ECT How can there be a another Gospel based on Gal. 1:22 ? The faith Paul once destroy ?


New member
You spoke of "the" gospel, meaning only "one" gospel. Do you deny that?

THE gospel OF CHRIST consists of TWO Aspects.

One ASPECT of THE gospel OF CHRIST was Prophesied (that He was/is Israel's PROPHESIED Christ) as proven by His RESURRECTION.

The OTHER ASPECT of THE gospel OF CHRIST was A MYSTERY (that He would ALSO be The Head of A NEW Creature) made possible by His RESURRECTION.

And BOTH ASPECTS of THE gospel OF CHRIST ACCOMPLISH THE forgiveness of sins, as proven by His RESURRECTION.

In BOTH ASPECTS, it is NOT of works, lest ANY man should boast.

BOTH Aspects made possible THROUGH The Son...

Romans 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. 3:29 Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: 3:30 Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith.

Romans 4:16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
THE gospel OF CHRIST consists of TWO Aspects.

The Greek word translated "gospel" means "good news."

The "good news" of Christ that the Lord Jesus died for our sins is not the same "good news" of Christ that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

Are you willing to argue that a person is saved just by believing in just "one aspect" of the "good news" of Christ?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You are more than confused since there is only "ONE" gospel in scripture.

=there is only one piece of good news in scripture-satanic assertion, confirming that he does not understand the meaning of the term, "gospel," which merely means "good news"-the context, yes, does tell us what "good news" is being discussed, and the good news discussed, is not always about, is often times not about, salvation.

For eg., as asked, for months: Explain the content of the good news/gospel Judas preached, as he "followed Jesus" for almost 3 years. Go ahead-specifics. Luke 9:6 KJV. Go on record anfd tell us that Judas preached:

"Hey, everyone!!!!!The Master is going to die for my/our sins, and be raised for our justification!!!! Believe this good news/gospel, as I did, and preach, to be saved!!!!! Well, gotta go.....My broker, Dr. Dewey Cheatem, is telling me to buy silver, at market........"

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
PJ either there is only one gospel or scripture is wrong , and I do not believe scripture is wrong; therefore, the obvious conclusion is YOU are wrong.

False dichotomy.

You satanically assert "saint Judas," per the scripture Luke 9:6 KJV. Read it, kid, instead of reading what others say the bible teaches.

The obvious conclusion is YOU are wrong.

Fun! See Spot run. Run to Jane, Spot! Run, Spot, run!!!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
How many good newses do you know that pertain to salvation ? Hint:there is only one and His name is Jesus.

You make a pretty good parrot , sadly.

That is slick.....real slick....Look, kid, you did not argue only one "good newses do you know that pertain to salvation." You argued "one gospel"=one piece of good news in the bible, so to whom do you think you are speaking on TOL? Your uncle Joe, whoosa movin' kinda slow, or your Aunt Sally?

Deception.....Let me guess-one of your other "MO"'s-"it says the same thing."


New member
The Greek word translated "gospel" means "good news."

The "good news" of Christ that the Lord Jesus died for our sins is not the same "good news" of Christ that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

Are you willing to argue that a person is saved just by believing in just "one aspect" of the "good news" of Christ?

You have turned salvation into a formula,void of faith, that does NOT exist in scripture.

Another words you teach " another gospel", and If I remember right Paul had something to say about "another gospel".

Door number 1 or door number 2 according to Jerryology while scripture teaches there is only ONE door.

Your beliefs contradict what Jesus taught,sadly.

Jhn 10:9
I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.


Jesus said, “I am the door” (John 10:9). Every building I’ve ever been in has an entrance somewhere. The Kingdom of God also has an entrance. It is Jesus Christ. Jesus was probably familiar with doors because He was the son of a carpenter. He had probably made many doors. Now, a building may have many doors. But God has only one door to His Kingdom, and that door is Jesus Christ.


New member
When I saw this earlier today, I said to myself, "That's gonna' bring confusion."

Perhaps it may bring confusion to some; I'll give you that much.

Nevertheless, God has a TWO-Fold (plural) Purpose (singular) in His ONE Son.

The gospel of God - concerning His Son (gospel of Christ) - has an aspect that was Prophesied (Christ as Believing Israel's Messiah) and an aspect that had been a Mystery (Christ as Head of a New Creature: the Body of Christ).

The preaching of Jesus Christ as Prophesied; and the Preaching of Jesus in accordance with the revelation of the Mystery.

Salvation is just a side benefit of God's Plan and Purpose in His Son by the Spirit through both said Twin Agency.

The Cross accomplished the Redemption of the members of Both Agencies, and His Resurrection from the dead bears witness that He accomplished said Redemption.

One Agency: Believing sons of Jacob as His Prophesied Royal Priesthood over the Nations of this Earth.

The Other Agency: A Once Kept Secret New Creature comprised out of Believing; formerly lost Jews and Gentiles this side of Unbelieving Israel's fall and temporary setting aside.

This Other Agency will reign over the Heavenly Host.

The finishing up and fullness of the One Agency (Israel) is on hold.

The Other Agency (the Body) is what He is accomplishing now.

That is the division: not so called various gospels.

Said seeming various gospels are nothing more than labels meant to indicate the existence of one or another aspect of those Two Aspects of God's Plan and Purpose: Prophecy and Mystery.


New member
Indeed, the gospel of Christ was exclusive to Paul.
Danoh is wrong and bringing confusion.

You are talking about the ONE GOSPEL Peter preached before Paul did right !

Gal 1:22 And was unknown by face unto the churches of Judaea which were in Christ:

Gal 1:23 But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.

You do understand things that are the same are the same right ?


Well-known member
Just believe what is clearly written.

Hi and Peter said that there are some that are TWISTING , what Paul had written and were all FAKE NEWS and RUMORS of his ministry as written in Gal 1:23 and the Greek word HEARING / RUMORS is what you are also HEARING on this forum !!

dan p

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Said seeming various gospels are nothing more than labels meant to indicate the existence of one or another aspect of those Two Aspects of God's Plan and Purpose: Prophecy and Mystery.

Both instances of the "good news" of Christ by itself results in salvation to everyone who believes.

According to your strange ideas a person is saved by just believing "one aspect" of the good news of Christ.


New member
Both instances of the "good news" of Christ by itself results in salvation to everyone who believes.

According to your strange ideas a person is saved by just believing "one aspect" of the good news of Christ.

The two "different aspects" you posted are the same sadly you cannot understand that !

Jerry do you even have a clue how anyone gets saved ? From all your gibberish and twisting it sure looks like you do NOT. You have turned salvation into a before and after Paul which Jesus, no prophet,no Apostle ,nor any disciple of Jesus in ALL of recorded history has done. It takes faith placed in the right person and has NOTHING to do with before and after Paul, and everything to do with before and after Jesus.

Folks are saved when they BELIEVE what Jesus taught about Himself( D.B.R. and ascension ) and when they place their faith in His finished work as payment for their own guilt and sins they have committed against God.You know the same "faith" Paul preached of those he sought to destroy as Galatians explains.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Jerry do you even have a clue how anyone gets saved ?

I have already explained how and as usual you just close your eyes to the truth.

Those who believe the good news which is centered on the fact that the Lord Jesus died for our sins is saved (1 Cor.15:1-5).

Those who believe the good news that the Lord Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, are saved (Jn.20:31;1 Jn.5:105).

All you prove over and over is the fact that you cannot understand these simple things.

Somewhere in your unbelieving heart you came up with the silly idea that the gospel which the Twelve were preaching at Luke 9:6 is the same gospel which declares that Christ died for our sins even though at Luke 9:6 the Twelve didn't even know that the Lord Jesus was going to die!

Stupidity on a grand scale!!!