exposed for being a false preacher.


New member
You claim he is not saved for seeking God and that you were saved because you were seeking booze and women.

So how is it you speak with such absurdity when you say you, when you were a man pleaser was saved because you were a man pleaser and you didn't search for God, yet xfrodobagginsx is a person seeking to please God and is really the man pleaser?

God does not teach such things as you do. Give the scripture example of a man or woman living in sin and hating God and were just miraculously saved.

Give the scripture now or be exposed for being a false preacher.

Yah Shua Messiah came into the world to save sinners from their sin.
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