• This is a new section being rolled out to attract people interested in exploring the origins of the universe and the earth from a biblical perspective. Debate is encouraged and opposing viewpoints are welcome to post but certain rules must be followed. 1. No abusive tagging - if abusive tags are found - they will be deleted and disabled by the Admin team 2. No calling the biblical accounts a fable - fairy tale ect. This is a Christian site, so members that participate here must be respectful in their disagreement.

How does one determine, using the scientific method, that the earth is billions of years old?

Right Divider

Body part
Light taking 13.5 billion years to travel across the universe, getting red-shifted, the geologic column, with multiple biomes, and multiple mass extinctions - maybe that's not evidence of the earth being billions of years old - but then, as I said, you seem confused.
Poor effort on your part. God stretched out the heavens, just like the Bible says. The single mass extinction is the source of the "geologic column", which is not a column at all. The only one confused between us is you.
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I had asked you:

What "99%" are you even talking about? 99% of how many individuals? Tell us the number of individuals you are saying died when you say "the 99% died".


I am talking about the 99% of all species which ever lived, died out

Individuals live, individuals die. By your word, "species," do you mean individuals? Do you mean "99% of all [individuals] which ever lived"?

Oh, and what's the difference between having died and having (as you say) "died out"?

and its a mystery (a mass murder mystery) to you and all on this forum, but all palaeontologists know what killed the 99%. It's due to mass extinctions throughout the geologic column.

All rationally-thinking people know better than to take your ravings seriously.


Well-known member
The earth prior to the flood was a MUCH different place. It was not 70% covered by water, but rather, had many seas that dotted its surface instead of large interconnected oceans, and contained FAR more life than our current earth does, enough to satisfy your "99% of earth's life" claim, especially considering the 2000 years between Adam and Noah, which you still haven't addressed, by the way, so don't think I've forgotten.
JR I have no doubt that if you were God you would have just thrown all the animals together at one time and place, and it would have lead to the immediate mass extinction of 99% of all animals. Except it would have been only the bigger dinosaurs which would have survived, not the mammals and mankind which we see today.

So in science we are constrained not by what we can imagine, but by things like facts and evidence. The geologic column shows that God, much smarter than you, separated the 100% of all life forms into epochs and eras lasting millions of years, the evidence of which we see in the geologic column. As one era closed and was destroyed by God, creating coal and gas and petroleum, so God created the next, ending 6000 years ago with the creation of Adam. So, those are the facts.

Hydrologic sorting does not exist except in the wishful thinking of creation.com.

Here is why https://www.asa3.org/ASA/education/origins/agetopics.htm
Hydrologic Sorting
Claim 2: The order of fossils deposited by Noah's Flood, especially those of marine organisms, can be explained by hydrologic sorting. Fossils of the same size will be sorted together. Heavier and more streamlined forms will be found at lower levels. / Source: Whitcomb, John C. Jr. and Henry M. Morris, 1961. The Genesis Flood. Philadelphia, PA: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., pp. 273-274
1. Fossils are not sorted according to hydrodynamic principles. Ammonites, which are buoyant organisms similar to the chambered nautilus, are found only in deep strata. Turtles, which are rather dense, are found in middle and upper strata. Brachiopods are very similar to clams in size and shape, but brachiopods are found mostly in lower strata than are clams. Most fossil-bearing strata contain fossils of various sizes and shapes. Some species are found in wide ranges, while others are found only in thin layers within those ranges. Hydrologic sorting can explain none of this.
2. The sediments in which fossils are found are not hydrologically sorted. Coarse sediments are often found above fine sediments. Nor are the sediments sorted with the fossils. Large fossils are commonly found in fine sediments.
3. A catastrophic flood would not be expected to produce much hydrologic sorting. A flood that lays down massive quantities of sediments would jumble up most of them.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The heat and pressure from Hydroplate theory would make it difficult for a boat to survive, especially if Brown believes the pressure was enough to send rocks into space to hit the moon, form asteroids and the Kuiper belt.
That does seem at least slightly implausible, doesn't it...


Well-known member
I had asked you:

What "99%" are you even talking about? 99% of how many individuals? Tell us the number of individuals you are saying died when you say "the 99% died".


Individuals live, individuals die. By your word, "species," do you mean individuals? Do you mean "99% of all [individuals] which ever lived"?

Oh, and what's the difference between having died and having (as you say) "died out"?

All rationally-thinking people know better than to take your ravings seriously.
There were no people around to count the number of individuals which lived throughout the geologic column. What we do know is that fossilisation is rare, but there were enough individuals to create an abundance of fossils. So trying to demand an answer as to how many individuals ever lived - you are nuts if you think anyone can answer that. Why don't you tell me the number of individuals which ever lived throughout creation?


Well-known member
That does seem at least slightly implausible, doesn't it...
The only thing with enough energy that I know of to throw earth rocks into space would be a meteorite 10 miles large striking the earth causing a mass extinction like occurred 65 million years ago wiping out the dinosaurs and leaving a layer of iridium .

I don't believe earth plates could ever build up that kind of energy to throw rocks into space with an escape velocity which sends them into the asteroid zone and Kuiper belt, without the pressure leaking away through fissures.

Asteroid dust in Chicxulub crater seals deal on dino extinction​

"The scientists examined rock cores taken from the crater. They found iridium, a telltale element – rare on Earth – but abundant in certain asteroids. In the 1980s, a spike in iridium found in geologic layers across Earth led to the hypothesis that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs."


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
There were no people around to count the number of individuals which lived throughout the geologic column. What we do know is that fossilisation is rare, but there were enough individuals to create an abundance of fossils.
Ever any fossils found ... in the wrong strata?


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Why don't you tell me the number of individuals which ever lived throughout creation?

Because I do not know how many. Duh. But unlike you, I am not stupid enough to claim to know that the number of them alive right now is 1% of the total number of them throughout creation. Wake up, man!


Well-known member
Because I do not know how many. Duh. But unlike you, I am not stupid enough to claim to know that the number of them alive right now is 1% of the total number of them throughout creation. Wake up, man!
"Extinctions have been a natural part of the planet’s evolutionary history. 99% of the four billion species that have evolved on Earth are now gone.1Most species have gone extinct." https://ourworldindata.org/extinctions

I find it super easy to understand the above statement. You have been choking on it post after post.
It's like you think you are being super smart pointing out that species are not the same as individuals. We all know that. But you think you are making some sort of check mate statement emphasising the difference. You are not.


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"Extinctions have been a natural part of the planet’s evolutionary history. 99% of the four billion species that have evolved on Earth are now gone.1Most species have gone extinct." https://ourworldindata.org/extinctions

I find it super easy to understand the above statement.

Obviously you don't understand it, since it's merely gobbledygook, and not even a statement. No one understands that which is cognitively meaningless. You find it super easy to mindlessly parrot it, and you find it super easy to say "I find it super easy to understand [it]".

It's like you think you are being super smart pointing out that species are not the same as individuals.

It's like you think you are being super smart being super dumb.

It's like you think you are being super smart stonewalling against the questions I asked you:

Individuals live, individuals die. By your word, "species," do you mean individuals? [Yes or No?]


Do you mean "99% of all [individuals] which ever lived"? [Yes or No?]


We all know that. But you think you are making some sort of check mate statement emphasising the difference. You are not.

I'm checkmating you by asking you questions you can't/won't answer. Duh.

As I stated above, individuals live(d), and individuals die(d). Yet you say:

I am talking about the 99% of all species which ever lived, died


Well-known member
Ever any fossils found ... in the wrong strata?
It's amazing how well behaved fossils are. They tend, with few exceptions, to lie down in the same strata worldwide. I am sure there is the odd out of place fossil which got eroded and deposited in an older/younger stratum. But no human remains ever found with dinosaur remains.


Well-known member
Obviously you don't understand it, since it's merely gobbledygook, and not even a statement. No one understands that which is cognitively meaningless. You find it super easy to mindlessly parrot it, and you find it super easy to say "I find it super easy to understand [it]".

It's like you think you are being super smart being super dumb.

It's like you think you are being super smart stonewalling against the questions I asked you:



I'm checkmating you by asking you questions you can't/won't answer. Duh.

As I stated above, individuals live(d), and individuals die(d). Yet you say:
Move on.


Well-known member
iouae said:
But no human remains ever found with dinosaur remains.

Who cares.
It would make a normal human being think - but obviously not you.

It is interesting that human houses have been found made from mammoth tusks and bones - proving that the two lived contemporaneously. But no human habitats or even human bones have been found with dinosaur bones, likewise proving that the two were not contemporaneous. They are not even found in the same strata.


Well-known member
Fish do not get wiped out by floods. The Devonian was dominated by extinct armored fishes known as placoderms.


The question is why would a worldwide Noah flood wipe out this group of fish since they were both marine and freshwater dwellers.

Right Divider

Body part
Fish do not get wiped out by floods. The Devonian was dominated by extinct armored fishes known as placoderms.

View attachment 4645

The question is why would a worldwide Noah flood wipe out this group of fish since they were both marine and freshwater dwellers.
Because this flood was much more than just deep water. Fossils are created by rapid burial in sediment.


Well-known member
"After each extinction event, there appears to have been a distinct adaptive radiation of organisms to occupy the vacated habitats. A classic example of this is the prolific radiation of mammals after the extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous."


The above shows the mass extinctions and adaptive radiations throughout the geologic column.

This is what Darwinist evolutionists say.

But I believe that each adaptive radiation was a creation event. What God did 6000 years ago with Adam and Eve and the modern biota, so He did many times before in earth's history.

I consider it utterly rubbish for evolutionists to claim that empty niches accelerates evolution. Just as life does not come from non life, neither do completely new animals come from completely different ones.

Thus the heavens declare the glory of God in showing it is 13.5 billion years old (old red-shifted light) likewise the firmament shows His handiwork in the multiple creations. And if todays biota only represents 1% of what has ever been, and todays life is magnificent, then every extinct animal also proclaims the glory of God.


Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
I am talking about the 99% of all species which ever lived, died out and its a mystery (a mass murder mystery) to you and all on this forum, but all palaeontologists know what killed the 99%.

No, it's not a mystery.

They either died out in the 2000 year period between Adam and Noah, or they died in the flood, and got buried in the mile-deep layer of sediments the flood laid down around the earth.

It's due to mass extinctions throughout the geologic column.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

Light taking 13.5 billion years to travel across the universe, getting red-shifted,

13.5 billion LIGHT YEARS is a distance, not an amount of time.

God stretched out the heavens, meaning the stars were visible on day four, the same day He created them. Most of the red-shifting is caused by God stretching out the heavens, not by the universe expanding.

I personally hold to the idea that God, in the same way He "pulled" the plants He created on day 3 out of the ground, causing them to grow (consider what it looks like when you speed up a video of a plant sprouting out of the ground, that's the "pulling"), "pulled" the light out of the stars and stretched it out so that it reached the earth. This actually makes some sense considering that light is both a wave and a particle, and it only collapses into a particle when observed, and the only "observers" besides God (Whom I have no doubt can observe light without it collapsing, considering He created it) being mankind, All God needed to do was pull the wave out to earth from where He created the lights in the heavens, and man would be able to see them.

The interesting thing about this theory is that it doesn't matter if the one-way speed of light is different from c ("c" being the classically defined speed of light in a vacuum).

the geologic column, with multiple biomes,

As before, I have plenty of evidence that says that the "geologic column" as you call it, was laid down by the flood waters, not the least of which being how sedimentary rock is formed, or how fossils have to be buried rapidly in order to preserve any detail, or the fact that there are several examples of fossils which are not contained within a single strata, or that were buried without their roots, or "the big squeeze."

and multiple mass extinctions

There was only one mass extinction. The flood.

- maybe that's not evidence of the earth being billions of years old -

It's not, because it's not even evidence. It's your opinions, your interpretation of the data.

The data, however, sshows that there was one global extinction event, around 5300 years ago, and tthat man was made at the beginning of the creation.

but then, as I said, you seem confused.

Says the one who rejects what the Bible plainly says.

JR I have no doubt that if you were God

I'm not capable of being God. I can only look at the evidence as a human being.

you would have just thrown all the animals together at one time and place,

Yes, GOD created ALL creatures within days of each other, and put them all on the same earth. Why is that a problem?

and it would have lead to the immediate mass extinction of 99% of all animals.


There was no death prior to Adam's fall (no, plant life nor insects nor microbial lifie forms are not included, and clearly, the animals got along with each other enough for Adam to name them as God brought them to him.

Except it would have been only the bigger dinosaurs which would have survived, not the mammals and mankind which we see today.

Again, why?

Wasn't what God created called "very good" by Him?

So in science we are constrained not by what we can imagine, but by things like facts and evidence.

Yet you seem to rely more on imagination than on science. I wonder why...

. . . God, much smarter than you, . . .

Yes, God is much smarter than me, and certainly capable of creating an entire planet's worth of creatures that start out as herbivores, but also create them in such a way that, should His creation become corrupted, some of those creatures can survive by eating others.

The geologic column shows that [God] separated the 100% of all life forms into epochs and eras lasting millions of years,

Saying it doesn't make it so.

the evidence of which we see in the geologic column.

In other words, "the evidence for my interpretation of the geologic column is the geologic column itself."

Nice try, but that's not how "evidence" works.

What YOU are doing is called "begging the question." That's not "evidence," that's a fallacy.

As one era closed and was destroyed by God, creating coal and gas and petroleum, so God created the next, ending 6000 years ago with the creation of Adam. So, those are the facts.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

Hydrologic sorting does not exist except in the wishful thinking of creation.com.

As RD said, it's not JUST hydrological sorting.

There's also liquifaction and tidal pumping, among other things, that ar factors that had influence in sorting the layers of sediments.

Again, I point to 7:46 in the following video, a test which you yourself can do at home, that demonstrates EXACTLY what happened that caused the layers of sediments to become sorted:

Here is why https://www.asa3.org/ASA/education/origins/agetopics.htm
Hydrologic Sorting
Claim 2: The order of fossils deposited by Noah's Flood, especially those of marine organisms, can be explained by hydrologic sorting. Fossils of the same size will be sorted together. Heavier and more streamlined forms will be found at lower levels. / Source: Whitcomb, John C. Jr. and Henry M. Morris, 1961. The Genesis Flood. Philadelphia, PA: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., pp. 273-274
1. Fossils are not sorted according to hydrodynamic principles. Ammonites, which are buoyant organisms similar to the chambered nautilus, are found only in deep strata. Turtles, which are rather dense, are found in middle and upper strata. Brachiopods are very similar to clams in size and shape, but brachiopods are found mostly in lower strata than are clams. Most fossil-bearing strata contain fossils of various sizes and shapes. Some species are found in wide ranges, while others are found only in thin layers within those ranges. Hydrologic sorting can explain none of this.
2. The sediments in which fossils are found are not hydrologically sorted. Coarse sediments are often found above fine sediments. Nor are the sediments sorted with the fossils. Large fossils are commonly found in fine sediments.
3. A catastrophic flood would not be expected to produce much hydrologic sorting. A flood that lays down massive quantities of sediments would jumble up most of them.

The video I posted above shows how it happened, and within the first ten minutes.

There were no people around to count the number of individuals which lived throughout the geologic column.

The geologic column was laid down by the flood waters. You need several things for, say, a turtle fossil to form:

This is a key question, and an issue that is typically ignored by Darwinists. When a fossil is dug up, most of the work is spent telling tales of what the thing allegedly evolved from, while issues of forensics — what should be first on the list to investigate: How the thing died — are ignored.

In this case, the necessary conditions to rockify a turtle are:
  • Lots of water,
  • Lots of sediment,
  • Lots of cement,
  • Rapid deposition, and
  • Removal of the water.
Of course, evolution is completely irrelevant for such an investigation, while a flood — though not one we would ever see today — seems the No. 1 candidate.

Arguments that a global flood would be too violent to allow such an assemblage to settle are just the reactions of those desperate to deny the idea any credence. The answer to that problem is pretty simple, though complex in its applications: Liquefaction.

The issue of why a turtle and not some other creature likewise is fairly easy to explain: Turtles can function normally both on land and in water. Thus, when swamped, they would be able to continue on with life. A rat, say, would have other issues on his mind given the situation he would be facing in a column of liquefacted sediment.

So the discussion should rationally advance by considering the evidence (two entwined turtles) and conceding the necessary factors (water, seds, cement and timing), or by showing how those things are not required.

So how about it. Can you meet those conditions?

What we do know is that fossilisation is rare,

Because it requires the above ingredients, which your theory doesn't provide for, while mine, well, it's a flood, that laid down sediments a mile deep, and.... get the picture?

but there were enough individuals to create an abundance of fossils.

So now your job is to explain HOW they were fossilized, without any of the things that are required for fossilization.

The only thing with enough energy that I know of to throw earth rocks into space would be a meteorite 10 miles large striking the earth causing a mass extinction like occurred 65 million years ago wiping out the dinosaurs and leaving a layer of iridium.

Never happened. God did not create a universe in which falling rocks might kill his creation.

His creation was very good, not dangerous.

You need to study the Hydroplate theory, or at least, give it a solid chance in your mind, because it literally explains exactly how such rocks were launched.

I don't believe earth plates could ever build up that kind of energy to throw rocks into space with an escape velocity which sends them into the asteroid zone and Kuiper belt, without the pressure leaking away through fissures.

Appeal to incredulity is a logical fallacy, Vowels.

Stop using fallacies to support your arguments, or beliefs due to lack thereof.

The hydroplate theory explains how such amounts of energy could (and did) build up, and send rocks into space, to beat up the moon (which is still ringingn like a bell to this day), and which entered orbits extending all the way out past Neptune and even beyond that.

You might want to also consider what triggered the pressure release.

It's in the Bible, by the way. I won't tell you where. But it is in the Bible.

Asteroid dust in Chicxulub crater seals deal on dino extinction​

"The scientists examined rock cores taken from the crater. They found iridium, a telltale element – rare on Earth – but abundant in certain asteroids. In the 1980s, a spike in iridium found in geologic layers across Earth led to the hypothesis that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs."


Explained here:

See also:

"Extinctions have been a natural part of the planet’s evolutionary history. 99% of the four billion species that have evolved on Earth are now gone.1Most species have gone extinct." https://ourworldindata.org/extinctions

If this is correct, then the Bible is wrong.

Species go extinct all the time. Nothing new under the sun.

God created all creatures in the first week of creation, and man He created on the sixth day, at the beginning of the creation, according to Jesus.

Even if most species HAVE gone extinct, so what? It doesn't mean that the earth is billions of years old.

I find it super easy to understand the above statement.

Because you've been brainwashed to believe evolutionary lies.

You have been choking on it post after post.

Says the one who refuses to address my question regarding the 2000 year period between Adam and Noah, where life on earth would have been flourishing, for the most part, even after the Fall.

It's like you think you are being super smart pointing out that species are not the same as individuals. We all know that.

Then why do you use the above as if there is no distinction?

But you think you are making some sort of check mate statement emphasising the difference. You are not.

Yes, he is.

It's amazing how well behaved fossils are.


They tend, with few exceptions, to lie down in the same strata worldwide.

Those exceptions destroy your position, while reinforcing mine.

I am sure there is the odd out of place fossil which got eroded and deposited in an older/younger stratum.

Except that's not what we see.

What we see are fossils that would have had to have remained exposed for, according to your beliefs or the beliefs of evolutionists, literally millions of years without fully decaying, yet if you half-bury an animal carcass that you killed with your car, it'll be gone by the next week, not only because of cellular breakdown and bacteria, but because also because of carrion feeders, never mind erosion from natural phenomena like wind and rain.

We also see petrified trees that were ripped up apart from their roots, that are standing upright through MULTIPLE layers.

Explained here:

See also:

But no human remains ever found with dinosaur remains.

The reason is as follows:

It would make a normal human being think - but obviously not you.

Says the one who has stopped thinking...

It is interesting that human houses have been found made from mammoth tusks and bones - proving that the two lived contemporaneously. But no human habitats or even human bones have been found with dinosaur bones, likewise proving that the two were not contemporaneous. They are not even found in the same strata.

Fish do not get wiped out by floods.

We're not talking about normal floods though. We're talking about THE Flood. You know, the one that occurred on a global scale?

Meaning some things would have happened that don't normally happen.

The Devonian was dominated by extinct armored fishes known as placoderms.

View attachment 4645

The question is why would a worldwide Noah flood wipe out this group of fish since they were both marine and freshwater dwellers.

Because of the amount of sediments being put down rapidly. That's why.

"After each extinction event, there appears to have been a distinct adaptive radiation of organisms to occupy the vacated habitats. A classic example of this is the prolific radiation of mammals after the extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous."

View attachment 4649

The above shows the mass extinctions and adaptive radiations throughout the geologic column.

All which are just as easily explained (if not more easily explained) by the flood depositing the entire geologic column in less than a year.

This is what Darwinist evolutionists say.

Which you seem to have a hard time disagreeing with.

But I believe that each adaptive radiation was a creation event.

Based on what evidence? Definitely not the Bible, or Jesus, Who says that He created Man at the beginning.

What God did 6000 years ago with Adam and Eve and the modern biota, so He did many times before in earth's history.

Again, contrary to what Jesus said.

I consider it utterly rubbish for evolutionists to claim that empty niches accelerates evolution.

Just as we consider it utterly rubbish for you to say that there has been billions of years of creation and destruction prior to God creating man.

Just as life does not come from non life, neither do completely new animals come from completely different ones.

Well we at least agree on that much!

Thus the heavens declare the glory of God


in showing it is 13.5 billion years old


(old red-shifted light)

Clete has addressed this sufficiently.

likewise the firmament shows His handiwork


in the multiple creations.


God created man at the beginning. Not after billions of years. He says so Himself.

And if todays biota only represents 1% of what has ever been,

What evidence do you have to support this?

and todays life is magnificent, then every extinct animal also proclaims the glory of God.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You do understand that there is disagreement as to what constitutes a species. It's an ambiguous term. And I'm not saying that "kind" is perfectly defined either, but it is used in God's Word.
A "kind" is all of the organisms that are descended from a common ancestor population.

There are about 14 distinct uses for the word "species."