Habits are demonic

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Poor little puppet.
Still opposing the saving grace of GOD.

God's Truth

New member
I will not send people to hell with a lie in their right hand.

I will not approve of hypocrites claiming rights that they are not entitled to.

I will always encourage the saints and only the saints.

I would not call you a saint.

You do not say what God says. Period.

Show with scripture your beliefs.

Show the scripture that says no one can believe even after being taught.

Show with scripture that God saves unbelievers.

There is no such words from God.

You are a preacher of doctrines from demons masquerading as light.

God's Truth

New member
If I listed all the bad habits I had before conversion I would face a lifetime ban. Suffice to say that when converted they all fell away. My alcoholism ceased immediately. I'd been self medicating for manic depression for 4 years and the moment I was saved I was delivered. I was simply filled with joy and I couldn't stop smiling. People in the "church" I visited were asking the pastor why I was so happy and he didn't seem to have an answer.
Instead he preached a sermon on why walking around with a "stupid grin" on your face didn't mean you'd been saved. I sat there with the biggest stupid grin on my face...That pastor was a stranger to "the peace that surpasses all understanding"(Phil 4:7) and which manifests as joy for those to whom peace is something completely new.

If you have been converted then this will be a reminder of the joy of Yah Veh, or not as the case may be.

...and then Satan snatched you up to preach false doctrines, and to harass those who know you are condemning saved ones.

God's Truth

New member
People like you make me sick. You pick up bits and pieces and then try and apply them to yourself. It works with the unregenerate, but when you attempt to fool the saints, we don't fall for it. We know our brothers because of the family resemblance. You are not a member of the eternal family.

You made this thread about demons, and you are the exact example of one serving demons.

God's Truth

New member
Not at all. You have a few bad habits yourself. Hebrews 7:25

One of them is an inability to understand that a believer isn't flawless (habitually), except in the eyes of his/her Father.

I CANNOT measure up to your standard of fellowship, Truster. Nobody can. It is like you are looking for a perfect spouse. You'll never find her.

You are saying that to someone who speaks as you do. What's wrong, don't you like yourself?


New member
Not at all. You have a few bad habits yourself. Hebrews 7:25

One of them is an inability to understand that a believer isn't flawless (habitually), except in the eyes of his/her Father.

I CANNOT measure up to your standard of fellowship, Truster. Nobody can. It is like you are looking for a perfect spouse. You'll never find her.

I didn't say I was flawless...but you insinuated that I did.

They are not my measures of fellowship.....what fellowship hath light with darkness.

You can't measure up to the holiness that is required, but you keep on trying. I never have tried, but it was provided for me at conversion.


Well-known member
I didn't say I was flawless...but you insinuated that I did.

They are not my measures of fellowship.....what fellowship hath light with darkness.

You can't measure up to the holiness that is required, but you keep on trying. I never have tried, but it was provided for me at conversion.

:nono: I am rather trying to measure up to your standard. Why? Not for salvation, but for fellowship, and for you, if I may at all help you see brothers and sisters in at least some, that you eschew.

My salvation, or lack thereof is in His hands and either as a pagan or believer, He is glorified. If I burn in hell, then I will burn for His glory. I will always praise God that He is God and I am not. Job 13:15

If I'm a brother that needs correcting, I'm listening. I 'think' our biggest difference is that I try to err on the side of Grace. Until one shows they hate the Lord Jesus Christ, I endeavor to treat them as a brother/sister, simply because my treatment of them is the same as with enemies, to love, hope, pray for their deliverance the same.

Thank you for taking a few moments to hear my concerns.
In Him -Lon


New member
Superstitious habits are a sure sign that the prince of the power of the air is at work in the child of disobedience.

One of his roles is to ensure that there is no peace unto the wicked. Controlling habits is a means of ensuring that the wicked have no peace. Controlling habits are soul destroying by utilizing the dignity of the spirit for binding habits.

For many people religious "duties" are a superstitious habit. They must perform them in case "something bad" happens.


In most scriptures the contrasting statement is true.

There is no peace unto the wicked

There is peace unto the just.

This peace is achieved and maintained by not having a burden of sin and the guilt of sin.

Peace is also achieved by having a sound mind and self-control. Not being made subject to irritating habits.

I have met many people who profess to have been saved. I always ask, "then where is your peace"?

The fruit of justness (righteousness) is peace and so if a person claims to have been justified they will know peace, and just as importantly, they will recall the time when they had no peace.

This is why testimonies are important, because there must be a before and after situation. Salvation is abrupt and sudden. Salvation is not evolution.
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God's Truth

New member

In most scriptures the contrasting statement is true.

There is no peace unto the wicked

There is peace unto the just.

This peace is achieved and maintained by not having a burden of sin and the guilt of sin.

Peace is also achieved by having a sound mind and self-control. Not being made subject to irritating habits.

I have met many people who profess to have been saved. I always ask, "then where is your peace"?

The fruit of justness (righteousness) is peace and so if a person claims to have been justified they will know peace, and just as importantly, they will recall the time when they had no peace.

This is why testimonies are important, because there must be a before and after situation. Salvation is abrupt and sudden. Salvation is not evolution.

Prove that you have control over yourself and that you want to please God.

Prove it by stop accusing, slandering, and condemning those you debate.


New member
Prove that you have control over yourself and that you want to please God.

Prove it by stop accusing, slandering, and condemning those you debate.

I don't debate I just post facts. It's people like you who can't accept the facts and get a rant on....you are only damaging yourself.

PS I have nothing to prove to anyone. I don't particularly care that you feel as if I must do so. You sound like those barking dogs shouting at Messiah:

He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the stake, and we will believe him.

He didn't succumb to their demands and neither do I in your case.


New member
I have never, ever said that there is nothing to be done. There is a difference between what we* do and what the unregenerate attempt to do.

we* the redeemed, regenerate and repentant sinners.
So you agree that faith is effectual.

Now; do you believe that one can be saved prior to having faith in GOD?

Simple direct question. I would appreciate an answer of a similar sort.

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