Homosexuality selected because of societal function

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Rom 1:24
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

Um, that didn't answer anything whatsoever. Heterosexuals can entertain all sorts of lusts and promiscuity. They wouldn't become homosexual or be able to entertain homosexual attractions by way of.

Care to take another shot at answering on point?


New member
Um, that didn't answer anything whatsoever. Heterosexuals can entertain all sorts of lusts and promiscuity. They wouldn't become homosexual or be able to entertain homosexual attractions by way of.

Care to take another shot at answering on point?

Romans 1:24 answered the question obviously you cannot understand the scripture. Maybe this will help

Rom 1:26
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

Rom 1:27
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Romans 1:24 answered the question obviously you cannot understand the scripture. Maybe this will help

Rom 1:26
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

Rom 1:27
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

No, it didn't answer it at all.

Are you straight? By that I mean exclusively attracted to the opposite sex? If so, how can you possibly 'choose' to start finding your own gender sexually or intimately desirable? Could you choose to do that?


New member
No, it didn't answer it at all.

Are you straight? By that I mean exclusively attracted to the opposite sex? If so, how can you possibly 'choose' to start finding your own gender sexually or intimately desirable? Could you choose to do that?

If ANYONE wants to know their sexual orientation all they have to do is look between their legs ! IF they are male they should be with a female, and if they find they are female they should be with a male. It really is NOT rocket science.

Anyone can become attracted to the same sex . Violate God's laws long enough and kill your conscience and presto same sex desires.
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New member
If ANYONE wants to know their sexual orientation all they have to do is look between their legs ! IF they are male they should be with a female, and if they find they are female they should be with a male. It really is NOT rocket science.

Anyone can become attracted to the same sex . Violate God's laws long enough and kill your conscience and presto same sex desires.

Apparently, knowing the difference between gender and orientaion is rocket science to you.


New member
Apparently, knowing the difference between gender and orientaion is rocket science to you.

Folks can deny what is between their legs;however, that just makes them repulsive degenerates that throw out common sense and nature to act on nasty self inflicted attractions.

Anyone can become attracted to the same sex . Violate God's laws long enough and kill your conscience and presto same sex desires.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If ANYONE wants to know their sexual orientation all they have to do is look between their legs ! IF they are male they should be with a female, and if they find they are female they should be with a male. It really is NOT rocket science.

Your posts certainly aren't. Gender does not = orientation for a start.

Anyone can become attracted to the same sex . Violate God's laws long enough and kill your conscience and presto same sex desires.

Speak for yourself. If you have latent homosexual attractions that you believe could come to the surface if you 'sinned' enough then that's one thing. Doesn't apply to everyone else however. You're either jaw droppingly ignorant or simply plain nuts to argue such a thing.


New member
Your posts certainly aren't. Gender does not = orientation for a start.

Speak for yourself. If you have latent homosexual attractions that you believe could come to the surface if you 'sinned' enough then that's one thing. Doesn't apply to everyone else however. You're either jaw droppingly ignorant or simply plain nuts to argue such a thing.

Every excuse you make to justify perversion does NOT change the FACT that it ( same sex ) is perversion, nasty, disgusting and against God.


New member
Every excuse you make to justify perversion does NOT change the FACT that it ( same sex ) is perversion, nasty, disgusting and against God.

And your constant barrage of name calling doesn't' change the fact that gender is not the same thing as orientaiton


New member
And your constant barrage of name calling doesn't' change the fact that gender is not the same thing as orientaiton

You cannot be that obtuse and stupid. If one is born with male genitalia that is their sexual orientation unless they are deceived into desiring other men through their own sin and by Satan.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Every excuse you make to justify perversion does NOT change the FACT that it ( same sex ) is perversion, nasty, disgusting and against God.

I'm not making any excuse. I'm simply telling you that if you yourself think that you can 'choose' to start being attracted to your own gender then that's one thing. Don't try and argue that everyone else can do the same. Your argument is simply nonsensical.