Homosexuality selected because of societal function


New member
I do not need anyone to convince me out of my sexuality. I was born a man so because of studies I should conduct my life as a woman based on studies ?
Hmm... you understand that sexuality in the context we are talking about =/= gender, right?

I have often wondered why any man would want to be treated as a woman sexually. The only reasonable explanation I have ever found for that perversion and complete lack of common sense and abuse of nature is found in scripture.
No one would expect you to understand because you aren't gay. You are also continuing to confuse sexuality/sexual orientation with gender.

IF folks pervert nature and dishonor their own bodies do reputable studies make that some how OK ?
You are assuming that homosexuality is a distortion of nature, when it occurs naturally with other animals.


New member
Once gay, always gay.

Sadly, many have crossed the line of no return and are trapped for eternity in their sin as scripture says:

Rom 1:27
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Rom 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;


New member
Quetzal;4798431]Hmm... you understand that sexuality in the context we are talking about =/= gender, right?

The gender a person is born with is their orientation unless of course Satan and society persuade that person to go against their own sexual identity.

No one would expect you to understand because you aren't gay. You are also continuing to confuse sexuality/sexual orientation with gender.

You live in denial of the obvious, sadly.

You are assuming that homosexuality is a distortion of nature, when it occurs naturally with other animals.

All of nature has been corrupted by the fall of man caused by sin.

It is not really that complicated. A man having sex with another man is a perversion and complete lack of respect for himself or his partner as both are defiling themselves.

patrick jane

You are assuming that homosexuality is a distortion of nature, when it occurs naturally with other animals.
Being gay is not natural. We don't think like animals and we shouldn't behave like animals. Pointing to gay animals to justify booty sex between men and boys is sickening


New member
The gender a person is born with is their orientation...
I disagree, and so does anyone who has any relevant knowledge on the topic.

You live in denial of the obvious, sadly.
Not entirely, I go where the evidence points me to. Which is more than I can say for most on this forum.

All of nature has been corrupted by the fall of man caused by sin.

It is not really that complicated. A man having sex with another man is a perversion and complete lack of respect for himself or his partner as both are defiling themselves.
That is an opinion based on a system of beliefs that not everyone shares.


New member
Being gay is not natural. We don't think like animals and we shouldn't behave like animals. Pointing to gay animals to justify booty sex between men and boys is sickening
You cannot make the argument that homosexuality between two humans is against natural order if that same act occurs elsewhere in the very same order you are attempting to champion. The lack of consistency simply points to the contrary.


New member
Quetzal;4798446]I disagree, and so does anyone who has any relevant knowledge on the topic.

Since when does relevant knowledge disregard NATURE ?

Not entirely, I go where the evidence points me to. Which is more than I can say for most on this forum.

What evidence points to a man placing his body in fecal matter , or allowing another man to satisfy himself in another mans mouth ?

That is an opinion based on a system of beliefs that not everyone shares.

I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and am eternally grateful for His grace and power to deliver
folks from the trappings and power of sin.

Folks that do not believe in God are capable of doing the nastiest and most disguising things that the human mind can imagine as evidenced by the same sex life style, sadly.


New member
Since when does relevant knowledge disregard NATURE ?
You understand nature supports my argument, right? So, for me, they are one in the same.

What evidence points to a man placing his body in fecal matter , or allowing another man to satisfy himself in another mans mouth ?
There are numerous studies and abstracts about homosexuality, the causality, and the social implications behind it. You are one google search away from answering your own question.

I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and am eternally grateful for His grace and power to deliver
folks from the trappings and power of sin.

Folks that do not believe in God are capable of doing the nastiest and most disguising things that the human mind can imagine as evidenced by the same sex life style, sadly.
That is not exclusive to non-theist types. God fearing people are just as capable of terrible things.


New member
What evidence would convince you that homosexuality is a sexual disorder?
A series of recent, relevant studies conducted over a long time frame by reputable universities or third part agencies. A conclusive agreement by specialists in multiple fields and an overwhelming show of support to overturn the current consensus. These things would be a great start.

Do you believe any sexual act at all is disordered?
Yes. But as much as I know you love to bait and switch, let's remain focused and on topic, shall we?


Well-known member
A series of recent, relevant studies conducted over a long time frame by reputable universities or third part agencies. A conclusive agreement by specialists in multiple fields and an overwhelming show of support to overturn the current consensus. These things would be a great start.

A consensus of what, though?
What would these studies even look like?
How would you set up a study that could potentially find evidence that homosexuality is a disorder?

Yes. But as much as I know you love to bait and switch, let's remain focused and on topic, shall we?

I do? Ok.

This seems to be pretty on-topic, but if you say so...


New member
A consensus of what, though?
What would these studies even look like?
How would you set up a study that could potentially find evidence that homosexuality is a disorder?
Right now there is an overwhelming consensus that homosexuality is not a disorder. So if your position is that it is a disorder, your job is to present an argument, field a study, and garner a consensus that points in the other direction.


Well-known member
Right now there is an overwhelming consensus that homosexuality is not a disorder. So if your position is that it is a disorder,

But what is a sexual disorder?
Who defines that?

your job is to present an argument, field a study, and garner a consensus that points in the other direction.

I am asking what would be evidence that a particular sexual desire is disordered.

Maybe it would help if we had a definition of a sexual disorder, to start with.
Are any sexual desires disordered, in your opinion?

If so, how do you distinguish between a sexual desire that is disordered, and one that is not?


New member
But what is a sexual disorder?
Who defines that?

I am asking what would be evidence that a particular sexual desire is disordered.

Maybe it would help if we had a definition of a sexual disorder, to start with.
Are any sexual desires disordered, in your opinion?

If so, how do you distinguish between a sexual desire that is disordered, and one that is not?
You have introduced the term "sexual disorder" to the discussion. So... burden of proof rests with you. Not with me. :)


New member
Quetzal;4798477]You understand nature supports my argument, right? So, for me, they are one in the same.

Nature is not a good starting point. As I said in an earlier post "all" of nature is corrupted since man rebelled against God. Your starting POINT IS FAULTY.

For years and years the medical community wrote volumes on same sex and the general consensus was that same sex was a mental disease,and then comes along groups like act up and after YEARS they reversed themselves.

Can't you see that as the perversion spread and spread then and only then did the medical community reverse their studies ?

There are numerous studies and abstracts about homosexuality, the causality, and the social implications behind it. You are one google search away from answering your own question.

So you are basing your eternal life on studies done by fallible men that is not wise.

You still believe it is OK to place your body in fecal matter ? That is not only perversion it is UN-healthy.

All I can tell you is God loves you and has made a way for you to escape that sin.


Well-known member
You have introduced the term "sexual disorder" to the discussion. So... burden of proof rests with you. Not with me. :)

Burden to prove what?

I am asking if you consider any sexual desire at all to be disordered.

Don't overthink it.
Disordered just means "not working right." Right?

Certainly you must consider some desires to be disordered.
The desire to have sex with a duck, for example.
If someone experiences that desire, would you say their desire is disordered? Or is a duck the proper object of a human being's sexual desire?


New member
Need we forget it was you who introduced the very topic of nature when you said...

You have cornered yourself with your own logic, that is on you. Not me.

The only one trapped in a corner is YOU for trying to justify that which is a perversion of nature. Remember me saying all nature is corrupted ?

One of your responses was- You are assuming that homosexuality is a distortion of nature, when it occurs naturally with other animals.

Same sex in animals or humans is perversion.

Comparing humans to animals to justify perversion is a well laid trap by those who love their sin more than they love God.

IS any sex worth eternity in hell ? Your only recourse is to deny God who created you or justify your sin by denying God.

At some point in the sin of same sex God will give those who refuse His GRACE a reprobate mind. Do you even know what a reprobate is or what the word means ? Reprobate= unable to make a sound judgement. Now if God gives someone a reprobate mind where can they go for healing from being a reprobate ? Answer= they cannot ever be healed.


New member
Yes. But as much as I know you love to bait and switch, let's remain focused and on topic, shall we?
Certainly you must consider some desires to be disordered.
The desire to have sex with a duck, for example.
If someone experiences that desire, would you say their desire is disordered? Or is a duck the proper object of a human being's sexual desire?
It was only a matter of time, really. Has anyone told you that you are predictable? Might want to change it up sometimes. Keeps us godless heathens on our toes. ;)