Freewill religion is the Man of Sin !


So you cannot know that the Bible is true; right?

If so, how do you define truth?


I've gone beyond that to the point that only 66 books of the Bible is more than true and the rest of the books are NOT inspired by God. Some say there are 73 books. No man has been able to meet the challenges to write at least one sentence like God did in the Bible. Men failed on that. So If we can't do that then we have math. We do know one apple plus one more apple make two apples. We do know the single sentences in the original bible are perfectly divisible by seven. We know single paragraphs or group of words are perfectly divisible by seven. Perfectly mean perfectly. If we retest to see if one apple plus another apple equals two apples each time, we get the same results. The results are the same no matter how many times you retest it. Same with the bible.
So, the bible is more than true to the point that not a single man of all times since Adam has been able to duplicate God's word.
If God said, "you didn't choose me, I chose you", then you really, really should get over it and stop questioning God like He is an idiot and has no power to save anyone according to His Own private personal pleasure. HE DOES HAVE THE POWER TO SEND ALL MEN TO HE'LL WHICH WE ALL DESERVE. Stop boasting and basking in your own imagined devil inspired free will. You have captive will. You have slaved will. That has nothing to do with free will which don't exist.


New member

I've gone beyond that to the point that only 66 books of the Bible is more than true...
So, the bible is more than true to the point that not a single man of all times since Adam has been able to duplicate God's word.
If God said, "you didn't choose me, I chose you",..., will which don't exist.

Matthew 24:24, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

All things are possible with God, right?

How do you know you're not deceived? Maybe God wrote the Bible to deceive you/me/everybody. He may have created science/math to deceive the very elect.

You don't know; not if God is the author of deception. He might be deceiving the whole world, all for His glory; you don't know. You cannot know; God causes deception. He may have caused the writers of the Bible to write a lie. He could have; right?


Matthew 24:24, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

All things are possible with God, right?

How do you know you're not deceived? Maybe God wrote the Bible to deceive you/me/everybody. He may have created science/math to deceive the very elect.

You don't know; not if God is the author of deception. He might be deceiving the whole world, all for His glory; you don't know. You cannot know; God causes deception. He may have caused the writers of the Bible to write a lie. He could have; right?

Calvinism always return to God's Word and state them straight from the Bible meaning it doesn't matter if we're deceived or not since totally deprivaty means all men are deceived bathing in fake free willism not wanting to be part of God. A Calvinist only recognize that it is God who is the boss and is useless to boss God around with meism claiming man has the power to reject the gift of faith given to him. Elects don't reject. The Christians don't even think about pickin on God and toying with Him with the power of man's self free will.

Even if I don't know, as a Calvinist, I know to return to the Bible and hear what God wants us to know. I allow God to keep His secret on if I'm elect or not. I'm left with hope which is all I have left. We do know what God promises to the Elects. Its in the Bible.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Calvinism always return to God's Word and state them straight from the Bible meaning it doesn't matter if we're deceived or not since totally deprivaty means all men are deceived bathing in fake free willism not wanting to be part of God. A Calvinist only recognize that it is God who is the boss and is useless to boss God around with meism claiming man has the power to reject the gift of faith given to him. Elects don't reject. The Christians don't even think about pickin on God and toying with Him with the power of man's self free will.

Even if I don't know, as a Calvinist, I know to return to the Bible and hear what God wants us to know. I allow God to keep His secret on if I'm elect or not. I'm left with hope which is all I have left. We do know what God promises to the Elects. Its in the Bible.

The "arrogance" of a true Calvinist!! You better hope you're
one of the elect! If not, well.....


New member
...Calvinism isn't a religion so I can't be a calvinist. It's like asking, "Are you a Cadillac?" I'm not into branding. Totally depravity is true cause we can't think or do things in the speed of light...


Calvinism always return to God's Word and state them straight from the Bible meaning it doesn't matter if we're deceived or not since totally deprivaty means all men are deceived bathing in fake free willism not wanting to be part of God.

Well said.
Problem: Why return to God's Word and state them straight if it doesn't matter if we're deceived or not?

A Calvinist only recognize that it is God who is the boss and is useless to boss God around with meism claiming man has the power to reject the gift of faith given to him. Elects don't reject. The Christians don't even think about pickin on God and toying with Him with the power of man's self free will.

You don't know that. Maybe people whom God causes to be evil are the ones going to heaven. You don't know what truth really is because God is the author of all lies and all truth.

Even if I don't know, as a Calvinist, I know to return to the Bible and hear what God wants us to know. I allow God to keep His secret on if I'm elect or not. I'm left with hope which is all I have left. We do know what God promises to the Elects. Its in the Bible.

What? So are you a Calvinist or not?
Either way, if you believe God caused sin(authored sin), you cannot have any assurance of salvation, or anything else for that matter. You can know nothing because you don't know if God is causing you to believe a lie.


Well-known member
You can know nothing because you don't know if God is causing you to believe a lie.

Good point; one of the fundamental points, in fact. It's been raised several times before but has yet to get a straight, honest answer.


New member
Good point; one of the fundamental points, in fact. It's been raised several times before but has yet to get a straight, honest answer.

A straight, honest answer requires admission of doubt in God; which would show lack of faith, which proves no election for those who believe God causes sin, because the elect believe in God; God who is, and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. God cannot cause sin.


Well-known member
A straight, honest answer requires admission of doubt in God; which would show lack of faith, which proves no election for those who believe God causes sin, because the elect believe in God; God who is, and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. God cannot cause sin.

Respectful correction: a straight, honest answer to that specific question would require the Calvinist admitting he really can't know he's elect or reprobate. That's why they won't answer it. Which is why B57 is all the more foolish for telling everyone who rejects Calvinism that they're not saved...he can't even know if he is elect, much less anyone else.


New member
Respectful correction: a straight, honest answer to that specific question would require the Calvinist admitting he really can't know he's elect or reprobate. That's why they won't answer it. Which is why B57 is all the more foolish for telling everyone who rejects Calvinism that they're not saved...he can't even know if he is elect, much less anyone else.

Thanks for the cor.
If one doesn't know if he's elect or not, he is not having faith in God.

If one is not having faith in God, he is not a believer.

If one is not a believer, he is not elect.

Therefore; If one doesn't know if he is elect or not, he is not elect.

If one is not elect, he has faith in the wrong god.

A god who causes sin is the wrong god.

One who believes God is, and is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, cannot consciously believe God causes sin.

One who believes God is, and is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, diligently seeks him.

One who seeks God is rewarded by God.

No ifs buts or maybes

In other words: if a Calvanist is diligently seeking God, he will become a Non-calvanist. lol

Is this logically sound?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Thanks for the cor.
If one doesn't know if he's elect or not, he is not having faith in God.

If one is not having faith in God, he is not a believer.

If one is not a believer, he is not elect.

Therefore; If one doesn't know if he is elect or not, he is not elect.

If one is not elect, he has faith in the wrong god.

A god who causes sin is the wrong god.

One who believes God is, and is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, cannot consciously believe God causes sin.

One who believes God is, and is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, diligently seeks him.

One who seeks God is rewarded by God.

No ifs buts or maybes

In other words: if a Calvanist is diligently seeking God, he will become a Non-calvanist. lol

Is this logically sound?

Very good!


Well-known member
You are most welcome.

In biblical reality, one can know he is elect by believing the Gospel of the grace of God. He thereby - and ONLY thereby - becomes elect in Christ, not before.

The problem Calvinist have (though they are loathe to admit it) flows right out of their soteriology: since man is presumed to be so utterly dead that he cannot hear or truly understand what God says, election must precede faith in the Gospel. So in essence, Calvinism's elected ones are saved in eternity past by virtue of their election which cannot be thwarted...they are in reality NOT saved by their faith in the Gospel. Saving faith is only a result and manifestation of their election. That's only one reason among several that Augustinianism is so horrendously false and destructive.

But it gets even worse than that: False faith exists. Tares exist. Deceived ones exist. Sincere but false professions exist. Reprobates exist. So because none can say 100% for sure this side of death if he's elected by God in eternity past, or reprobated by God in eternity past, he - if he's consistent with his Calvinism - simply cannot rest in the peace and safety of the Gospel.

That's where the Lordship salvation "gospel" comes in. It is designed to verify those who "believe the Gospel" as elect by pinning them down up front to a complete commitment to Christ that the terms of the Gospel of grace simply does not demand, and then puts a self-focused burden of endless fruit-checking, navel-gazing and self-doubt upon all converts.

Why is all of this done? Not to glorify Christ, who IS our peace, but to prove (or disprove, as the case may be) the validity of the convert. Lordship salvation gets you coming and going, and is a true mind me, I know.

Incidentally...I also believe psychological wreckage caused by all this Calvinistic falseness is a big reason people have sought "refuge" in the empty cisterns of charismania and, more recently, experience-driven contemplative activities...they're looking for a sense of certainty that Reformed thought, consistently applied, simply cannot provide. Diabolically, though, both of these practices are slowly driving many evangelicals right back to the arms of Rome and Dr. Augustine, where it all began, and the Reformation comes full circle back to Rome because it never made anything approaching a clean break with Rome. The one world church grows apace.

Anyway, that's why B57 feels safe in pronouncing judgment upon other believers here, no matter how stridently they profess faith in Christ alone - if they were truly elect they'd agree with him and be Calvinists. Forget the fact that HE can't know HE is truly elect or not. Since they don't agree with him, they likely aren't really saved. Hence his behavior.


What? So are you a Calvinist or not?
Either way, if you believe God caused sin(authored sin), you cannot have any assurance of salvation, or anything else for that matter. You can know nothing because you don't know if God is causing you to believe a lie.

I'm a blend of everything I can get my hands on. Belief crosses over each other and share some of the same things. If you sound fishy, I get suspicious and double check you. So far I'm seeing a fad of telling Calvinist that they are happy about those in hell and they have no reason to share the gospel and all sort of stuff. Knowing traditional Calvinism and traditional arminianism, I see a fad or a sudden wave of talks that shows their ignorance. It doesn't matter what I am. I don't take sides. If you sound fishy and if it keeps smelling then I hope to spend my time reading wise posts. Honesty attracts my attention and I go from there.



In other words: if a Calvanist is diligently seeking God, he will become a Non-calvanist. lol

Is this logically sound?

Not sound but fishy. Calvinist seeks God and arminians seek God. They both seek God. Calvinist say they seek God based on God knowing they will but not based on what they do down the road of their life. Tha arminian seeks God and tells us that God knew about it based on what they did down the road of thier lives. It would be impossible for the Calvinist to boast cause the credit goes to God. The arminian has a chance to boast cause they give themselves credit for accepting God.
The way I view it, there both wrong and right at the same time. I see God's past, present and future in a different light. That's way I'm leaning more towards love rather than point in fingers at others. here's the catch, the Calvinist can never convince a person to change their paths more towards salvation. The arminians convinces all the time and brings more confusion to men that can't do certain things due to their natural nature. On man's time, all of mankind don't seek God. On God's time, men seek God due to the inspiration of God meaning God first plant the spark in His Elects. When the Calvinist speaks about the elects, they are speaking it as It Is spoken in the bible whether not the Calvinist is saved or not. Calvinist doesn't mean he Is saved Calvinist is not equel to saved.
I see Calvinism closer to the bible than the arminians.


Well-known member

Calvinist seeks God and arminians seek God. They both seek God.

None by nature seek God, neither the Elect or Non Elect Rom 3:11

11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.

How many is none ?
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None by nature seek God, neither the Elect or Non Elect Rom 3:11

11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.

How many is none ?

It does get to the point where we have to accept the quote you provided. It does say what it does say and that is none.

Do the elects seek God?