How Protestants got sucked into the Rapture


Literal lunatic
This is a modern day case of 4 people in a car defying all odds and explanations that was still 14 years before I returned to walking with the Lord.

If I learned anything from the above is, for sure I KNOW God can and will physically lift us up of the earth from where we are to where he wants us to be without any contribution to this happening coming from us. In addition to this the above is testimony to Christian parents who continue on with daily prayer for their children who have left the Lord and joined themselves to the world

Yep, our old man is shown things in dreams.

Our young man is shown visions.

Interesting the exact time my mom died, my truck finally quit running on my mother's prayers and came to a skidding stop in the middle of the road.

It had ran for over a year with a hole the size of a baseball in the transfer case.
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Everyone knows you can't invent something that was written 1800 years prior.

Show us one person that wrote about the rapture before John Nelson Darby?

I'm still waiting for you to tell us what happens to the people left on planet earth after your alleged rapture takes place?


New member
teeetetetetett saiiid,

I'm still waiting for you to tell us what happens to the people left on planet earth after your alleged rapture takes place?


The Laodicean Church is Left behind to suffer a little persecution to wake them up and then they are Raptured. When JESUS comes , all those who are left that call out to JESUS to be saved will be resurrected. The Jews in Jerusalem
will be persecuted and enslaved by the Turkish Antichrist who breaks the Peace Treaty made with him. When Jesus appears in the Sky their will also be Planet X right behind him that will give the Earth a shower of huge Asteroids and a pole shift that will cause the Oceans to Flood all the Coastal areas and Islands

The people of the Earth will Cry and Mourn for all the Dead people.

Matthew 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

Jeremiah 4:24 I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly.
25 I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled.
26 I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger.
27 For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end.
28 For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it.


New member
I can see that you don't have much respect for God's Word.

That was way out of line and reeks of an immature babe in Christ who is still unaware of the foundational doctrines you are required to know the truth of before God can move you into perfection

Not because I give one dead rats rear end about your opinion of me, but because of your arrogance in thinking you can judge others made obvious in your list of names but not bring equal judgment on yourself............. go figure

Even more so when someone such as yourself thinking yourself wise with your lawbreaking methods (AKA a sin) of how you think to rightly divide the word that in truth is committing spiritual abortion through the killing of the life within the Word of God through your traditions of man that are contrary to God............ while at the same time heaping on to yourself more souls who like you are already twice dead


Literal lunatic
That was way out of line and reeks of an immature babe in Christ who is still unaware of the foundational doctrines you are required to know the truth of before God can move you into perfection

Not because I give one dead rats rear end about your opinion of me, but because of your arrogance in thinking you can judge others made obvious in your list of names but not bring equal judgment on yourself............. go figure

Even more so when someone such as yourself thinking yourself wise with your lawbreaking methods (AKA a sin) of how you think to rightly divide the word that in truth is committing spiritual abortion through the killing of the life within the Word of God through your traditions of man that are contrary to God............ while at the same time heaping on to yourself more souls who like you are already twice dead


I've told him to put on his big boy britches before.

Go easy on him, he's still doing his business in them pull up training pants.



I've seen all those arguments by Dispies that claim there were men before Darby who preached the rapture. They are all wrong. None of those men preached, or taught what Darby invented.

It drives Dispensationalists crazy that everything they believe didn't exist before Darby. They have desperately tried to show someone teaching what Darby taught before Darby, but they can't.

If you notice, almost every Dispensationalist on TOL does everything they can to not be associated with Darby. That's because they are embarrassed that everything they believe was invented in the mid 1800's by Darby.

They live in denial.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I've seen all those arguments by Dispies that claim there were men before Darby who preached the rapture. They are all wrong. None of those men preached, or taught what Darby invented.

How do you respond to A4T's post, quoted below?

Already proven false -

Irenaeus(130 ad to 202 ad) in his writing "Against Heresies - 5.29"

Cyprian (200 AD – 258 AD) In "Treatises of Cyprian":

Ephraim The Syrian (306 AD – 373 AD) In his work, "On The Last Times 2", he wrote:

Then of course the bible describes it and thats where it came from, so anyone claiming the darby junk is just flat out wrong, its long been debunked.


How do you respond to A4T's post, quoted below?

She's wrong.

For example, Ephraim The Syrian (technically Pseudo Ephraim The Syrian) taught that Christians would escape the tribulation through death, not a "rapture".

The document A4T is referring to is "Sermon on the End of the World" by Pseudo Ephraim The Syrian.

The document was originally written in Syrian, then translated to Greek, then translated to Latin.

Dispensationalists use the Latin version which says the following:

"For all the saints and elect of God are gathered, prior to the tribulation that is to come, and are taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world because of our sins."

Now, in reading the above with no context, it does sound like pre-trib rapture doctrine.

However, when we look at the original Syrian version (Ephraim was Syrian, not Latin), we find the same passage says the following:

"Pronouncing the good fortune of the deceased Who had avoided the calamity: 'Blessed are you for you were borne away (to the grave) And hence you escaped from the afflictions!"

As we see above, Pseudo Ephraim The Syrian taught that the Christians would escape the tribulation by death.

Other passages in the document say the following:

"Then the Evil One will become enraged With the saints at that time; He will draw his terrible sword And sever the necks of the righteous ones."

"Nation will rise up against nation, And kingdom against kingdom. Lawlessness will be sovereign on earth And the defiled will pursue after the saints."

Does the above two statements sound like rapture doctrine? Does it sound Pre-Trib?

When Pseudo Ephraim The Syrian's document is read in its entirety, and in context, it is very easy to see that there is no trace of what Darby invented (the rapture).

Rapture adherents are so desperate for something to show the rapture heresy existed before Darby, they do desperate things.
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Right Divider

Body part
That was way out of line and reeks of an immature babe in Christ who is still unaware of the foundational doctrines you are required to know the truth of before God can move you into perfection

Not because I give one dead rats rear end about your opinion of me, but because of your arrogance in thinking you can judge others made obvious in your list of names but not bring equal judgment on yourself............. go figure

Even more so when someone such as yourself thinking yourself wise with your lawbreaking methods (AKA a sin) of how you think to rightly divide the word that in truth is committing spiritual abortion through the killing of the life within the Word of God through your traditions of man that are contrary to God............ while at the same time heaping on to yourself more souls who like you are already twice dead
It's interesting how arrogant folks like yourself can accuse people that you DON'T even KNOW and have NEVER met of SIN.

Get saved.


Well-known member
It's interesting how arrogance folks like yourself can accuse people that you DON'T even KNOW and have NEVER met of SIN.

Get saved.

Oh, don't you know, RD, they have been gifted with great vision and can see right through those invisible wires which connect directly to your computer? I read about that on the world wide web. And those computers are really special cameras that take pictures of everything you do in your house. Just don't take your laptop into any private room....cause, you know. The whole world would hear that you wear mismatched clothes, as well.

Truth is....what would the fools do if they couldn't imagine the sins we are committing? It always makes them look holier than thou. ;)


Well-known member
Their history is a bit more than JUST "metaphors and allegories that are for our edification".

I can see that you don't have much respect for God's Word.

That was way out of line and reeks of an immature babe in Christ who is still unaware of the foundational doctrines you are required to know the truth of before God can move you into perfection

Not because I give one dead rats rear end about your opinion of me, but because of your arrogance in thinking you can judge others made obvious in your list of names but not bring equal judgment on yourself............. go figure

Even more so when someone such as yourself thinking yourself wise with your lawbreaking methods (AKA a sin) of how you think to rightly divide the word that in truth is committing spiritual abortion through the killing of the life within the Word of God through your traditions of man that are contrary to God............ while at the same time heaping on to yourself more souls who like you are already twice dead

Ah, look. This one is having a real tannie. And that post by Right Divider at the top brought it on. :rotfl:


Cyprian (200 AD – 258 AD) In "Treatises of Cyprian":
“We who see that terrible things have begun, and know that still more terrible things are imminent, may regard it as the greatest advantage to depart from it as quickly as possible. Do you not give God thanks, do you not congratulate yourself, that by an early departure you are taken away, and delivered from the shipwrecks and disasters that are imminent? Let us greet the day which assigns each of us to his own home, which snatches us hence, and sets us free from the snares of the world and restores us to paradise and the kingdom.”

More deception by a desperate Darby follower.

First off, the quote you give above is from Treatise VII, which is called "On the Mortality". HERE

You should read the opening paragraph, it talks about the diseases and deaths that were taking place at that time.

The quote you gave, when taken in context, is referring to individuals who were getting sick and dying, NOT a rapture of the church.

Here is what the preceding verse of the quote you gave says:

" laying aside the fear of death, let us think on the immortality which follows. By this let us show ourselves to be what we believe, that we do not grieve over the departure of those dear to us (previous deaths), and that when the day of our summons shall arrive (we get deadly infection), we come without delay and without resistance to the Lord when He Himself calls us.”.

Again, the context is about disease, sickness, and dying, NOT a secret rapture of the church.

Also, whatever Dispensational website you got the quote from misquotes Cyprian. Your quote says "early departure", that is not correct, the correct document says "earlier departure", meaning getting sick and dying from disease earlier than planned, NOT a secret rapture of the church.

A4T, you should really do some research before you blindly go to a Dispensational website and copy and paste something out of context to support your rapture heresy.


New member
TEHEHE said,

.the B-52's did a song about Planet X

Really ? give me the webpage or Youtube.


TEHEHE said,

.the B-52's did a song about Planet X

Really ? give me the webpage or Youtube.

The song is called "Whammy Kiss" (by the B-52's)

HERE are the lyrics

"On Planet X-oh it
Won't be long now
I got a light year to
Get to the phone now"...

How about "Rapture" by Blondie?

What do you think of that song? It's more in line with the title of this thread.


Literal lunatic
Oh, don't you know, RD, they have been gifted with great vision and can see right through those invisible wires which connect directly to your computer? I read about that on the world wide web. And those computers are really special cameras that take pictures of everything you do in your house. Just don't take your laptop into any private room....cause, you know. The whole world would hear that you wear mismatched clothes, as well.

Truth is....what would the fools do if they couldn't imagine the sins we are committing? It always makes them look holier than thou. ;)

Conceited Foolishness.

Galatians 6:1 KJV

1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted .

Oh wait, conceits a fault and you don't have any of those.:doh:

patrick jane

The song is called "Whammy Kiss" (by the B-52's)

HERE are the lyrics

"On Planet X-oh it
Won't be long now
I got a light year to
Get to the phone now"...

How about "Rapture" by Blondie?

What do you think of that song? It's more in line with the title of this thread.

It's funny because you only take the word rapture; a descriptive word used buy a guy 1800 years after it was written. It's only a word to describe being caught up to meet Christ or caught up by the Holy Ghost. Do you deny the scriptures ?

Acts 8:39-40 KJV - 1 Thessalonians 4:17 KJV -


Well-known member
The Rapture was invented by Roman Catholics trying to counter the
identification of the Vatican as the Great harlot.

Then Darby, and Scofield, and Hal Lindsay popularized the Rapture,
and now many Protestants think that the Rapture is some kind of Protestant doctrine.

I didn't view this yet, but the title is on the wrong track. The problem with the Ribera eschatology is that it is set in future Israel so that there is no way to consider the Pope to be AC. In several years of reading, I don't remember any accusation that Ribera concocted the rapture.

All Paul mean by referring to that translation event was that Christians alive at the last moment of history will be changed from this life to immortality unlike those who died. Obviously.