Hollywood pedophiles

Grip Docility

New member
I wasn't aware that right v wrong, good v evil, sexual morality v sexual immorality, protecting the innocence of children v condoning child rape were things that should be discussed in society ffree...Grip Docility. Perhaps you could explain that in further detail?

Except that I wasn't part of the thread, let alone the discussion at the time Eeset made that statement.

Them thar are shore fancy words. How about I put it like this:

A large percent of those who engage in homosexuality were raped as children, hence their desire to share that nightmare with other children. The LGBTQueer movement, through legislation (like abolishing age of sexual consent laws) is their legal enabler to do so.

Is that too simplistic for you?

Immediately, you are approaching me from an attack stance. I took enormous care to understand your perspective and I was hinting that your genuine conservative values aren’t a bad thing. I even went to deep lengths to let you know that I cared about what you had to say.

My immediate inclination is that you, yourself, are a recovered victim of child sexual abuse and you are championing the cause of preventing the youth from being victimized as you were.

I would enjoy discussion with you, but I won’t discuss this further with you if we can’t remain docile in our delivery. I’m too old to raise my blood pressure over global scenarios that I can only do something about, one person at a time.

Right is right and wrong is wrong. Human beings have to take great care to balance social, religious, economic, global and political values!

Jesus should be our standard for doing this. Jesus named Sin, Sin. He also forgave sin. He clearly shared your upset at the abuse of children. He said something about a millstone necktie, if I remember correctly.

That’s my quick answer. Could you please dial it down so I can learn from you, without feeling like you’re ear raping me and shoving your social disappointments down my throat? I’m interested in what you have to say.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Romeo and Juliet clauses exist for the very legal reason you are bringing up. It would be nice if anyone could explain why any person past the age of 18 would have any desire whatsoever to plunge themselves into the life that is an erratic, distorted, hormonal mess consistent with a teenage girl or a teenage boy!

The sheer drama, alone should be an instant deterrent! Sexual behavior is promoted as predominantly healthy now, which is almost good. The terrible thing about our current culture is children are becoming sexually active by the average age of 14. That’s a liberal evaluation of the current situation. Cell phones and social media aren’t helping things.

Perhaps it would be a good idea for PARENTS to have already started the process of preparing them to act like adults.
After all, puberty is the beginning of your adult life.
It's time to start putting away childish things.

Around 11-13 years old is the GOD ordained natural timing for puberty in females, and males aren't far behind.
They should already be prepared for the transition to womanhood and the responsibility that goes with it.
Perhaps we should stop treating a 14 year girl like she is still dressing up in fairy princess outfits and playing with dolls.

Just a thought.

Grip Docility

New member
Perhaps it would be a good idea for PARENTS to have already started the process of preparing them to act like adults.
After all, puberty is the beginning of your adult life.
It's time to start putting away childish things.

Around 11-13 years old is the GOD ordained natural timing for puberty in females, and males aren't far behind.
They should already be prepared for the transition to womanhood and the responsibility that goes with it.
Perhaps we should stop treating a 14 year girl like she is still dressing up in fairy princess outfits and playing with dolls.

Just a thought.

You are correct. Especially, biblically. Boys and Girls of hormonal age should be treated like you are saying. America is one of the emergent creation of the adolescent concept. 200 years ago, girls got married at those ages and boys helped support families.


Eeset punched his button and he fell for it.
End of story.

As mentioned, I wasn't anywhere close to being part of the discussion, so Eeset was (as shown in my follow-up questioning of her in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread) speaking what she believed about legalizing adult-child rape.

Funny how none of the Trump supporters didn't call her out in the thread that she made that statement in nor in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread where she continued to embrace legalizing adults having sex with minors.

But then if you go passing righteous judgement on one group of sexual deviant people, you might be asked to pass righteous judgement on the sexual degenerate that you elected President.

And we can't have that can we Tambora?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The picture for the user Eeset was the give away. The cynicism was apparent the second I saw the words and user picture together.
She sexualized everything,
It was just her thing.
She rarely posts here anymore, so talking about her is pretty moot at this point.

And, of course, most of us already know that ACW exaggerates and spins things quite often to cause a ruckus.
You can say something sarcastic to him or use a pun, and he will start hollering ...... "But you SAID it!"
It's his thing.


Grip Docility

New member
As mentioned, I wasn't anywhere close to being part of the discussion, so Eeset was (as shown in my follow-up questioning of her in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread) speaking what she believed about legalizing adult-child rape.

Funny how none of the Trump supporters didn't call her out in the thread that she made that statement in nor in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread where she continued to embrace legalizing adults having sex with minors.

But then if you go passing righteous judgement on one group of sexual deviant people, you might be asked to pass righteous judgement on the sexual degenerate that you elected President.

And we can't have that can we Tambora?

Sexual deviation starts in the heart and goes far beyond homosexual behavior. Lust is it’s origin. Jesus identifies lust as condemnable sin. Smoking guns are wonderful, as long as they are shooting straight and with values that encompass all sexual groups.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
A large percent of those who engage in homosexuality were raped as children, hence their desire to share that nightmare with other children. The LGBTQueer movement, through legislation (like abolishing age of sexual consent laws) is their legal enabler to do so.

Is that too simplistic for you?

Immediately, you are approaching me from an attack stance. I took enormous care to understand your perspective and I was hinting that your genuine conservative values aren’t a bad thing. I even went to deep lengths to let you know that I cared about what you had to say.

Let's just say that my sense of smell for a sock puppet Libertarian fraud is very keen.

My immediate inclination is that you, yourself, are a recovered victim of child sexual abuse and you are championing the cause of preventing the youth from being victimized as you were.

I had a wonderful childhood and only want children to be able to once again to enjoy that age of innocence. Sounds pretty "queer" doesn't it?

I would enjoy discussion with you, but I won’t discuss this further with you if we can’t remain docile in our delivery. I’m too old to raise my blood pressure over global scenarios that I can only do something about, one person at a time.

Right is right and wrong is wrong. Human beings have to take great care to balance social, religious, economic, global and political values!

Jesus should be our standard for doing this. Jesus named Sin, Sin. He also forgave sin. He clearly shared your upset at the abuse of children. He said something about a millstone necktie, if I remember correctly.

That’s my quick answer. Could you please dial it down so I can learn from you, without feeling like you’re ear raping me and shoving your social disappointments down my throat? I’m interested in what you have to say.

Why don't you come over to my "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4" thread, where 200-300 people a day view it.

I'd be more than happy to discuss anything and everything especially your fraudulent statement that said:

Human beings have to take great care to balance social, religious, economic, global and political values!

Oh how I look forward to exposing you. I'll be posting later this evening...


Sexual deviation starts in the heart and goes far beyond homosexual behavior. Lust is it’s origin. Jesus identifies lust as condemnable sin. Smoking guns are wonderful, as long as they are shooting straight and with values that encompass all sexual groups.

i.e. as long as the relationship isn't lustful, but 'loving'. Have I heard that one too many times before from the rainbow flag waving crowd.

See you in my thread.

Grip Docility

New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
A large percent of those who engage in homosexuality were raped as children, hence their desire to share that nightmare with other children. The LGBTQueer movement, through legislation (like abolishing age of sexual consent laws) is their legal enabler to do so.

Is that too simplistic for you?

Let's just say that my sense of smell for a sock puppet Libertarian fraud is very keen.

I had a wonderful childhood and only want children to be able to once again to enjoy that age of innocence. Sounds pretty "queer" doesn't it?

Why don't you come over to my "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4 thread, where 200-300 people a day view it. I'd be more than happy to discuss anything and everything especially your fraudulent statement that said:

Oh how I look forward to exposing you. I'll be posting later this evening...

You’re continuing the attack. I’ll be direct. Your nose isn’t working correctly. I’m a conservative. Homosexuality isn’t normal sexuality and it is condemned within the Bible.

Are you disagreeing that all humanity should be held to biblical standards?

Do you believe adultery is less destructive than homosexuality?

Could you please explain to me why you keep focusing on gays, when this discussion is about children?

How doe you break a post apart like you are doing. I don’t see a button for that?

Grip Docility

New member
i.e. as long as the relationship isn't lustful, but 'loving'. Have I heard that one too many times before from the rainbow flag waving crowd.

See you in my thread.

No, I mean that you seem to be fixating in gays. Homosexuals remain homosexual, and outside of the law of God, but their behavior. Do you disagree that remarried people are in the same error, per Jesus?

I am attempting to express that sin is sin and I want to understand why you are convicted to bring all discussion back to homosexuality.

I believe the LGBT movement and the feminist movement are two of the most destructive movements that have ever existed.

Why do you make assumptions and fail to hear my words?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
You are correct. Especially, biblically. Boys and Girls of hormonal age should be treated like you are saying. America is one of the emergent creation of the adolescent concept. 200 years ago, girls got married at those ages and boys helped support families.
While I'm on my rant .... :) ..... I also want to know where these underage girl's fathers, brothers, uncles, male cousins, etc. were, and why the molesters face was not beaten in along with a broke arm or two (at the very least).
Our decent men and boys need to start pounding on these guys.
And if they go to the law to make an assault complaint ....... send in the 2nd cousins to finish him off.


Grip Docility

New member
No, I mean that you seem to be fixating in gays. Homosexuals remain homosexual, and outside of the law of God, but their behavior. Do you disagree that remarried people are in the same error, per Jesus?

I am attempting to express that sin is sin and I want to understand why you are convicted to bring all discussion back to homosexuality.

I believe the LGBT movement and the feminist movement are two of the most destructive movements that have ever existed.

Why do you make assumptions and fail to hear my words?

Fixating in gays. In gays was an error. Is this like Facebook messenger where I can’t correct an error?

Grip Docility

New member
While I'm on my rant .... :) ..... I also want to know where these underage girl's fathers, brothers, uncles, male cousins, etc. were, and why the molesters face was not beaten in along with a broke arm or two (at the very least).
Our decent men and boys need to start pounding on these guys.
And if they go to the law to make an assault complaint ....... send in the 2nd cousins to finish him off.


True, humorous and typical 75 years back. I am relieved that the USA addresses the topic. There are countries where the victim is always at fault.

In the same breath, I have zero trust for the Hollywood outbreak of morality. Left wing agenda is stinking to high heaven! I want to say, good job. Unfortunately, American sanctity of politics is at an all time low. Its like people don’t understand that we are starting to infight like third world countries!

Grip Docility

New member
Can't have what?

I think American Culture was saying President Trump is a moral degenerate. My only question is, what options did America have and why doesn’t American Culture note that LGBT marriage was repealed by Trump, while abortion policies are under stronger attack than they have been in years, to the point that the far left is crying a river?

Did we have a more moral option, for Presidency?


New member
It's gotten sickening.
It's to the point that hardly a single movie or TV series does not have some faggot character in it.

Hollywood, listen up .......... you can make some very good and entertaining movies and TV shows without faggots in them.


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