Give me your tired, poor, huddled masses


Well-known member
exminister said:
It is not hatred to like those things, it is hatred to only allow those things in a free society.

Would you be ok if baseball was outlawed?

What goes around comes around. If we don't allow freedom then yours can be taken away just as easily. It is hatred to only allow your way of thinking, which evolves into MIGHT MAKES RIGHT. That is why the Europeans left and came to American. The bloody wars with Christian fighting Christian over points of doctrine. The founding fathers got sick of that and set up a free society to allow you to believe as you chose. I expect you to not get this as I played off your pie eating, baseball reference.

But what goes around comes around. How much do you love your faith/church? Want it to be outlawed?
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Hall of Fame
Would you be ok if baseball was outlawed?

What goes around comes around. If we don't allow freedom then yours can be taken away just as easily. It is hatred to only allow your way of thinking, which evolves into MIGHT MAKES RIGHT. That is why the Europeans left and came to American. The bloody wars with Christian fighting Christian over points of doctrine. The founding fathers got sick of that and set up a free society to allow you to believe as you chose. I expect you to not get this as I played off your pie eating, baseball reference.

But what goes around comes around. How much do you love your faith/church? Want it to be outlawed?



New member
As opposed to you, who wants to a Muslim majority to stomp out Christians and Jews.

You are rather dim, Nick.

The absence of a white/christian majority domination of the minorities is just no domination by the majority. And I don't know why you should fabricate false motives for me: I have no problems with Christianity, only with your distorted and overly party political version of it.

BTW, there will be no majority of Muslims in either of our countries for the foreseeable future. It is part of the modern civic pact that there should be no tyranny of the majority over minorities. Majorities must rule with compassion, and not focus only on their own, selfish, partisan interests.


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It is hatred to only allow your way of thinking, which evolves into MIGHT MAKES RIGHT.
But it's not only MY way of thinking.
It's a whole lot of people thinking that way.
Why should you be allowed to tell me and all those others that we can't think this way?
Why are you trying to suppress us by turning against us, and telling us that it us that needs to change?

The founding fathers got sick of that and set up a free society to allow you to believe as you chose.
The founding fathers set it up so that one had to confess a belief in GOD to hold any public office.

All you are doing is saying your thinking is correct and mine is wrong.
How is that any different from what I am doing?

Why is it wrong for me not to include your way of thinking, but it's right for you not to include my way of thinking?
You are doing the very thing you are complaining about me doing.


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Majorities must rule with compassion, and not focus only on their own, selfish, partisan interests.
Shouldn't minorities do the same?
Or do they automatically get to show no compassion, and focus on their own selfish partisan interests?


New member
Jonah dog asks for a definition of traditional America. Here is a description of what traditional America has felt for several decades now. It is written by Pat Buchanan.

"In their lifetimes, they have seen their Christian faith purged from schools their taxes paid for, and mocked in movies and on TV. They have seen their factories shuttered in the thousands and their jobs outsourced in the millions to Mexico and China. They have seen trillions of tax dollars go for Great Society programs, but have seen no Great Society, only rising crime, illegitimacy, drug use and dropout rates.

They watch on cable TV as illegal aliens walk into their country, are rewarded with free educations and health care and take jobs at lower pay than American families can live on – then carry Mexican flags in American cities and demand U.S. citizenship.

They see Wall Street banks bailed out as they sweat their next paycheck, then read that bank profits are soaring, and the big bonuses for the brilliant bankers are back. Neither they nor their kids ever benefited from affirmative action, unlike Barack and Michelle Obama.

They see a government in Washington that cannot balance its books, win our wars or protect our borders. The government shovels out trillions to Fortune 500 corporations and banks to rescue the country from a crisis created by the government and Fortune 500 corporations and banks.

America was once their country. They sense they are losing it. And they are right."


A traditional American is one who typically agreed with most of this.

I never said immigrants should become (assimilate) one of these people but they should be required to attempt to blend into a society made up of people like this with English being foremost and a understanding of our history and laws second with a repudiation of any notions they may have of their home country being superior, and they most certainly should surrender all loyalty to their home country and give it instead to their new country.

Absolutist, Dispensationally Un-Scriptural nonsense is what all that is.

1 Corinthians 5:9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: 5:10 Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. 5:11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. 5:12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? 5:13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

Rom. 5:8
Acts 17:11,12


New member
Would you be ok if baseball was outlawed?

What goes around comes around. If we don't allow freedom then yours can be taken away just as easily. It is hatred to only allow your way of thinking, which evolves into MIGHT MAKES RIGHT. That is why the Europeans left and came to American. The bloody wars with Christian fighting Christian over points of doctrine. The founding fathers got sick of that and set up a free society to allow you to believe as you chose. I expect you to not get this as I played off your pie eating, baseball reference.

But what goes around comes around. How much do you love your faith/church? Want it to be outlawed?

There's some irony in your baseball scenario as an example of your very valid points there...

What finally won over the Cardinals – and enough of the owners to prevent the passage of a league-wide radio ban – was the classic “slippery slope” argument: if the League could dictate radio rights, what other team rights might be at stake? To them, team autonomy was paramount.

For the full account, click on the link below...

Rom. 5:8

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Alt-New Colossus (second draft)

"Give me your rested, your chic,
Your tanned masses yearning to shop duty free,
Those venture capitalists of your teeming shore.
Send these, the privileged whites few to me,
I hold the pass key to our golden door!"

(servants entry around the blacks back)



New member
Shouldn't minorities do the same?
Or do they automatically get to show no compassion, and focus on their own selfish partisan interests?

They do generally. The complaint on this thread started with an objection to Muslims using Sharia law to sort out their domestic issues amongst themselves. My objection was to the majority Christians proposing interfering and stopping them from doing things themselves, and keeping them out of the country as a result of them focusing on their own issues.


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They do generally.
That's not what it's looking like.

The complaint on this thread started with an objection to Muslims using Sharia law to sort out their domestic issues amongst themselves. My objection was to the majority Christians proposing interfering and stopping them from doing things themselves, and keeping them out of the country as a result of them focusing on their own issues.
I don't want sharia law being recognized or implemented AT ALL in the USA.
Why on earth would you EVER want a law that FORCES women to do all those horrible things, like being stoned to death, raped, mutilated, or made to cover their entire body?
Not to mention all the horrid things they deem "acceptable" to do to non-muslims.

Sharia law should NOT be allowed in the USA.
I don't want it here, and neither do many others.
And for very good reasons.


New member
That's not what it's looking like.

I don't want sharia law being recognized or implemented AT ALL in the USA.
Why on earth would you EVER want a law that FORCES women to do all those horrible things, like being stoned to death, raped, mutilated, or made to cover their entire body?
Not to mention all the horrid things they deem "acceptable" to do to non-muslims.

Sharia law should NOT be allowed in the USA.
I don't want it here, and neither do many others.
And for very good reasons.

Sharia courts would operate like diocesan tribunals and rabbinical courts already do in the US. Should these religious courts be banned for the sake of constitutional equality?
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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Sharia courts would operate like diocesan tribunals and rabbinical courts already do in the US. Should there religious courts be banned for the sake of constitutional equality?
Sharia law should be banned.
Don't support it here.
Don't give it a foothold here.

Get rid of it!!!


Well-known member
That's not what it's looking like.

I don't want sharia law being recognized or implemented AT ALL in the USA.
Why on earth would you EVER want a law that FORCES women to do all those horrible things, like being stoned to death, raped, mutilated, or made to cover their entire body?
Not to mention all the horrid things they deem "acceptable" to do to non-muslims.

Sharia law should NOT be allowed in the USA.
I don't want it here, and neither do many others.
And for very good reasons.

Right! The USA law of the land, the Constitution and Sharia Law cannot ultimately coexist. It will be one or the other.