Habits are demonic

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God's Truth

New member
I've been given the armour for a purpose, but you'd never understand that.

The regenerate fight against temptation to sin each and every day. Its called fighting the good fight and keeping the trust.

You fight against accusing the brethren?
You are ready to repent for preaching falseness?

God's Truth

New member
Truster preaches falseness, he says we are saved only when we do not believe and obey.

He says he did not call upon the name of the Lord, and yet, Jesus says that is what those who get saved do.

He also shows the overflow of his heart by speaking words from Satan, words of condemnation and false accusations.


New member
Truster preaches falseness, he says we are saved only when we do not believe and obey.

He says he did not call upon the name of the Lord, and yet, Jesus says that is what those who get saved do.

He also shows the overflow of his heart by speaking words from Satan, words of condemnation and false accusations.

When I was converted I did call on His name, but not before.

God's Truth

New member
Testimony please.

Are you a sinner.

How much do you enjoy sin.

Jesus only saves repentant sinners.

You say you were saved before you repented.

Jesus says we must obey him.

What does Jesus say to do?

Jesus says to hate what is evil.

So how does one who obeys Jesus enjoy sin?

Truster is under the influence of the devil, and like one with ODC, he cannot stop repeating the same thing to me even after he has been shown.

God's Truth

New member
When I was converted I did call on His name, but not before.

No such salvation.

Jesus says plainly, "And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'

You say, no after.

If you examine more carefully, there is a chance you can be helped.


New member
Jesus only saves repentant sinners........ Sinners who are granted repentance are saved

You say you were saved before you repented......Repentance is part of regeneration.

Jesus says we must obey him......None can obey Him until they have been saved.

What does Jesus say to do?.......I am led by the Spirit.

Jesus says to hate what is evil.....That's why I hate your evil doctrines.

So how does one who obeys Jesus enjoy sin?.....The good I would I do not etc.

Truster is under the influence of the devil, and like one with ODC, he cannot stop repeating the same thing to me even after he has been shown.

Give a testimony.


New member
No such salvation.

Jesus says plainly, "And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'

You say, no after.

If you examine more carefully, there is a chance you can be helped.

Until the moment I was regenerate anything that came out of my mouth was vile, profane and disgusting.


One of his [Satan] roles is to ensure that there is no peace unto the wicked.
God ensures that there is no peace for the wicked (Is 57:21).
“You can have rebellion or peace. You cannot have both.” ~ Charles Stanley

Controlling habits is [sic] a means of ensuring that the wicked have no peace. Controlling habits are soul destroying by utilizing the dignity of the spirit for binding habits.
Do you mean strongholds? If you sin, you give Satan authority in your life. He has every right to be there.


Why am I being attacked by a demon?

God's Truth

New member
Jesus only saves repentant sinners........ Sinners who are granted repentance are saved
God grants repentance to all who obey Him by humbling themselves.

You say you were saved before you repented......Repentance is part of regeneration.

You will not even be saved unless you repent.

Jesus says we must obey him......None can obey Him until they have been saved.

No scripture anywhere says that.

What does Jesus say to do?.......I am led by the Spirit.

You do not speak what the Spirit says.

Jesus says to hate what is evil.....That's why I hate your evil doctrines.

Only those who ensnared by the devil would hate the truth that I speak.

So how does one who obeys Jesus enjoy sin?.....The good I would I do not etc.

That is what Paul said about himself when he thought back to when was under the old law and without faith.

Truster is under the influence of the devil, and like one with ODC, he cannot stop repeating the same thing to me even after he has been shown.

Give a testimony.


Everything I post is a testimony to the truth.


New member
God ensures that there is no peace for the wicked (Is 57:21).
“You can have rebellion or peace. You cannot have both.” ~ Charles Stanley

Do you mean strongholds? If you sin, you give Satan authority in your life. He has every right to be there.


Why am I being attacked by a demon?

The Almighty has fallen angels under His command and they deliver His judgements. The Almighty has decreed there shall be no peace unto the wicked and he uses the wicked to attack the wicked.

I don't follow links. In this matter I don't need to.


New member
How very interesting;
We agree on a point about habits. I would say the addiction or feeling of need of said habits is the underlying issue.

My own statement is not aimed solely at religious things.

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The root meaning of addiction is adjudged.


[God ensures that there is no peace for the wicked (Is 57:21).] ...The Almighty has decreed there shall be peace unto the wicked...

Just the opposite--there is no peace for the wicked (Is 57:21). No earthly thing will satisfy man's heart. If God allowed an idol to satisfy, then men would have no need for him. They would not seek him (Re 3:20). Through reprobates claim to have peace, :blabla: they do not (Is. 57:20).

Lookin' For Love
~ Johnny Lee

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