Habits are demonic

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New member
But with the same mouth you claim one isn't to do anything in their faith as if it is not effectual. How do you reconsile these contradictions?

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I have never, ever said that there is nothing to be done. There is a difference between what we* do and what the unregenerate attempt to do.

we* the redeemed, regenerate and repentant sinners.

God's Truth

New member
One of the greatest pleasures of the last 17 years has been having people like you tell me that I am not saved. Or saying, "you're not one of us".

No, I'm not like you...anymore.

That is what you do.

You are the one.

I don't tell people they are not saved.

I tell people how to get closer to the Lord.

You are so confused you do not even know what it is that you do.

God's Truth

New member
Thank you for your concern, GT, and I find you are a caring person. My great consolation in all of life, is being known by God.

Psalm 139

I care about all and you still have not spoken more about OCD. Let's talk about it in general then. Would you or not say that all OCD should be overcome?


New member
That is what you do.

You are the one.

I don't tell people they are not saved.

I tell people how to get closer to the Lord.

You are so confused you do not even know what it is that you do.

I will not send people to hell with a lie in their right hand.

I will not approve of hypocrites claiming rights that they are not entitled to.

I will always encourage the saints and only the saints.

I would not call you a saint.


New member
If I listed all the bad habits I had before conversion I would face a lifetime ban. Suffice to say that when converted they all fell away. My alcoholism ceased immediately. I'd been self medicating for manic depression for 4 years and the moment I was saved I was delivered. I was simply filled with joy and I couldn't stop smiling. People in the "church" I visited were asking the pastor why I was so happy and he didn't seem to have an answer.
Instead he preached a sermon on why walking around with a "stupid grin" on your face didn't mean you'd been saved. I sat there with the biggest stupid grin on my face...That pastor was a stranger to "the peace that surpasses all understanding"(Phil 4:7) and which manifests as joy for those to whom peace is something completely new.

If you have been converted then this will be a reminder of the joy of Yah Veh, or not as the case may be.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
You just cannot stand it that GOD saved me by grace through faith.
You still look at the carnal flesh to determine if someone is saved.

But continue to tell us more of what YOU have said, and what YOU have done.


New member
You just cannot stand it that GOD saved me by grace through faith.
You still look at the carnal flesh to determine if someone is saved.

But continue to tell us more of what YOU have said, and what YOU have done.

People like you make me sick. You pick up bits and pieces and then try and apply them to yourself. It works with the unregenerate, but when you attempt to fool the saints, we don't fall for it. We know our brothers because of the family resemblance. You are not a member of the eternal family.


Well-known member
One of the things a converted man is set free from is habits. If you have habits like those then your salvation is that of man. Useless.

Not at all. You have a few bad habits yourself. Hebrews 7:25
I have no habits that affect me emotionally or spiritually. Before I was converted I had very many.
One of them is an inability to understand that a believer isn't flawless (habitually), except in the eyes of his/her Father.

I CANNOT measure up to your standard of fellowship, Truster. Nobody can. It is like you are looking for a perfect spouse. You'll never find her.


Literal lunatic
I'm gettin' the habit of smackin' the thoughts down of my own ole pukin' self.

I reckon them demons run for the hills when that happens.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
when we have the eternal family reunion, truster will be the crazy uncle locked in the attic :)
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New member
Every post just proves my point.

You probably have already cause the saints to stumble wherever you meet them. The curse upon you is so fearfully terrifying that you are instructed to get a millstone and throw yourself into the deepest part of the ocean. You would be advised to take note, but I know you can't and so you won't.

You are tragic.
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