Gayness is inborn and gender is fluid???


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If homosexuality is nothing but a personal choice , why would gay people "choose" to be gay in a world which is so hostile to them ? This makes absolutely no sense .
Whether a gay gene exists or not is irrelevant and immaterial . People who are hostile to gays use the claim that there is no gay gene as an excuse to justify denying gay people rights and even persecuting them .
I'm a heterosexual . Did I choose to be straight ? Nope. I just began to feel attracted to the opposite sex as an adolescent . This is normal . Its the same with gay people. They realize when they are the same age that they are attracted to the same sex .
We don't know why some people feel the need to change their gender to the opposite sex , but we know it does happen .
Homosexuality ha existed from the very beginning of mankind and will exist as long as human beings are on earth . We know it is found in hundreds of animal species . And it's not going away - get over it !
Criminalizing gay sex is as idiotic as criminalizing the use of the left hand to write and do other things with it .
All so-called "ex gays " are brainwashed Christians who have been taught to feel shame for something which is entirely natural . They inevitably revert .

People who hold the view that orientation is a choice are uninterested in thinking


New member
People make stupid or disgusting choices all the time. Is that really proof that it must not have been a choice at all?

Every time someone makes a choice that others don't like, it must have been inborn? Nonsense. Total nonsense.

Your choice to hate is certainly not inborn.