Homosexuality will destroy this and any country and needs to be recriminalized

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
from the CDC:


CDC’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey is a first-of-its-kind study geared to determine the difference between the victimization of men and women by sexual orientation. The results show that men and women involved in homosexual behavior undergo much higher rates of sexual violence than men and women who are heterosexual.

Surprising to many, homosexual women experience more violence than men. According to the study, a whopping 44 percent of lesbians were either raped, experienced physical abuse, and/or were stalked by their intimate partners during their lifetime. Even more shockingly, 61 percent of bisexual women endured such violence from their partners




New member
So why are you silent on abominations such as allowing the handicapped into churches or wearing poly cotton blend shirts or putting up Christmas trees?

Selective reading of scripture and out of context translation of scripture purposely to support perversion just means you are deceived nothing more.
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New member
1) I gave you 3 links. Three of them. All you had to do was look.
2) Ignoring truth, doesn't and cannot make them 'false.'

Your head is in the sand, not mine. As long as we are not looking at the CDC or the CHD.gov sites, we can make it up as we go? :doh:
Oh I did look at them. I'm sure you didn't though.

lets go look together

Here are your links:

They are not wrong. cdc.gov cdc.ca cdc.eu Facts are facts. There is no disputing facts.
and your claims:

I just read more stats from Canada last month: Still dying 20 years+ before the rest of society.

1/3 of all kids in same-sex homes still are abused.

what we find in your links are pages of links. this is never helpful.

SO wen we go through these pages link by link what we don't find is any thing saying homosexuals life expectancy is 20 years less than heterosexuals
and we don't find any thing saying 1/3 of all kids in same-sex homes still are abused.

The closest any of these links get is here an article published in 2002 which does say: did mention a 20 year differnece in lifespans for HIV infected individuals but went on to say "The research findings suggest an important association between poverty, behaviors that place people at risk of HIV infection and both disease progression and life expectancy once infected. The reason very likely is that poverty, and the educational and other consequences of poverty, limit the choices available to people and compromise their ability to avoid high-risk situations. Some low-income people, for example, cannot afford even condoms while others may have to engage in commercial sex as a survival strategy.


Well-known member
Oh I did look at them. I'm sure you didn't though.
No. As a matter of FACT, you are not. Snarky and inane and a slackard is what you are.

lets go look together

Here are your links:

and your claims:

what we find in your links are pages of links. this is never helpful.
:doh: Start here If you CAN'T see it is a destructive lifestyle or find any of my percentages, you are inept.
Half of all black homosexuals are HIV positive. Half of all HIV cases consist of 1% of the population (male homosexuals).
Next go here

SO wen we go through these pages...
You might as well say "no TOL, I cannot research on my own OR cannot/will not report facts or truth because for me and the rest of the liberal world, we put our fingers in our eyes and ears and can't be bothered."

link by link what we don't find is any thing saying homosexuals life expectancy is 20 years less than heterosexuals
Huh, I found it.
and we don't find any thing saying 1/3 of all kids in same-sex homes still are abused.
Huh, I found it. Both of these from CDC.ca

While not .gov, Oxford (CDC.ca) has published statistics clearly tying homosexual identity with 20 years of loss. 40+ btw, if they contract aids, though medicine, at great expense from taxes, is reducing that.
Next? You are going to give me 'your' findings and then try to explain them away:

"Oh, they are just poor people, nobody cares about them!"

What are you? Rich and gay? Sorry, open your eyes. It is a destructive behavior. the .gov .ca .eu all tell you it is. You? Don't care. :nono:

You are going to GREAT lengths to obfuscate. Why?

The closest any of these links get is here an article published in 2002 which does say: did mention a 20 year differnece in lifespans for HIV infected individuals but went on to say "The research findings suggest an important association between poverty, behaviors that place people at risk of HIV infection and both disease progression and life expectancy once infected. The reason very likely is that poverty, and the educational and other consequences of poverty, limit the choices available to people and compromise their ability to avoid high-risk situations. Some low-income people, for example, cannot afford even condoms while others may have to engage in commercial sex as a survival strategy.
It is the 'closest' because you aren't great at doing term-papers or published papers, apparently. Why didn't you just say so? I didn't know you were incapable of I might have done it for you. You can't turn it in for your own grade though. It'd be an unfair "A."


New member
Hall of Fame
You did not read? You have no response in post on my reading from the same quoted passages as yours. This IS my reference at this time NOT your references as I said are limited.

No, i did not go read your link, this is a discussion board, when i link to something, i quote the relevant information here with my link, you should do the same, its not up to me to search your information for relevant discussion, its YOUR responsibility in a debate to cite your information here.


New member
No. As a matter of FACT, you are not. Snarky and inane and a slackard is what you are.

:doh: Start here If you CAN'T see it is a destructive lifestyle or find any of my percentages, you are inept.

Nothing here says homosexuals are" Still dying 20 years+ before the rest of society."

and nothing here says that "1/3 of all kids in same-sex homes still are abused."

Half of all black homosexuals are HIV positive. Half of all HIV cases consist of 1% of the population (male homosexuals).
Next go here
nothing to support your claims here either.

But your link did state this truth: "LGBT individuals face health disparities linked to societal stigma, discrimination, and denial of their civil and human rights. Discrimination against LGBT persons has been associated with high rates of psychiatric disorders,1 substance abuse,2, 3 and suicide.4 Experiences of violence and victimization are frequent for LGBT individuals, and have long-lasting effects on the individual and the community."

You might as well say "no TOL, I cannot research on my own OR cannot/will not report facts or truth because for me and the rest of the liberal world, we put our fingers in our eyes and ears and can't be bothered."
I'm saying is your claims have no support

Huh, I found it.
Yet you don't directly link it or even cite the research.

While not .gov, Oxford (CDC.ca) has published statistics clearly tying homosexual identity with 20 years of loss. 40+ btw, if they contract aids, though medicine, at great expense from taxes, is reducing that.
Next? You are going to give me 'your' findings and then try to explain them away:

Do you remember way back when you first started posting your garbage you made this claim and i wanted to know:

Was this the study done my Robert Hogg? Please say it was, I love it when people try to use this one.

It WAS by Robert Hogg.

It turns out that Dr. Hogg and his associates found out that a few hate groups were misrepresenting their research by saying that their research shows homosexuals die 20 years earlier than heterosexuals.

Dear Dr. George Davey Smith:
Over the past several months I have received correspondence from a number of people regarding a paper I wrote with Mr. Craib and Drs. Montaner, O'Shaughnessy, Schechter, and Strathdee in the International Journal of Epidemiology on the gay and bisexual life expectancy in Vancouver in the late 1980s and early 1990s. From this correspondence it appears that our research is being used by select groups in United States and other countries to suggest that gay and bisexual men live an unhealthy lifestyle that is destructive to themselves and to others. These homophobic groups appear more interested in restricting the human rights of gay and bisexuals rather than promoting their health and wellbeing.

It is essential to note that the life expectancy of any population is a descriptive and not a prescriptive measure. Death is a product of the way a person lives and what physical and environmental hazards he or she faces every day. It cannot be attributed solely to their sexual orientation or any other ethnic or social factor. If estimates of an individual gay and bisexual man's risk of death is truly needed for legal or other purposes than persons making these estimates should use the same actuarial tables that are used for all other males in that population. Gay and bisexual men are included in the construction of official population-based tables and therefore these tables for all males are the appropriate ones to be used.

We recognize that the International Journal of Epidemiology does not publish letters to the editor. However, we would like to convey at least to you and the other journal staff that we do not condone the use of our research in this manner. We would hope that this message could be also conveyed to the subscribers of the journal. Copies of this letter will also be forwarded to individuals that have expressed concern about the way our work is being used to restrict the rights of gay and bisexuals.
KEVIN J.P. CRAIB, MMath, PhD (cand.)
International Journal of Epidemiology 2001 Vol 30. num.6, pg 1499

So the authors of the study you are using is saying you don't know what you are talking about.


Well-known member
So the authors of the study you are using is saying you don't know what you are talking about.

You missed the point that Canada published it 2015 from their CDC.ca as verified and accurate. Sorry to burst your little self-congratulatory. Canadian government uses it in 2015 as accurate to their findings. I could ONLY have pulled it up from .ca and I did. Too bad for you.


Well-known member
Homosexuality is the final and most egregious immorality a society can commit.
......but somehow it was not included in the Ten Commandments?...... X
We started it by allowing alcohol,
Jesus enjoyed wine with his meat, he turned water into wine!! ..... X
then smoking, then other drugs,....
Nope........ X
and then adultery.
Yes! Yes1...... You got one of the ten. ......... 1/10

Not bad..... for a start...... :D

............... That's also the reason that the punishment for openly practicing homosexuality is so severe in Islam.
Do you support Islam?

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them".
Ah..... so you still support the Old Testamrent Laws...?

They have already infected this country too deeply and there is nothing we can do about it.
What % of the Aids/HIvirus do you think that homosexuality is responsible for?


Well-known member
You missed the point that Canada published it 2015 from their CDC.ca as verified and accurate. Sorry to burst your little self-congratulatory. Canadian government uses it in 2015 as accurate to their findings. I could ONLY have pulled it up from .ca and I did. Too bad for you.

Save me from reading back...... ok?
What % of Aids/HIVirus do you think homosexuality ios responsible for?


New member
You missed the point that Canada published it 2015 from their CDC.ca as verified and accurate. Sorry to burst your little self-congratulatory. Canadian government uses it in 2015 as accurate to their findings. I could ONLY have pulled it up from .ca and I did. Too bad for you.

You really think they pulled up research data from the 1980's? :D

"From this correspondence it appears that our research is being used by select groups in United States and other countries to suggest that gay and bisexual men live an unhealthy lifestyle that is destructive to themselves and to others. These homophobic groups appear more interested in restricting the human rights of gay and bisexuals rather than promoting their health and wellbeing."


Well-known member
Save me from reading back...... ok?
What % of Aids/HIVirus do you think homosexuality ios responsible for?

Between averse sexual activity and needles, it makes up over 70% of all HIV. The CDC.gov is clear on this with lots of charts and medical reports.

It isn't what I 'think.' It is what is reported. You can 'think' as you like. It doesn't change .gov information.

See here, look at the bibliography


Well-known member
Between averse sexual activity and needles, it makes up over 70% of all HIV. The CDC.gov is clear on this with lots of charts and medical reports.

It isn't what I 'think.' It is what is reported. You can 'think' as you like. It doesn't change .gov information.

If you trust all gov info then that's fine.
Now........ does this gov info separate av.sex.act and needles?
If so, does gov info separate gay,av,secact and hetero,av,sex,acts?

I'm simply looking for a % of homosexuality that is found to be responsible for HIV/Aids.
By the way, in the UK a significant % of Diabetes, HIV, Aids has been traced back to blood transfusions, but that's 'on the side'

So, what the % for Gay Sex in your country?


Well-known member
You really think they pulled up research data from the 1980's? :D
1) 2005 from the report I posted. Wherever else it came from, it was linked directly from CDC.ca
2) CDC linked it in their 2015 post.
3) Look above. That bibliography is all from .gov .edu sites.

"From this correspondence it appears that our research is being used by select groups in United States and other countries to suggest that gay and bisexual men live an unhealthy lifestyle that is destructive to themselves and to others. These homophobic groups appear more interested in restricting the human rights of gay and bisexuals rather than promoting their health and wellbeing."
From where? Link please.


Well-known member
If you trust all gov info then that's fine.
Now........ does this gov info separate av.sex.act and needles?
If so, does gov info separate gay,av,secact and hetero,av,sex,acts?

I'm simply looking for a % of homosexuality that is found to be responsible for HIV/Aids.
By the way, in the UK a significant % of Diabetes, HIV, Aids has been traced back to blood transfusions, but that's 'on the side'

So, what the % for Gay Sex in your country?
Look at the link. 50%


Well-known member

never heard that one before

Yep........ The UK National Health Service was importing blood from 'I don't know where' and over 4000 deaths have been traced back to these imports.

If you type ' NHS blood import scandal into google then several sites will feature the details.
But the UK was experiencing the spread of HIV from dentists, transfusions, and many other services.


Well-known member
Look at the link. 50%

Good.... so you saved me from having to scan thru the link...
So 50% of all HIV/Aids..... possibly Hepatitus ? in youir country has been traced back to Averse Homosexual Activity.
Now.... would I be right in saying that the higher the % of strong, loyal, lasting marriages.... so the lower the spread of such infections would be in the future?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yep........ The UK National Health Service was importing blood from 'I don't know where' and over 4000 deaths have been traced back to these imports.

If you type ' NHS blood import scandal into google then several sites will feature the details.
But the UK was experiencing the spread of HIV from dentists, transfusions, and many other services.

i was questioning the "diabetes"

i don't believe it's supposed to be infectious