I am not going to argue about supercritical water any more because
... you have no valid arguments against our position, and you know you can't win the argument, so your response is "I'm going to take my ball and go play somewhere else!" instead of humbling yourself and considering that your beliefs might not be all that you crack them up to be.
it floats your boat, then by all means believe in it.
We believe the HPT because it comports with the evidence, not because it "floats our boat"... Although the evidence does show that a boat did in fact float.
I have stated my objections.
And literally all of them have been answered.
On the other hand, our objections to your beliefs are many, and most, if not all have gone unanswered.
And water for Noah's flood had to come from somewhere.
Answered, and with scripture, no less. But you ignored it.
Maybe the deep ocean crevices were uplifted.
Nope. The "deep sea crevices" we see today were the RESULT of the flood, not the cause of it.
But sure, keep spouting whatever nonsense your brain can come up with so you can stubbornly continue to ignore the evidence.
I don't for a second believe
Facts don't care about your feelings.
that hydroplate theory has any proof that it can sort at all.
Try pulling your head out of the sand you've stuck it in, and look around you, instead of parroting darwinist beliefs.
Brown chose a fairly inaccessible and unknown substance (supercritical water)
Except that it's not unknown.
We know how it works very well, its properties, and how to use it.
The only reason it's inaccessible is because it requires containers that can safely withstand the pressures involved, since even the slightest crack in a container that holds some within it would be extremely dangerous. Most people generally don't have any use for it anyways.
then attributed it with all kinds of superpowers including freezing mammoths and sorting fossils.
False accusations will get you nowhere, Vowels.
He might as well have added it made tea for Noah while whistling Dixie.
Quit posturing.
There are many layers in the geologic column that suggest causes other than a flood wiped out the biota.
How many times have I answered this now?
For instance the evidence for the dinos being wiped out by a comet which left impact crater, nano-diamonds, iridium et.
Never happened.
The megafauna which immediately preceeded the creation of Adam,
Megafauna did not exist until after Adam's creation.
I addressed this already.
including Clovis culture or early American hunter gatherer culture, seemed to be wiped out by a fire, since there is a black mat which covers 50 Clovis culture sites. This thin layer of carbon rich, burnt material somehow ended the pre-Adamic world and left earth without form and void in a kind of nuclear winter.
Sounds like a load of made-up garbage.
There was also a flood at this time because God had to uplift the land on Day 3.
You're not wrong, but you're not right either.
There was a "flood" of sorts, but not because of rain, or some sort of catastrophe.
God created the earth as a ball of rock with a global ocean, say, 2 miles deep, then He created the crust of the earth in the middle of that water, halfway between the bottom and the surface. He started this on day 2, and on day 3 the now settled crust had sunk in some places, and risen in others. Where it had sunk formed "pillars" that held up the rest of the crust, and directly above those pillars, were the seas. The rest of the crust that rose formed the dry land, and directly below the dry land, 60 miles down, were the waters laid up in storehouses beneath the earth.
That's what the Bible says. Why do you reject it?
And the flood water would have solidified and fossilised this layer of burnt organic matter or "black mat".
Do you even listen to yourself?
God has a long track record of ending things and beginning again, which is what I see the geologic column as saying.
Saying it doesn't make it so.
Genesis 1:2 begins with mass destruction leaving earth without form and void.
Saying it doesn't make it so.
Then God repents of making mankind and institutes the Noah flood.
"Institutes"? What are you, Calvin?
Then at Christ's return there is another mass extinction as described in Revelation.
What mass extinction?
Then after the millennium there is another mass extinction by fire engulfing the earth.
2Pe 3:12
Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
Maybe you should focus more on the context. There's a reason for that question mark being there. Your ripping the verse out of context obfuscates what is being said.
Then God ended the Old Covenant and instituted the new.
And then he put it on hold. Maybe you can guess why.
And God told Moses, step aside and let me destroy these pesky Israelites and make your descendants into my new favourite people.
And there was a reason for that.
Maybe you can guess what that reason was.
If 4 mass extinctions in 7000 years don't tell you something about how God operates,
Then you clearly don't know God.
then just look at the geologic column to see that this is continued into the 500 million years that life has been on earth.
Begging the question is a fallacy.
Death did not start with one man (er woman).
Death for modern man started with one man (er woman).
No, it wasn't Eve. It was Adam. Scripture is explicit on this.
Death and predation and parasites litter the fossil record.
The only "record" the fossil record shows is of the Flood of Noah.
And yes, that came AFTER Adam's fall, not before it.
The world was fallen from the Cambrian explosion.
The Cambrian Explosion is not a Biblical concept.
It's an imagined origin of life forms meant to prop up evolutionist theories.
The reality is that that layer of sediments is just ine of many laid down by the Flood.
But it was and always has also been magnificent and diverse.
We see the goodness and severity of God in the rocks.
But apparently, to you, that can't mean that the rocks were formed in the recent past, but rather millions or billions of years ago...
The idea that earth is somehow fallen and now in an unusual state is just the result of bad reading of Paul.
Earth is only bad by comparison with how it will be after the new heavens and earth (that is why the whole creation groans).
Where do you even come up with this nonsense?
But God Himself saw what He created that it was good,
Because it was. God is capable of creating good things the first time around.
and He did not mess it up after Adam sinned.
Define "mess it up."
Instead he simply booted Adam out of Eden which was like God's back yard, nice and tame.
Eden was where God lived. AKA Heaven. Scripture says so.
But out there the world was already full of thorns.
Now you're directly contradicting scripture. God did not create a dangerous place for his created creatures to live in.
It was "very good" in every sense of the word.
God did not create thorns after Adam sinned.
Then to Adam He said, “
Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’: “
Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life.Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, And you shall eat the herb of the field.In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken; For dust you are, And to dust you shall return.” - Genesis 3:17-19
Thorns and thorny animals have been around forever.
Saying it doesn't make it so.
According to you all, God sent Adam and Eve and Cain out into Jurassic Park.
You're the one with the obsession with Jurassic Park, not us.
Don't include us in your delusions.
Twice now (iirc, and this should be the third time), I've stated explicitly that no creature was a carnivore prior to the flood.
Cain should not have been worried about some person finding him, but T-rex finding him.
Straw man.
Yet I know there were no dinos around then
Saying it doesn't make it so.
since the fossil record shows no use by humans of dinosaur bones etc.
So what?
AND folks pre-flood lived to nearly 1000 years without exception.
Yes, and?
With dinosaurs roaming earth they would not have lived for 1000 days.
Again, dinosaurs, prior to the flood, were herbivores.
But when the 10 mile wide meteor strikes the Gulf of Mexico, whole orders of animals can be changed from alive and kicking to fossilised instantly.
Never happened.