Honey to Trump:. Stop the Drain the swamp biz or face impeachment


If Trump was serious about "draining the swamp," why would he appoint so many millionaires and billionaires to his cabinet?

Trump has appointed people to his cabinet that were Obama appointees; some are good ole boys from the Republican Establishment, and then there's the guy who is tight with Jew hating/neo Nazi Alt Right movement.

So much for draining the swamp.

patrick jane

A president who thinks that he's above the rules is the last thing that conservatives should be supporting!

If Trump was serious about "draining the swamp," why would he appoint so many millionaires and billionaires to his cabinet?

His support of Trumpcare and placing a cap on Medicaid punishes millions of those who voted for him.

Trump's recent budget also strips away many of the programs that benefit the poor and the working class.

Funnelling $600 billion into the pockets of the 1% is hardly what one would expect from someone claiming to "drain the swamp!"
You obviously absorb Fake News

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Draining the swamp refers to removing politicians that use government to redistribute wealth, which is described in a tyrant way in the Bible.

Hiring Billionaires who know how to make money through standard barter are just what is needed.


New member
Draining the swamp refers to removing politicians that use government to redistribute wealth, which is described in a tyrant way in the Bible.

Hiring Billionaires who know how to make money through standard barter are just what is needed.

Do you think there's a single person alive today who can claim to be a billionaire without being the beneficiary of any redistribution of wealth?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Do you think there's a single person alive today who can claim to be a billionaire without being the beneficiary of any redistribution of wealth?

Yes. I said barter, that is voluntary exchange. Welfare from taxes is not voluntary. Apple and Microsoft have made billions because I willingly buy their products. You raging idiot.


New member
Yes. I said barter, that is voluntary exchange. Welfare from taxes is not voluntary. Apple and Microsoft have made billions because I willingly buy their products. You raging idiot.

Apple and Microsoft are companies, not individuals, and they represent the work product of thousands of people. And even so, they are the beneficiaries of a lot of government spending.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, I know, treason is so funny...
Do you know what treason even is?

Should madonna and a ton of whiney thugs torching businesses/cars/campuses over trump be thrown in jail for treason too? Are those things funny?

noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons

the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.


New member
Do you know what treason even is?

Should madonna and a ton of whiney thugs torching businesses/cars/campuses over trump be thrown in jail for treason too? Are those things funny?

noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons

the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

In the context of the United States, it's very specifically defined:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

Conspiring with the Russians, a clear enemy of the United States, to advance their intelligence operations against the United States, to break our laws seems to obviously fit that definition.


New member
Then the whole world is an enemy.

Name another country with US weapons currently pointed at it, nuclear and conventional.

Name another country which US troops sit in other countries ready to counter on a moment's notice.

And then tell me that country is not an enemy.


New member
Treason? Now that is funny coming from the guy that voted for the woman who was an actual traitor, she got a pass for it but, she was guilty as hell, now you want throw the word around based upon this wannabe case, based on wannabe facts....Please. :chuckle:

Specifically, with whom do you think Secretary Clinton committed treason? What was the nature of her crime?