Habits are demonic

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New member
but you tell just about everyone they are wicked here. If you can identify wicked, you surely can identify saved ones. Yes?

Yes I can recognise my brothers by their family resemblance. There are two people on here that are either saved or marvelously awesome counterfeits. There were a few on here that seemed promising, but no saint could or would trust in some of the nonsense they have either spoken or agreed with.

Babes, infants, young men and old men have one thing in common. They accept the truth, because they recognise the nature of truth, even though they don't understand it they absorb it and have perfect recall when the light of understanding shines within them.

I also recognise the joy of Yah Veh and have on three occasions seen and recognised it without having to meet the person. The knowledge was seen in return and something passed between us that you'd never understand.

This is by far the longest reply you've had from me and I do so in the joyful knowledge you won't disdain this truth and the blessing it contains for someone. At least, until you are able...


New member
Yes I can recognise my brothers by their family resemblance. There are two people on here that are either saved or marvelously awesome counterfeits. There were a few on here that seemed promising, but no saint could or would trust in some of the nonsense they have either spoken or agreed with.

Babes, infants, young men and old men have one thing in common. They accept the truth, because they recognise the nature of truth, even though they don't understand it they absorb it and have perfect recall when the light of understanding shines within them.

I also recognise the joy of Yah Veh and have on three occasions seen and recognised it without having to meet the person. The knowledge was seen in return and something passed between us that you'd never understand.

This is by far the longest reply you've had from me and I do so in the joyful knowledge you won't disdain this truth and the blessing it contains for someone. At least, until you are able...

Yet you can't recognize your own spiritual bias and prejudice. I have been a Christian for some 25 years and in that time I have met literally thousands of Christians from nearly all denominations and attended churches from nearly all denominations. There are many things that you learn from this type of broad perspective that you will never learn by staying in your own little clique. For instance you claim not to be Calvinist yet you adhere to and preach their gospel. You can deny this all you want but facts are facts. You believe, teach and adhere to the Reformed gospel which is so popular in England.


New member
Yet you can't recognize your own spiritual bias and prejudice. I have been a Christian for some 25 years and in that time I have met literally thousands of Christians from nearly all denominations and attended churches from nearly all denominations. There are many things that you learn from this type of broad perspective that you will never learn by staying in your own little clique. For instance you claim not to be Calvinist yet you adhere to and preach their gospel. You can deny this all you want but facts are facts. You believe, teach and adhere to the Reformed gospel which is so popular in England.

When I was converted I visited all denominations is this area and the wider area of South and West Wales. I also went to a Bible College and studied Systematic Theology. I have studied the epistles of the church fathers, creeds, confessions and still read the statements of faith of any denomination that comes under my radar.

If you knew any church history you'd know that the Anglican Church has it root in sin and not reformation. Henry the 8th needed a divorce that the Pope would not grant and the rest is history so to speak.
Those outside the Anglican denomination are non-conformists and in the Church in Wales nonconformists make up the largest number. They have chapels instead of churches and the chapels have as many dead souls in them as the graveyards that surround them.


Well-known member
I've been given the armour for a purpose, but you'd never understand that.

The regenerate fight against temptation to sin each and every day. Its called fighting the good fight and keeping the trust.

So now you say that you have to fight, are you now admitting that it's not all done for you? and that you have to put your hand to it, i.e obey God and fight against the will of your flesh. Something you have told me that I am wicked and evil for believing in?


New member
So now you say that you have to fight, are you now admitting that it's not all done for you? and that you have to put your hand to it, i.e obey God and fight against the will of your flesh. Something you have told me that I am wicked and evil for believing in?

The point of this matter is simple. Everything that you intend, think, speak, write or perform is sinful.

Everything I intend, think, speak, write or perform is accepted in the Beloved.

This has nothing to do with any ability I have, but because of a two way imputation conducted at Calvary. It is a solid foundation and takes care of any doubts. The application of redemption applies the power of the imputation and that is the evangelism coming in power and not in word alone.

Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to give you what I have. That you could know what I know, feel as I feel and live an abundant life. But I can't and from what you keep saying you don't need it, because you already have it. If that were true we would be sharing fellowship, but we don't, because light hath no fellowship with darkness. You are in error and in mortal danger.


Well-known member
The point of this matter is simple. Everything that you intend, think, speak, write or perform is sinful.

Everything I intend, think, speak, write or perform is accepted in the Beloved.

This has nothing to do with any ability I have, but because of a two way imputation conducted at Calvary. It is a solid foundation and takes care of any doubts. The application of redemption applies the power of the imputation and that is the evangelism coming in power and not in word alone.

Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to give you what I have. That you could know what I know, feel as I feel and live an abundant life. But I can't and from what you keep saying you don't need it, because you already have it. If that were true we would be sharing fellowship, but we don't, because light hath no fellowship with darkness. You are in error and in mortal danger.

The point of this matter is simple. Everything that you intend, think, speak, write or perform is sinful.

How do you know? You don't know what I think, you are not me!

Everything I intend, think, speak, write or perform is accepted in the Beloved.

You are not perfect, even if your see yourself as perfect and above the rest of us. You are full of yourself and you are wrong, and that wrong pours from your heart into most of your posts through a tongue of deceit, pride and self glorification, and false fleshly judgement, baring false witness and being condescending toward others in nearly every post, whilst setting yourself as a perfect apostle, yet condemning everyone who you see as beneath you if they don't agree with your false self righteous teachings. You have no light coming from you only darkness.

And I know I've got the Spirit within, regardless of what you think of me. because God is helping me to overcome my flesh, I'm overcoming things that I couldn't do without God, and not just habits, although I'm slowly overcoming them too, but the sins of my heart, the works of the flesh like some of those that are in Galatians 5. God is helping me to overcome the sins of my heart daily.

And it's mirror time again for you Truster, you are the one in walking darkness, anyone who puts themselves on a pedestal as you do is far from God, God hates pride, and you're full of it!
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New member
Truster. Is it possible for a saved person to be entangled in false doctrine? From what I have seen here, there are two people who are right on target on most things, but they are in error on some serious issues. You corrected them and their pride flared up and now, their ears are shut to you.

Is it possible they are saved in spite of this?


New member
How do you know? You don't know what I think, you are not me!

You are not perfect, even if your see yourself as perfect and above the rest of us. You are full of yourself and you are wrong, and that wrong pours from your heart into most of your posts through a tongue of deceit, pride and self glorification, and false fleshly judgement, baring false witness and being condescending toward others in nearly every post, whilst setting yourself as a perfect apostle, yet condemning everyone who you see as beneath you if they don't agree with your false self righteous teachings. You have no light coming from you only darkness.

And I know I've got the Spirit within, regardless of what you think of me. because God is helping me to overcome my flesh, I'm overcoming things that I couldn't do without God, and not just habits, although I'm slowly overcoming them too, but the sins of my heart, the works of the flesh like some of those that are in Galatians 5. God is helping me to overcome the sins of my heart daily.

And it's mirror time again for you Truster, you are the one in walking darkness, anyone who puts themselves on a pedestal as you do is far from God, God hates pride, and you're full of it!

What you think is made clear by your words. The words you speak are the words of the unregenerate.

In the UK we need an annual MOT test on all cars over three years old to ensure they are roadworthy. I have never met anyone, apart for myself, who enjoys taking the car for an MOT. People are worried about what might be found wrong and that there will be a cost involved in rectifying any problems. I look forward to discovering any faults and putting them in order.

I am continually giving you an MOT and you fail.
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