There is NO time outside the physical world.
I guess that means you believe in soul sleep?
Where was the place that Lazarus and the rich man went to? Did time exist in that place?
There is NO time outside the physical world.
Not really.
You have to adhere to "soul sleep" until the rapture/resurrection for your theory to work.
steko has to believe that when he dies his soul floats around in Heaven somewhere without any sort of body waiting for the rapture/resurrection to get his new body. Then he believes that after the rapture/resurrection, he returns back to planet earth with Jesus in his new body when the alleged 7 year Trib is over.
I believe that when we die, we are instantly in the presence of the Lord, and in the Kingdom of God with a glorified body forever, and never come back to planet earth.
Well, there you go talkin' about me behind my back...........................and right to my face.
I'm working on the top of my house, putting a roof on, so I won't be putting much into this.
If the rapture takes place today....I'll have a shorter trip.
I'm working on the top of my house, putting a roof on, so I won't be putting much into this.
If the rapture takes place today....I'll have a shorter trip.
Are you installing a "rapture hatch"?
Your neighbors will wonder why your clothes are left on the roof.
Your neighbors will wonder why your clothes are left on the roof.
What about workers in the coal mines?
Yikes ! we are going bucko?
I believe our houses from heaven come down with Christ, and the spirits of those in the Body of Christ go up, and meet in the air.
Do you believe the Christians just disappear?
Or do you believe only the souls get raptured, leaving a corpse?
Doesn't scripture say we will be changed (1 Corinthians 15:52), will put on the incorruptible and be like the first fruits of the resurrection, Jesus Christ, in body?
Did the Lord Jesus leave a corpse on earth?
I get my dispensational views from a guy named Paul and a book called the Bible.It doesn't matter that you never literally read anything from John Nelson Darby. You're a Dispensationalist, therefore everything you have been taught has come from John Nelson Darby.
IOW, someone who taught you was taught by someone who was taught by someone who was taught by someone, etc. who was taught by John Nelson Darby.
As I said, you live in denial.
I get my dispensational views from a guy named Paul and a book called the Bible.
Yes it does.
I'm asking rapture proponents what happens before they are changed from corruptible to incorruptible.
Rapture proponents who die before the rapture have various theories as to what happens from the time they die, until the alleged rapture/resurrection takes place.
The spirit of the believer goes to be with the Lord.
Sturgeon - Derby