good morning breakfast clubbers


New member
Gonna be hot and very humid, here, today.

How did people live without AC?

We became very creative! Fans, ice water, cool to cold showers!
I used to put my children into a cool bath before nap time.
I had just enough time to run cold water on my wrists and that cooled me down.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
We became very creative! Fans, ice water, cool to cold showers!
I used to put my children into a cool bath before nap time.
I had just enough time to run cold water on my wrists and that cooled me down.

I would like to go back to that

I hate ac


like marbles on glass
We've been having 50-something degree mornings for a couple of weeks now, and nice cool nights. One of the benefits of mountain living. :)

Oh... nice. :)

It's been in the 70's overnight here and 90's to 100's until today, actually, which ended up in the 80's. It turned out to be a really nice day.


New member
Oh... nice. :)

It's been in the 70's overnight here and 90's to 100's until today, actually, which ended up in the 80's. It turned out to be a really nice day.

I don't think we have had more than a couple of days when it hit 90 all summer - too much rain this year. We have had low to mid 80's some, but now it is in the mid 70's - really perfect weather. It is a very rare day that it ever hits 100.


We've been having 50-something degree mornings for a couple of weeks now, and nice cool nights. One of the benefits of mountain living. :)

we had a frost inland a couple of nights ago, but we're buffered by the river here - i think we went down to 42


This just reminded me of the SNL Jeopardy skit with Sean Connery.
Is the hot tea hot or cold?


your mother, trebek


New member
Hall of Fame


DMV Princess
Hall of Fame
Good morning to all. :wave: .. Time to start the day.. get my coffee going (no hot tea here :chuckle:) and get to work so the name calling can begin. :D