Homosexuality selected because of societal function

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The following verse describes why same sex exists.

2Ti 3:4
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Well, not really. A heterosexual can be a hedonist and indulge in all manner of pleasure but it ain't gonna be anything 'gay'. If you're straight then any sexual 'immorality' is going to be with the opposite sex.

You can't 'choose' to be gay in other words.


New member
Well, not really. A heterosexual can be a hedonist and indulge in all manner of pleasure but it ain't gonna be anything 'gay'. If you're straight then any sexual 'immorality' is going to be with the opposite sex.

You can't 'choose' to be gay in other words.

Same sex is a choice and it is a disgusting , perverted, and nasty choice.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Same sex is a choice and it is a disgusting , perverted, and nasty choice.

Are you straight, heterosexual? If you are then you could no more choose to have same sex desires than you could choose to become a pineapple. At the risk of aCW keeping some sort of creepy tally going then I'm straight and the thought of sexual intimacy with another bloke is vomit bag etc. Not an option, therefore not a choice.

Are you saying you could choose to entertain such a thing?



Are you straight, heterosexual? If you are then you could no more choose to have same sex desires than you could choose to become a pineapple. At the risk of aCW keeping some sort of creepy tally going then I'm straight and the thought of sexual intimacy with another bloke is vomit bag etc. Not an option, therefore not a choice.

Are you saying you could choose to entertain such a thing?


The number of times in various TOL threads that Art Brain has attempted to convince himself others that he is straight:

1,097 .


New member
Are you straight, heterosexual? If you are then you could no more choose to have same sex desires than you could choose to become a pineapple. At the risk of aCW keeping some sort of creepy tally going then I'm straight and the thought of sexual intimacy with another bloke is vomit bag etc. Not an option, therefore not a choice.

Are you saying you could choose to entertain such a thing?


Rom 1:24
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:


Are you straight, heterosexual? If you are then you could no more choose to have same sex desires than you could choose to become a pineapple. At the risk of aCW keeping some sort of creepy tally going then I'm straight and the thought of sexual intimacy with another bloke is vomit bag etc. Not an option, therefore not a choice.

Most homosexuals have had sexual relations with a female at some point in their lives. They wouldn't have enjoyed it anymore than you and another man- you say it'd make you vomit, but they commenced with the entire thing.

You all keep issuing the same argument over and over, but refuse to see how it doesn't work both ways and therefore is a bogus argument.


did you conduct a survey to find this out?

If you know anything about gay people, you wouldn't need to. It'd be like conducting a survey to find out how many male lions have manes.

It's funny how little a lot of liberals know about homosexuals despite how adamant they are to blindly defend them.

In a poll, 19% of gay men reported having anal intercourse with women.
They aren't 'grossed out' by the notion of sex with a woman, because they are not intrinsically 'gay'- they simply have a thing for anal sex. They come to find out that they can experience the same with men, which is why it happens among otherwise straight men in prison.

You all have simply made a fiction out of it.


New member
If you know anything about gay people, you wouldn't need to. It'd be like conducting a survey to find out how many male lions have manes.

It's funny how little a lot of liberals know about homosexuals despite how adamant they are to blindly defend them.
you are funny

In a poll, 19% of gay men reported having anal intercourse with women.
What poll?

patrick jane

It's not always easy, as I've dealt with the many personalities that you've had here on TOL and the lies that you've told about me.

But Jesus' two greatest commandments aren't suggestions...
You should really seek professional help with your psychosis and paranoia. You constantly accuse others of formerly being somebody else. I have always only been patrick jane - I got caught with a sock account named Simon Baker, that's it Dub -


You should really seek professional help with your psychosis and paranoia. You constantly accuse others of formerly being somebody else. I have always only been patrick jane - I got caught with a sock account named Simon Baker, that's it Dub -

Uh huh...I'm the one that needs help.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The number of times in various TOL threads that Art Brain has attempted to convince himself others that he is straight:

1,097 .

Well, you got the '0' part right at least. I've no need to convince anyone doofus. Those who know me and who's opinion I respect know which way my breads buttered dude...

Now go patrol that mall.