How Protestants got sucked into the Rapture

patrick jane

What you are not seeing is that I am not disagreeing with being caught up, just the method by which it is done. One is physical, one is spiritual, that has physical "side effects".


1 Corinthians 15:51 KJV - 1 Corinthians 15:52 KJV -

1 Corinthians 15:53-54 KJV -


New member
Do you believe the Scriptures that say that the Holy Spirit caught away Philip and he was then found at Azotus?

Yes I do, the same way the boat was immediately on the other side

When we physically die we too appear immediately on the other side


New member
The soul is a body (tabernacle) for the spirit and when Jesus returned to the glory He once had before He came to earth He returned to a Spirit with a Soul

The only redemption of the physical body comes at the final act of our cleansing when those who qualify are in Zion for the "wife adorned for her husband that is the mind of Christ seen coming down from heaven as new Jerusalem (cities and minds are strongholds in the Bible) in Re.21:2-3 KJV as the tabernacle of God because the soul is a tabernacle (body) coming down for the Holy Spirit (husband) already on earth

Without the mind of man but with the mind of Christ a human with no sin as a principality living within them will be the first time a man on earth without sin the same as Adam was before he sinned other than when Jesus walked on earth. This is the redemption of our body AKA the restitution of what was lost in the garden even the first dominion as it was before Adam turned dominion of the earth over to satan............ Praise the Lord

AMEN and the garments are changing NOW.....Peace


Well-known member
What you are not seeing is that I am not disagreeing with being caught up, just the method by which it is done. One is physical, one is spiritual, that has physical "side effects".

Why doesn't it make sense to you? If Christ in us is our hope, and He is coming back to reside in a many membered body who are SPIRITUALLY where He "is", yet standing right here, then can you not see that dying and going to heaven to be with Jesus, is NOT His preferred method and is in fact denying Him a body to dwell in?

There were two thieves with Him on the cross. One said basically, WHEN you get to your kingdom remember me (future). The other said basically, IF thou be the Christ save thyself and us. BOTH of them were waiting on Him to be Lord and Christ another day, because they were looking at the flesh; with the flesh, it's ALWAYS another day.

I'm not waiting for Him to be both Lord and Christ, He ALREADY is and always has been as Peter proclaimed in Acts 2. Like Yeshua said of Abraham, I'VE SEEN HIS DAY and I don't have to literally die to apprehend it. Even now the daystar is dawning, the shadows are fleeting away, and the last enemy to be overcome is death, and it's not overcome by dying but by NOT DYING, ie. mortality swallowed up of immortality. Peace don't believe what Paul said.
That's what I thought.


Well-known member
Yes I do, the same way the boat was immediately on the other side

When we physically die we too appear immediately on the other side believe Luke when he says Philip was 'caught up/harpazo', but you don't believe Paul when he says that we shall be 'caught up/harpazo'.


Literal lunatic
So....a twinkling of an eye is out too, huh.

daqq addressed this in post 54.

C'mon Steko, you might wanna try some coffee instead of those hot calcium drinks.

Nice post :)

Exodus 33:4-6
4. And when the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned: and no man did put his headgear upon himself.
5. For YHWH said unto Moshe, Say unto the sons of Yisrael, You are a stiffnecked people: I will come up into the midst of you in one wink of an eye and consume you! Now therefore put off your headgear from you; and I know what I will do unto you.
6. And the sons of Yisrael snatched off their headgear from mount Horeb.


New member believe Luke when he says Philip was 'caught up/harpazo', but you don't believe Paul when he says that we shall be 'caught up/harpazo'.

It is not a case of not believing what God can do but knowing what the plan of God for man has always been......... and it is never to take His church physically off of the earth.

Back in 86 I was with 3 others in a car going from Ocho Rios to Port to Antonio Jamaica at 2am on very treacherous roads (they are probably much better now). I had drifted off to sleep when suddenly my mother's voice of her forever closing words to me every time we talked of "Douglas I love you and pray for you every day" woke me up from me deep sleep only to notice it was to late to warn me because my friend had fallen asleep at the wheel and we were headed straight off of a cliff to certain death 500 feet below amongst rocks and breaking surf.

I grabbed the wheel which woke my friend up who took it over but there was no more time left as the car was already bouncing on the rocks next to the edge and road was making a hairpin curve around the side of a mountain that stuck out into the sea. The girls in the back seat were screaming (his wife my girlfriend) and because I did not want my girlfriend to die while experiencing so much fear I turned and looked at her in the eye so the last thing she would experience on earth would be knowing she was loved

Suddenly, and with no explainable reason we were sitting still back in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD as if a unseen hand had plucked the car out of the air and set it down gently back on the road. My friend turned and said "Doug, that was great you just saved everyones life". My reply was, "no I did not do it my mother did" although I knew there was more to it. That was when he said, "I don't know how this has happened because we had already gone off the edge"

For sure had we somehow managed to avoid death on our own accord the car would have come to a stop after slowing down and sliding to a stop on the road side of the rocks that marked the edge of the cliff rather than suddenly sitting still in the middle of the road.

This is a modern day case of 4 people in a car defying all odds and explanations that was still 14 years before I returned to walking with the Lord.

If I learned anything from the above is, for sure I KNOW God can and will physically lift us up of the earth from where we are to where he wants us to be without any contribution to this happening coming from us. In addition to this the above is testimony to Christian parents who continue on with daily prayer for their children who have left the Lord and joined themselves to the world


New member
It is not a case of not believing what God can do but knowing what the plan of God for man has always been......... and it is never to take His church physically off of the earth.

Back in 86 I was with 3 others in a car going from Ocho Rios to Port to Antonio Jamaica at 2am on very treacherous roads (they are probably much better now). I had drifted off to sleep when suddenly my mother's voice of her forever closing words to me every time we talked of "Douglas I love you and pray for you every day" woke me up from me deep sleep only to notice it was to late to warn me because my friend had fallen asleep at the wheel and we were headed straight off of a cliff to certain death 500 feet below amongst rocks and breaking surf.

I grabbed the wheel which woke my friend up who took it over but there was no more time left as the car was already bouncing on the rocks next to the edge and road was making a hairpin curve around the side of a mountain that stuck out into the sea. The girls in the back seat were screaming (his wife my girlfriend) and because I did not want my girlfriend to die while experiencing so much fear I turned and looked at her in the eye so the last thing she would experience on earth would be knowing she was loved

Suddenly, and with no explainable reason we were sitting still back in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD as if a unseen hand had plucked the car out of the air and set it down gently back on the road. My friend turned and said "Doug, that was great you just saved everyones life". My reply was, "no I did not do it my mother did" although I knew there was more to it. That was when he said, "I don't know how this has happened because we had already gone off the edge"

For sure had we somehow managed to avoid death on our own accord the car would have come to a stop after slowing down and sliding to a stop on the road side of the rocks that marked the edge of the cliff rather than suddenly sitting still in the middle of the road.

This is a modern day case of 4 people in a car defying all odds and explanations that was still 14 years before I returned to walking with the Lord.

If I learned anything from the above is, for sure I KNOW God can and will physically lift us up of the earth from where we are to where he wants us to be without any contribution to this happening coming from us. In addition to this the above is testimony to Christian parents who continue on with daily prayer for their children who have left the Lord and joined themselves to the world

Amen, good testimony....I heard of another incident similar to this one, years ago. Peace

Right Divider

Body part
Enoch was a type of Christ, the 7th man from Adam. Christ IS that perfect day, of no part darkness, the rest that remaineth to the people of HaShem. This is why Christ IN YOU, is the hope of glory.

As for Elijah: note that the "prize" of the DOUBLE PORTION required Elisha to see/perceive the FLESH OF HIM GONE = to perceive the Seed Son minus the flesh. Each had a purpose to reveal, but neither of them have a thing to do with the "rapture". Peace
I did NOT say that they had something to "do with the rapture".

My point is that God "catching up/away" is NOT something completely unknown in the scripture prior to Paul revealing this about the body of Christ.


Well-known member
All Paul was doing in those passages about being change in a moment was explaining what happens to people alive at the very last moment of history. It applies to very few relative to the total number of believers down through time. Obviously there needs to be some way for them to be changed into their eternal life. It is a death, of sorts.


New member
Which church?

The remnant AKA called out ones who responded to the call to come out of Babylon where all of Christianity went into after the last apostle died

These are the ones who will take Zion that is in the clouds where they are caught up to be with the Lord in the clouds.......... however Zion is on earth that was the highest point of worship in Jerusalem (the church) and is where the tabernacle of David was set up that God has promised to raise back up

God has always appeared unto man from clouds such as at the ark of the covenant in the clouds of smoke from incense burned on the golden alter representing the prayers of the saints, (Rev.8:4 KJV) to the clouds over the jews in the wilderness to the clouds on Mt Sinai

patrick jane

Everyone knows John Nelson Darby invented the rapture. Only Dispies such as yourself, who are in denial, claim he didn't.

Go to wikipedia, type "rapture", and you will find the following:

"John Nelson Darby first proposed and popularized the pre-tribulation rapture in 1827."

Everyone knows you can't invent something that was written 1800 years prior. Nice try though tet !!

Right Divider

Body part
The remnant AKA called out ones who responded to the call to come out of Babylon where all of Christianity went into after the last apostle died

These are the ones who will take Zion that is in the clouds where they are caught up to be with the Lord in the clouds.......... however Zion is on earth that was the highest point of worship in Jerusalem (the church) and is where the tabernacle of David was set up that God has promised to raise back up

God has always appeared unto man from clouds such as at the ark of the covenant in the clouds of smoke from incense burned on the golden alter representing the prayers of the saints, (Rev.8:4 KJV) to the clouds over the jews in the wilderness to the clouds on Mt Sinai
So do think that the church which is His body is the same one as the church in the wilderness?

Do you think that a church that is made up of Jew and Greek is the same one where there is NEITHER Jew nor Greek?

Do you think that a church under the law is the same one that is not under the law, but under grace?


New member
So do think that the church which is His body is the same one as the church in the wilderness?

What was 3500 years ago cannot be the same today albeit the history and prophecy surrounding the jews speak to us in metaphors and allegories that are for our edification

Do you think that a church that is made up of Jew and Greek is the same one where there is NEITHER Jew nor Greek?

Seems to me you have already answered your own question

Do you think that a church under the law is the same one that is not under the law, but under grace?

There is only one place the law as a schoolteacher to teach us what is needed to know on our side of the equation for the full statue of Christ being formed in us that is not hidden and locked up in mysteries is my book........ you are welcome to it for free just as everyone else is

The visible litmus test for who is worshipping God in spirit and in truth is seen through signs and wonders following their ministry......... not a ministry of signs and wonders but a ministry of truth that because of the truth being taught and known by them God gives them witness through signs and wonders with their prayers being answered in a way only God can do

Signs and wonders is the way God has always shown His approval on a people throughout history, and God does not change other than extending mercy in place of judgement

Anytime you have a sizable body of believers together someone at some point in time is going to be in need of a life saving or radical health changing miracle.......... but if there are never any miracles seen in said church is because God has turned His back on them. When he has done so it is for a reason that most often is false doctrines and false beliefs in the hearts of the believers present such as the church being physically taken off of the earth as well as other events that are never going to happen

Right Divider

Body part
What was 3500 years ago cannot be the same today albeit the history and prophecy surrounding the jews speak to us in metaphors and allegories that are for our edification
Their history is a bit more than JUST "metaphors and allegories that are for our edification".

I can see that you don't have much respect for God's Word.