Homosexuality selected because of societal function


New member
If you're straight then you could lust as much as you want you're still gonna be straight dude, simple as.

I can see you really have NO clue about how same sex starts. Same sex is NOT natural if it was there would be no human race.

Same sex is about lust and yielding to that lust which is called sin.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I can see you really have NO clue about how same sex starts. Same sex is NOT natural if it was there would be no human race.

Same sex is about lust and yielding to that lust which is called sin.

So, your 'argument' basically revolves around the following in effect:

Everyone is naturally inclined to be attracted to the opposite sex. If they entertain lust then somehow same sex attractions can occur.

Not only is that flat out untrue it's also just flat out insane. Hugh Hefner should be gay by your *logic*.



Sounds like you are saying that you personally couldn't choose to be gay. :think:

Like CC said- if you kill your conscious enough.

That's the perfect way to explain it, because that's exactly what happens. Now, I know your mind doesn't want to come to terms with such a thing, but that's the way it is.


New member
So, your 'argument' basically revolves around the following in effect:

Everyone is naturally inclined to be attracted to the opposite sex. If they entertain lust then somehow same sex attractions can occur.

Not only is that flat out untrue it's also just flat out insane. Hugh Hefner should be gay by your *logic*.


Rom 1:27
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Jas 1:14
But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

Jas 1:15
Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The correct answer is that SIN leads to homosexual attractions........
All people have disordered desires. Some people are addicts, others are gluttons, some are violents, etc. etc. Our disordered desires are part of our fallen nature. Same-sex attraction is just another disordered desire.

It is up to people to be the master of their disordered desires and order them to what God intended. The violent man must learn to be kind and loving. The glutton must learn to consume in moderation. The addict must abstain. The homosexual too must abstain.

And by the way, for all here: This is why ACW's threads on making "homosexuality" illegal are so stupid and ignorant. He, like the rest of us, and like homosexuals, all have disordered desires. Is the man prone to violence or gluttony any worse than the man prone to same-sex attraction? No, because all is sin, and as long as a man does not engage in his desires and not act upon them, then the manner or type of his disorder is irrelevant.
You mean we shouldn't allow our physical desires to define right and wrong? :idea:

Who woulda' thunk it. :)

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
So, your 'argument' basically revolves around the following in effect:

Everyone is naturally inclined to be attracted to the opposite sex. If they entertain lust then somehow same sex attractions can occur......

Its not an either or issue. Homosexuals are hard-wired that way. But at the same time, freaky people DO experiment also. So as much as I hate to admit it, dodge has a bit of a point for once in his sorry life.

However, for the most part, homosexuals suffer from the disorder of same-sex attraction. As I said:

"All people have disordered desires. Some people are addicts, others are gluttons, some are violents, etc. etc. Our disordered desires are part of our fallen nature. Same-sex attraction is just another disordered desire.

It is up to people to be the master of their disordered desires and order them to what God intended. The violent man must learn to be kind and loving. The glutton must learn to consume in moderation. The addict must abstain. The homosexual too must abstain.

And by the way, for all here: This is why ACW's threads on making "homosexuality" illegal are so stupid and ignorant. He, like the rest of us, and like homosexuals, all have disordered desires. Is the man prone to violence or gluttony any worse than the man prone to same-sex attraction? No, because all is sin, and as long as a man does not engage in his desires and not act upon them, then the manner or type of his disorder is irrelevant.


New member
CatholicCrusader;4798394]Its not an either or issue. Homosexuals are hard-wired that way. But at the same time, freaky people DO experiment also. So as much as I hate to admit it, dodge has a bit of a point for once in his sorry life.

However, for the most part, homosexuals suffer from the disorder of same-sex attraction. As I said:

"All people have disordered desires. Some people are addicts, others are gluttons, some are violents, etc. etc. Our disordered desires are part of our fallen nature. Same-sex attraction is just another disordered desire.

So this is how the RCC explains some of their priest molesting little boys "disordered desires"

Not that you accept or believe scripture scripture says YOU are wrong.

Rom 1:21
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Rom 1:22
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

Rom 1:24
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

Rom 1:25
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Rom 1:26

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:


New member
Its not an either or issue. Homosexuals are hard-wired that way. But at the same time, freaky people DO experiment also. So as much as I hate to admit it, dodge has a bit of a point for once in his sorry life.

However, for the most part, homosexuals suffer from the disorder of same-sex attraction. As I said:

"All people have disordered desires. Some people are addicts, others are gluttons, some are violents, etc. etc. Our disordered desires are part of our fallen nature. Same-sex attraction is just another disordered desire.

It is up to people to be the master of their disordered desires and order them to what God intended. The violent man must learn to be kind and loving. The glutton must learn to consume in moderation. The addict must abstain. The homosexual too must abstain.

And by the way, for all here: This is why ACW's threads on making "homosexuality" illegal are so stupid and ignorant. He, like the rest of us, and like homosexuals, all have disordered desires. Is the man prone to violence or gluttony any worse than the man prone to same-sex attraction? No, because all is sin, and as long as a man does not engage in his desires and not act upon them, then the manner or type of his disorder is irrelevant.
Would you be capable of making a compelling argument outside of a religious context? I don't expect you to, I am just curious.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Would you be capable of making a compelling argument outside of a religious context? I don't expect you to, I am just curious.

Absolutely I can. And if you has not asked me in such a snotty way I would. But since you want to be a jerk, you can search my old posts for my non-religious arguments.


New member
I can see you really have NO clue about how same sex starts. Same sex is NOT natural if it was there would be no human race.

Same sex is about lust and yielding to that lust which is called sin.

And that's why the 'pray the gay away' organizations are so successful. (that was sarcasm, they are complete failures)


New member
Like CC said- if you kill your conscious enough.

That's the perfect way to explain it, because that's exactly what happens. Now, I know your mind doesn't want to come to terms with such a thing, but that's the way it is.

My mind also likes evidence and logic...so it's no wonder I laugh every time you tell me the "truths" you know about orientation.


New member
Absolutely I can. And if you has not asked me in such a snotty way I would. But since you want to be a jerk, you can search my old posts for my non-religious arguments.
The irony if your statement is that you have no problem hashing out school yard insults, but the second you incorrectly assume someone is being mean to you, you shrink into your shell faster than a tortoise in the middle of the road.

At any rate, I would be interested in a summary, since I have no intention of sifting through your posts. But I will say that framing the homosexual argument inside an exclusive "christian" box is really lazy.


New member
And that's why the 'pray the gay away' organizations are so successful. (that was sarcasm, they are complete failures)

Many have come out of homosexuality and lesbianism, but sadly many love their "sin" more than God.


New member
Many have come out of homosexuality and lesbianism,
ex-gay organizations keep trying to sell that but none of them has ever been able to show any evidence to back up their claims.

The ex-gay march on Washington for example had less than ten people show up. Interestingly none of them were ex-gays.


New member
This assumes that sexuality is a choice to be made. An assumption that most reputable studies dismiss.

Everything we do is a choice. Most reputable studies done by whom ? Studies of people with a dog in the hunt ?

I do not need anyone to convince me out of my sexuality. I was born a man so because of studies I should conduct my life as a woman based on studies ?

I have often wondered why any man would want to be treated as a woman sexually. The only reasonable explanation I have ever found for that perversion and complete lack of common sense and abuse of nature is found in scripture.

IF folks pervert nature and dishonor their own bodies do reputable studies make that some how OK ?


New member
Everything we do is a choice. Most reputable studies done by whom ? Studies of people with a dog in the hunt ?
Actually it's all studies not most.

I do not need anyone to convince me out of my sexuality.
That would be impossible.

I was born a man so because of studies I should conduct my life as a woman based on studies ?

I have often wondered why any man would want to be treated as a woman sexually. The only reasonable explanation I have ever found for that perversion and complete lack of common sense and abuse of nature is found in scripture.
What are you talking about?

IF folks pervert nature and dishonor their own bodies do reputable studies make that some how OK ?
the studies are right, it's your position that is the problem.