ECT Forgiving and Forgiveness


New member
You mean to the 11 remaining Disciples. Those who had been with Him from the beginning. That isn't you. I know it's hard to accept that you were not there and don't have a clue about what our Lord was talking about when He spoke of the True Vine.

But, since you like to pick out verses where you can read "loss of salvation" where it isn't there, how about you pick one that speaks of what God IS ABLE TO DO instead of what YOU might possibly sorta be able or unable to do? Like this one....

Jude 1:24-25
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.​

So you don't believe that all of Scripture is for the Body of Yeshua and you're disputing that Yeshua is the true Vine for all? Are you questioning the veracity (truth) of Scripture as well as the validity (what is valid/applicable) of Scripture? I have no idea why you would be posting here in ECT if you don't accept all of God's Word and Paul's, Peter's, John's, Matthew's, Mark's, Luke's, James' which affirms all of God's Word and considers it ALL God breathed/useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness; righteousness being the quintessential goal of all followers of Yeshua, the purely righteous One. There is no part of the Bible that is not true and valid for all. Every jot and tittle of God's Word is for God's people and no created being of God has the right or the ability to dispute Him.


New member
There is a difference between "for" and "to"!

Exactly! "For" meaning applicable to. So when Yeshua stated "But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." and Paul reiterated the same "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." both statements are applicable for us and to us. Under God, what is applicable to the House of Israel is applicable to ALL under God; there is no division.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable...(2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV). The Bible means what it says, as it says it and to whom it says it. It's all written FOR our learning (Romans 15:4 KJV),...

But you don't believe that and have posted as much numerous times.

1. in support of or in favor of (a person or policy) they voted for independence in a referendum
2. affecting, with regard to, or in respect of (someone or something)
3. on behalf of or to the benefit of (someone or something)

but it's not ALL written TO us or about us.

By your "To" standard, none of it is written to us. Is the Book of Revelation for us or not? And if it and all Scripture is for us, stop disputing bits and pieces of it as not applicable to us.

How many times do you need to be shown that the Lord in M, M, L and John was not sent, but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24 KJV) as a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers (Romans 15:8 KJV)?

And yet He clearly states that He was. "I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd." John 10:16 And He healed the Canaanite woman's daughter because of her great faith, His consideration open to all Gentiles who accepted the One True God.

We Gentiles at that time were without hope and without God in the world and the King James Bible tells us why (Ephesians 2:11-12 KJV).

I have a question. How do you know you are a Gentile and what difference does it make now in the Body of Yeshua? You're casting division in the Body that does not exist. The only Gentiles at that time were those who had no belief or faith in God. There were many believing Gentiles and indeed God chose His people from Gentiles.

Paul is the chosen vessel of the Lord where we are concerned given the dispensation of the grace of God to us-ward (Ephesians 3:1-6 KJV). We follow him in doctrine (1 Corinthians 4:15-16 KJV, 2 Timothy 2:2 KJV, 2 Timothy 2:7-8 KJV). You don't have to like it, but that's how it is.

I don't know about you but I've always been a believer in God. I have never been a Gentile in the sense of Scripture's meaning, a pagan. Your doctrine takes the Body backward and warps Paul's teaching from Yeshua....that teaching being the same as Yeshua's when He walked among us. Not the mystery you want to make it out to be and there certainly are no pagans in the Body of Yeshua. You may wish to consider the fact that God never instructed a Court of Gentiles to be built in His Temple. Believing Gentiles have always been, by God's command, as members of the House of Israel. Pharisees have always tended to forget that.
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You mean to the 11 remaining Disciples. Those who had been with Him from the beginning. That isn't you. I know it's hard to accept that you were not there and don't have a clue about what our Lord was talking about when He spoke of the True Vine.

But, since you like to pick out verses where you can read "loss of salvation" where it isn't there, how about you pick one that speaks of what God IS ABLE TO DO instead of what YOU might possibly sorta be able or unable to do? Like this one....

Jude 1:24-25
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.​

IMJ is a very "negative" human being.


New member
So you don't believe that all of Scripture is for the Body of Yeshua and you're disputing that Yeshua is the true Vine for all? Are you questioning the veracity (truth) of Scripture as well as the validity (what is valid/applicable) of Scripture? I have no idea why you would be posting here in ECT if you don't accept all of God's Word and Paul's, Peter's, John's, Matthew's, Mark's, Luke's, James' which affirms all of God's Word and considers it ALL God breathed/useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness; righteousness being the quintessential goal of all followers of Yeshua, the purely righteous One. There is no part of the Bible that is not true and valid for all. Every jot and tittle of God's Word is for God's people and no created being of God has the right or the ability to dispute Him.

Unfortunately, and to your consistently incessant shame, Heir could run circles around you from anywhere in Scripture all day without so much as a twitch for her salvation.

Why? Because Mid-Acts not only holds to "All Scripture" but also, to what you fail to see even as you purport seeing it...

Heir's use of "All Scripture" in her dealings with you and others on here - "for doctrine," or teaching in sound doctrine," for reproof," the straightening out of behavior not in line with said doctrine, "for correction" of belief not in line with said doctrine - in short, "for instruction righteousness that the man of God might be perfect" - in other words - throughly furnished unto all good works" in light of said doctrine.

Not that Heir and I see eye to eye on all things. We do see that you haven't a clue as to what we are talking about.

Because you do not care to know.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Unfortunately, and to your consistently incessant shame, Heir could run circles around you from anywhere in Scripture all day without so much as a twitch for her salvation.

Why? Because Mid-Acts not only holds to "All Scripture" but also, to what you fail to see even as you purport seeing it...

Heir's use of "All Scripture" in her dealings with you and others on here - "for doctrine," or teaching in sound doctrine," for reproof," the straightening out of behavior not in line with said doctrine, "for correction" of belief not in line with said doctrine - in short, "for instruction righteousness that the man of God might be perfect" - in other words - throughly furnished unto all good works" in light of said doctrine.

Not that Heir and I see eye to eye on all things. We do see that you haven't a clue as to what we are talking about.

Because you do not care to know.

Good post


Well-known member
So you don't believe that all of Scripture is for the Body of Yeshua and you're disputing that Yeshua is the true Vine for all?

Stop telling me what I believe or don't believe, you ninny.

All scripture is for us. And we're supposed to have the wisdom to understand what is being said. That's the epignosis you lack. The gnosis you have merely puffs up as each of your posts make only too clear.

Those words Jesus spoke in John 15 were written TO the eleven after Judas left to betray the Lord. Do you ever even read the entire chapter or the chapter before and after? You really should try that for once. Israel was the Vine and Jesus said, "I AM the true vine." Why don't you study up on what that means? Why don't you wonder what Jesus might be saying besides.....IF YOU DON'T you'll be cut off and thrown into the fire. NO salvation. That's what I get from all your posts.

As you rip open that beautiful text to taut your false claim about LOSS of salvation, you should keep something important in mind. Jesus had not yet risen from the dead. The Holy Spirit had not yet come to dwell in anyone and no one had yet been created IN HIM.

The equivalent for members of the body of Christ will be found elsewhere. I can read John 15 and know the pruning is the "chastening" we see here. There is no "loss of salvation" for those who have the sealing of the indwelling Spirit....that Comforter who had not yet come

1 Corinthians 11:32 But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.​

1 Cor. 3:11-15 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.​

Are you questioning the veracity (truth) of Scripture as well as the validity (what is valid/applicable) of Scripture?

NO, are you accusing me of doing so?

I have no idea why you would be posting here in ECT if you don't accept all of God's Word and Paul's, Peter's, John's, Matthew's, Mark's, Luke's, James' which affirms all of God's Word and considers it ALL God breathed/useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness; righteousness being the quintessential goal of all followers of Yeshua, the purely righteous One. There is no part of the Bible that is not true and valid for all. Every jot and tittle of God's Word is for God's people and no created being of God has the right or the ability to dispute Him.

Would you like me to explain what those words mean? Since you refuse to be instructed, I'm not sure you should be quoting the verse.

2 Timothy 3:16KJV
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:​


Well-known member
Exactly! "For" meaning applicable to. So when Yeshua stated "But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." and Paul reiterated the same "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." both statements are applicable for us and to us. Under God, what is applicable to the House of Israel is applicable to ALL under God; there is no division.

:mock: IMJ has the (knowledge) gnosis that puffs up....not the (wisdom) epignosis it takes to understand. She doesn't see that big elephant IF in the middle of the room.


Well-known member
Unfortunately, and to your consistently incessant shame, Heir could run circles around you from anywhere in Scripture all day without so much as a twitch for her salvation.

Why? Because Mid-Acts not only holds to "All Scripture" but also, to what you fail to see even as you purport seeing it...

Heir's use of "All Scripture" in her dealings with you and others on here - "for doctrine," or teaching in sound doctrine," for reproof," the straightening out of behavior not in line with said doctrine, "for correction" of belief not in line with said doctrine - in short, "for instruction righteousness that the man of God might be perfect" - in other words - throughly furnished unto all good works" in light of said doctrine.

Not that Heir and I see eye to eye on all things. We do see that you haven't a clue as to what we are talking about.

Because you do not care to know.

Too proud to be taught. That's sad.

Yep....IMJ doesn't have full knowledge. Only the knowledge that puffeth up. (She'll need a KJV to find that one.) ;)


New member
I see she was, but it won't be long enough to suit me. :chuckle:

Oh, be nice; this place was obviously her home.

She will miss this place, as she had a real passion for the Word; that was evident in many of her posts.

She just could not put it together right; while believing she had.

I'll miss her passion for the Word.

The best to you GT; hope to see you in Glory, one day.

Hope we will have gotten through to you.



Romans 5:8


Well-known member
Oh, be nice; this place was obviously her home.

She will miss this place, as she had a real passion for the Word; that was evident in many of her posts.

She just could not put it together right; while believing she had.

I'll miss her passion for the Word.

The best to you GT; hope to see you in Glory, one day.

Hope we will have gotten through to you.



Romans 5:8

Nice has nothing to do with it. You forget, I was her only friend on this forum for awhile. I know her need for salvation. I know her reliance on herself. I know she is a false teacher, and I certainly do not approve of her false gospel of works. So, a rest from that is welcome. It doesn't come often enough. Besides, she posts her false gospel other places besides here.

She doesn't have a love of the Truth....she has a love of the Lie that man must help God save him.......that man's righteous deeds will save him. That Christ's work on the cross was not enough for all who believe.

Satan also has a "passion for the Word" to distort and twist it. He uses poor fools like GT to spread his perverted "truth". His UNtruth.


New member
Hall of Fame
Nice has nothing to do with it. You forget, I was her only friend on this forum for awhile. I know her need for salvation. I know her reliance on herself. I know she is a false teacher, and I certainly do not approve of her false gospel of works. So, a rest from that is welcome. It doesn't come often enough. Besides, she posts her false gospel other places besides here.

She doesn't have a love of the Truth....she has a love of the Lie that man must help God save him.......that man's righteous deeds will save him. That Christ's work on the cross was not enough for all who believe.

Satan also has a "passion for the Word" to distort and twist it. He uses poor fools like GT to spread his perverted "truth". His UNtruth.

Well said. 2 Timothy 4:2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,…


TOL Subscriber
Exactly! "For" meaning applicable to. So when Yeshua stated "But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." and Paul reiterated the same "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." both statements are applicable for us and to us. Under God, what is applicable to the House of Israel is applicable to ALL under God; there is no division.
Having sins in need of forgiveness and having to do something in order that they be forgiven is not the same as having already been forgiven all trespasses (Colossians 2:13 KJV) and forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you (Ephesians 4:32 KJV). You should be able to see that. It's straightforward English. And why is it that you think you still have sins in need of forgiveness by God? Which of your sins do you believe Christ did not die for?

Under God, what is applicable to the House of Israel is applicable to ALL under God; there is no division.
Wrong. The gospel, doctrine, duty, timing of the atonement and eternal destination are not even the same.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Having sins in need of forgiveness and having to do something in order that they be forgiven is not the same as having already been forgiven all trespasses (Colossians 2:13 KJV) and forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you (Ephesians 4:32 KJV). You should be able to see that. It's straightforward English. And why is it that you think you still have sins in need of forgiveness by God? Which of your sins do you believe Christ did not die for?

Wrong. The gospel, doctrine, duty, timing of the atonement and eternal destination are not even the same.

Good Post

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Nice has nothing to do with it. You forget, I was her only friend on this forum for awhile. I know her need for salvation. I know her reliance on herself. I know she is a false teacher, and I certainly do not approve of her false gospel of works. So, a rest from that is welcome. It doesn't come often enough. Besides, she posts her false gospel other places besides here.

She doesn't have a love of the Truth....she has a love of the Lie that man must help God save him.......that man's righteous deeds will save him. That Christ's work on the cross was not enough for all who believe.

Satan also has a "passion for the Word" to distort and twist it. He uses poor fools like GT to spread his perverted "truth". His UNtruth.

Yep. GT has a passion for false doctrine.