Homosexuality will destroy this and any country and needs to be recriminalized


New member
You mean facts


1. For some perverted lusts and sex many will spend eternity in hell as per God's condemnation.

2. same sex in UN-natural.

3. Same sex is nasty.

4. Men placing their body parts in fecal matter is UN-natural and perverted.

5. Those into same sex have NO relationship with nor do they know God.

6. Same sex participants are controlled by Satan.

7. Satan comes to steal,kill, and destroy as evidenced by the satanic actions of those living in same sex relationships.

8. The only hope for those trapped in the abomination of same sex is to repent and seek God.


Well-known member
Jesus never once spoke of homosexuals. He did however speak about inhospitality and hatred of others.
Just as in the other thread, Ray McIntyre is into excusing behavior and recreating ethics in his own image. You are completely wrong and really do not understand scriptures. When I say 'unchristian' I don't know your saved status but you 1) Don't express His thoughts, but rather express fleshly excusing behavior and 2) Don't give any advice or opinions that could be seen as relating to Christ. Whether you know Him or not, you certainly don't know Him well and are WAY more concerned about homosexuals than theology, scripture, or Him. You are foolish in your catering to sexual behavior and/or identity. The Apostle Paul and the Lord Jesus Christ clearly said it was better to not marry. Jesus to His disciples concerning the trouble with marriage, Paul, according to the lusts of the flesh and concerns of flesh regarding marriage. Both verdicts were that it is better to remain single. Once that very spiritual threshold is crossed, a need for 'sexual' activity is not a need after all. I remained celibate until my marriage. I didn't explode. I knew what scripture said and desired to follow it. It wasn't that hard. You insanely believe that anything in the flesh can become our 'identity.' :nono: Absolutely not. You, sir, are stuck in the flesh and give advice from it. It is sin. You advocate sin, Ray. It is horrible ungodly comment and advice.


Well-known member

1. For some perverted lusts and sex many will spend eternity in hell as per God's condemnation.

2. same sex in UN-natural.

3. Same sex is nasty.

4. Men placing their body parts in fecal matter is UN-natural and perverted.

5. Those into same sex have NO relationship with nor do they know God.

6. Same sex participants are controlled by Satan.

7. Satan comes to steal,kill, and destroy as evidenced by the satanic actions of those living in same sex relationships.

8. The only hope for those trapped in the abomination of same sex is to repent and seek God.
Nope. Your rant is both profoundly non compassionate and deeply unbiblical.

Sent from my SM-A500Y using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Just as in the other thread, Ray McIntyre is into excusing behavior and recreating ethics in his own image. You are completely wrong and really do not understand scriptures. When I say 'unchristian' I don't know your saved status but you 1) Don't express His thoughts, but rather express fleshly excusing behavior and 2) Don't give any advice or opinions that could be seen as relating to Christ. Whether you know Him or not, you certainly don't know Him well and are WAY more concerned about homosexuals than theology, scripture, or Him. You are foolish in your catering to sexual behavior and/or identity. The Apostle Paul and the Lord Jesus Christ clearly said it was better to not marry. Jesus to His disciples concerning the trouble with marriage, Paul, according to the lusts of the flesh and concerns of flesh regarding marriage. Both verdicts were that it is better to remain single. Once that very spiritual threshold is crossed, a need for 'sexual' activity is not a need after all. I remained celibate until my marriage. I didn't explode. I knew what scripture said and desired to follow it. It wasn't that hard. You insanely believe that anything in the flesh can become our 'identity.' :nono: Absolutely not. You, sir, are stuck in the flesh and give advice from it. It is sin. You advocate sin, Ray. It is horrible ungodly comment and advice.
Rot and nonsense. You preach hatred in the name of God ignoring all else. You and those like you are Pharisees, you wash the outside of the cup and ignore the inside.

Sent from my SM-A500Y using Tapatalk


New member

1. For some perverted lusts and sex many will spend eternity in hell as per God's condemnation.

2. same sex in UN-natural.

3. Same sex is nasty.

4. Men placing their body parts in fecal matter is UN-natural and perverted.

5. Those into same sex have NO relationship with nor do they know God.

6. Same sex participants are controlled by Satan.

7. Satan comes to steal,kill, and destroy as evidenced by the satanic actions of those living in same sex relationships.

8. The only hope for those trapped in the abomination of same sex is to repent and seek God.

Those might be your facts, but they most certainly aren't mine. Along with a dislike of opinions I also despise it when people make presumptions about what I understand and trust.

Homosexuality is not a choice, it is not a disease, it is a curse due to judgement from on High:

Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

It is a judgement on society primarily for the sins of injustice and irreverence. To wipe out the degrading lusts and practice of homosexuals it is society that needs to repent.

Now these are examples of facts. You should try it sometime.

PS for examples of injustice and irreverence just read the some of the threads on TOL.


Well-known member
Rot and nonsense. You preach hatred in the name of God ignoring all else. You and those like you are Pharisees, you wash the outside of the cup and ignore the inside.

Excellent post! :)
I have never posted on any of these hate-filled and prejudiced threads before..... didn't weant to debase myself..... but an exchange of words with a Gay-Hating-Maniac on another thread has finally motivated me to join one of these debates, so here I am. :)

The problem with Homophobic Maniacs is that they do not understand the main objective of the 613 OT laws at all, and I don't think that they want to........ all the time that they can point away from themselves to some perceived evil they don't have to face the truth about themselves, methinks.

The first lesson for the 'Homaniacs' is that they need to separate 'Sin' from 'Evil'. In Moses' Laws any breach of any laws was 'Sinful'. And Sin could lead to various kinds of 'Sickness'. Sickness could be: Breakdown of Tribal Cohesion, Illhealth, Lost battles, Infertlilty, Rampant Disease, Starvation, etc, and every single one of the 613 protected against these conditions, secured the Israelites, made them stronger than all around.

Today many of these laws still need to be upheld but some are redundant. Jesuis definitely made 96 of them redundant as a main objective (sacrificial rules and laws). Although Jesus repealed the Old Covenant and re-affirmed those still required into the New Covenant, the Homaniacs dart from one Covenant to the other in desperate search for any writings which can be cobbled together in support of their particular perversions about their homophobias.

But they don't seem to give a 'hoot' for the scores and scores of current rules and laws!!! Amazing!

Saxon Hammer

New member
I thought I would chime in here and say that the Philosophy offers ONLY the Marriage of a man and a woman as moral.

I cannot edit my own posts!!! The above is a typo and leads to an incorrect interpretation - I need to be more careful - SORRY

I thought I would chime in here and say that Philosophy offers ONLY the Marriage of a man and a woman as moral.
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New member

1. For some perverted lusts and sex many will spend eternity in hell as per God's condemnation.

2. same sex in UN-natural.

3. Same sex is nasty.

4. Men placing their body parts in fecal matter is UN-natural and perverted.

5. Those into same sex have NO relationship with nor do they know God.

6. Same sex participants are controlled by Satan.

7. Satan comes to steal,kill, and destroy as evidenced by the satanic actions of those living in same sex relationships.

8. The only hope for those trapped in the abomination of same sex is to repent and seek God.

your sad opinions are noted, but that is all they are, opinions


New member
Just as in the other thread, Ray McIntyre is into excusing behavior and recreating ethics in his own image. You are completely wrong and really do not understand scriptures.
How fortunate that you do.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." Susan B. Anthony


New member
Those might be your facts, but they most certainly aren't mine. Along with a dislike of opinions I also despise it when people make presumptions about what I understand and trust.

Homosexuality is not a choice, it is not a disease, it is a curse due to judgement from on High:

Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

It is a judgement on society primarily for the sins of injustice and irreverence. To wipe out the degrading lusts and practice of homosexuals it is society that needs to repent.

Now these are examples of facts. You should try it sometime.

PS for examples of injustice and irreverence just read the some of the threads on TOL.

Just like being black is a curse. Gen 9:20-27


New member
Those might be your facts, but they most certainly aren't mine. Along with a dislike of opinions I also despise it when people make presumptions about what I understand and trust.

Homosexuality is not a choice, it is not a disease, it is a curse due to judgement from on High:

Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

It is a judgement on society primarily for the sins of injustice and irreverence. To wipe out the degrading lusts and practice of homosexuals it is society that needs to repent.

Now these are examples of facts. You should try it sometime.

PS for examples of injustice and irreverence just read the some of the threads on TOL.

God does not curse people to become homosexuals or lesbians ;however,God condemns those in same sex as abominable.

I have no clue what you are talking about when you said "I also despise it when people make presumptions about what I understand and trust". Do you see your name in my post ?

FYI, God gave them over to "their"sinful lust God did not give them that sinful lust He cursed them because they gave into their own sinful lust.


New member
Nope. Your rant is both profoundly non compassionate and deeply unbiblical.

Sent from my SM-A500Y using Tapatalk

It is both compassionate and biblical !

Is it compassionate to sit and watch people drop off into eternal hell and not warn them ?

You might want to read Romans chapter 1 ! God calls those in same sex "abominable" and curses them with a reprobate mind. Do you even know what a reprobate is you might want to look up the definition .A reprobate is a person UN-able to make a sound judgement and that is what most into same sex have is a reprobate mind and that is how they justify their perversion !
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Well-known member
How fortunate that you do.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." Susan B. Anthony

your sad opinions are noted, but that is all they are, opinions

Just like being black is a curse. Gen 9:20-27
Trolling and pointless. To report or not to report.... :think:

Stop being forgettable and irrelevant.


Well-known member
Rot and nonsense.
That is what I said.

You preach hatred in the name of God ignoring all else.
:nono: I have these sad people in my family. I see that it is killing them. You are the one who hasn't a clue and goes against scripture.

Notice every one that gave you rep are not Christians. They are unbelievers. Of course they agree with you. You are on one side, I'm on the other. There is love lost. I hate seeing relatives die for their choices in the flesh. You? Celebrate it. You hate them and hate God because of it. Sorry, fact.

You and those like you are Pharisees, you wash the outside of the cup and ignore the inside.
Oh zinger! There's the old "Hitler" and "Pharisee" fallacy all over again. :dizzy: :plain: :yawn:


Well-known member
Excellent post! :)
Oh Joy. Another one who hates the Lord Jesus and the word of God, ready to dive in with inane pile-on and mindless street demonstration.
Your idea of 'excellence' is mediocre at best. Sure, I touched a nerve. People who don't love God hate being told they don't. Especially when what little devotion of their life is feigned that direction. If it applies to Ray, then it certainly applies to your dismal efforts and concepts of 'excellence' too. You can come to Christ or not.
I have never posted on any of these hate-filled and prejudiced threads before.....
Just hated from afar. :up: "Excellent." :yawn: No, it wasn't excellent. You just took personal insult from mine. Good. I meant it.

didn't weant to debase myself.....
So you did anyway? :doh: Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you care about what He says? Those who live in the flesh and give provision for the flesh are guess what? Still in the flesh. Scripture says so, not me. Is telling you or Ray that your thoughts are not in Christ, hate? :nono: Not at all. I have 'gay' relatives. They are going to die in their flesh and sins. You who support that? I have to wonder that you would ever think you are a Christian.

but an exchange of words with a Gay-Hating-Maniac on another thread has finally motivated me to join one of these debates, so here I am. :)
Yes I hate all acts in the flesh. Do I hate my own relatives? :nono: I simply say it is death. Nothing to celebrate. Nothing to support. The Centers for health in disease still report that it is destructive to lives. Still is responsible for mental malady. Still is wrought exponentially with disease. "IF" you support that, you are not only "not smart" and duped, you are ungodly for it.

The problem with Homophobic Maniacs
:nono: Let me stop you right there. Part of my family. Not part of yours. You haven't the first clue what you are talking about and prognosticate the television media line as if it ever made sense. It was always inept.
is that they do not understand the main objective of the 613 OT laws at all, and I don't think that they want to........ all the time that they can point away from themselves to some perceived evil they don't have to face the truth about themselves, methinks.
You think wrongly, hatefully (you are the one that hates my relatives, actually and don't know saying 'no' is often 'good') ignorantly.

The first lesson for the 'Homaniacs' is that they need to separate 'Sin' from 'Evil'. In Moses' Laws any breach of any laws was 'Sinful'. And Sin could lead to various kinds of 'Sickness'. Sickness could be: Breakdown of Tribal Cohesion, Illhealth, Lost battles, Infertlilty, Rampant Disease, Starvation, etc, and every single one of the 613 protected against these conditions, secured the Israelites, made them stronger than all around.
No, this is you ignorantly making excusing behavior so that my relatives can die 'with your blessing.' Thanks for nothing. Your indifference is as hate to me. I do 'hate' indifference and cavalier attitude. I don't care how childishly adults called for rights. It is behavior that will and does harm them and others.

Today many of these laws still need to be upheld but some are redundant. Jesuis definitely made 96 of them redundant as a main objective (sacrificial rules and laws). Although Jesus repealed the Old Covenant and re-affirmed those still required into the New Covenant, the Homaniacs dart from one Covenant to the other in desperate search for any writings which can be cobbled together in support of their particular perversions about their homophobias.
Yours is the perversion. You are supporting acts of the flesh above and beyond acts of the Spirit or the needs of the Spirit. I don't condemn the unspiritual. They are stuck there. I don't hate them at all. I do hate when people who should 'know better' don't know better and speak from arrogance, ignorance, and indulgence of the flesh. So yeah, not harsh with homosexuals: Harsh with you guys and gals who condone it and hate homosexuals more than I ever will or can by your damaging ingnorance, arrogance, and pronouncements from carnal flesh instead of the Spirit of God.

But they don't seem to give a 'hoot' for the scores and scores of current rules and laws!!! Amazing!
Man's laws? No. I don't really appreciate rules and laws that ignorantly allow harm to other human beings. :nono:
