Forced Vaccination is Wrong


New member
I miss Cali ... :(

Though back to the thread ... guess those who don't wish to comply will have to move to a different state that is not so eager to protect their children and teens.

Is that what you call this? Being eager to protect?

See, you don't want freedom. Here's a state taking freedom when you know they shouldn't. You know kids will get hurt if they have their way.

I have a friend who was telling me about her good friend - a mom of 3 who had severe physical reactions to vaccines with her siblings as kids but since they didn't report the incidents now her children can't get a medical exemption, and she can't move.

You gonna take their children away in CA?

Gonna force 'em even if it kills 'em?


New member
I didn't duck any facts....
True enough.

Now you stop ducking and agree, without admitting what you did.

That you cannot reasonably conclude. The vaccine does not result in a case of measles. The child may have an unusually strong reaction to the vaccine but the vaccine can still convey immunity to the child. Thus, the child is protected from death from a full on measles infection. You paint with to wide a brush, you fail to grasp the subtleties of biology and the uniqueness of individuals.

It's like you didn't read what I wrote.

Dead from measles means easily dead from another thing (with no vaccine for it) instead.
The flu is just a bad cold right? Yet it has killed millions throughout history. Again, your instance on deal with gross generalizations tends to greatly weaken your arguments.

Flus and colds kill the weak. You can't vaccinate the problem away. The vaxs will fail, the viruses will be different than the vaccines gotten, etc.

I support vaccination, even mandatory vaccination, because I am a student of history. I have learned from out forefathers.

No, you apparently didn't even read the magna carta. You "learned" so you support forced vaccination and tyranny. pretty dumb.

I hope you realize you have absolutely no say in determining if your grand children are vaccinated or not. That is a decision the parents will make, not you. Unless, of course, you cease the child from the parents, an act that destroy every irony meter on the planet.

My teens already thank me for protecting them and if they honor their parents they will do what we did. If they want to marry and have my blessing, they will protect themselves and their children.

If they rebel, then I can't stop them and I won't.

Incorrect. Good nutrition does not prevent disease. A person in good health may have a milder case and recover quicker, but nutrition is not a preventative.

Sure it does. Why do you think some healthy people can be exposed to contagions and not get a cold?? Healthy immune systems supported by good nutrition.

I note that your methods did not prevent the disease, only treated it.

I also used it as a preventative when I saw it was in my children/animals, stopping the further spread. So there's that, too.

Your thinking is exactly backwards. They are PUBLIC schools so matters of PUBLIC health must necessarily include schools. Here are the rules for attending public school. If you do not agree with those rules it is up to you choose a different school. And I am absolutely fine with giving you a voucher to do so.

Your thinking is backwards. You do not force the public to be exposed to medical risk to protect your daughters.

In Cali they are taking away the opt-out for homeschoolers.


Hall of Fame
Despite your own concerns about Gardasil. :think:

Better tell KMO.

Concerns walk hands in hand with most medications, including antibiotics.

I also would not stub my nose at a doctor who just told me my child had a serious infection that needed treated with an antibiotic because a small amount of children have an allergic reaction.

The benefits of Gardasil FAR outweigh the risks of not having it. However, as I stated before, the vaccine is looking to the future and protecting ALL sexually active individuals including those who claim they are virgins when they marry.


New member
Concerns walk hands in hand with most medications, including antibiotics.

Being allergic to penicillin I understand that. That's why we can't force medical procedures.

I also would not stub my nose at a doctor who just told me my child had a serious infection that needed treated with an antibiotic because a small amount of children have an allergic reaction.

A "serious infection" =/= a healthy non-vaccinated person. One is in eminent danger and sick, the other may become sick if vaccinated.

Such cases of serious infection can warrant fast moving emergency measures and some extreme situations don't even require patient consent.

But even then, someone could kill me by not listening.

The doctor should still listen to his patients and allow them to recover naturally if they can do so safely with proper observation.

The benefits of Gardasil FAR outweigh the risks of not having it. However, as I stated before, the vaccine is looking to the future and protecting ALL sexually active individuals including those who claim they are virgins when they marry.

If they claim they are virgins falsely, that's rape by fraud and a much bigger concern than whether or not they are vaccinated.

Gardasil has not been proven to be "FAR" outweighing the risks of not having it. Only a fraction of cervical cancers are even reflected in the vaccine.

Your faith is based on a TOTAL LACK OF EVIDENCE


Hall of Fame
Being allergic to penicillin I understand that. That's why we can't force medical procedures.

So, if one of your children has a staff infection that leads to gangrene of a toe/finger/hand/foot, etc and the treatment is cut out and clean the infection and use mega doses of antibiotics, your response would be "you can't force me to agree to this procedure and treatment?"


New member
So, if one of your children has a staff infection that leads to gangrene of a toe/finger/hand/foot, etc and the treatment is cut out and clean the infection and use mega doses of antibiotics, your response would be "you can't force me to agree to this procedure and treatment?"

If my kid has a life threatening infection, they are going to get medical care and I will only have a limited say.

That's nothing like forcing homeschoolers to vaccinate.

So can we stay on topic?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Now you stop ducking and agree, without admitting what you did.
I see what you did there! You took two separate response and combined them to make it look like I said something I did not! Are you proud of yourself?

It's like you didn't read what I wrote.

Dead from measles means easily dead from another thing (with no vaccine for it) instead.
I read what you wrote but like most things that you write, it is more of an emotional response than a reasoned response. What I said is true. Immune systems are not all on or all off. They range from weak to robust.

Flus and colds kill the weak. You can't vaccinate the problem away. The vaxs will fail, the viruses will be different than the vaccines gotten, etc.
Well, actually you can use vaccine to greatly reduce the problem. That is why we have vaccines. They were developed specifically to protect the population against the devastation caused by unchecked spreading of disease.

No, you apparently didn't even read the magna carta. You "learned" so you support forced vaccination and tyranny. pretty dumb.
Vaccination tyranny. Points for superior fear mongering. Keep in mind, the plague wiped out 60% of Europe's population. 60%. ANd it caused the dark ages.

[quote\My teens already thank me for protecting them and if they honor their parents they will do what we did. If they want to marry and have my blessing, they will protect themselves and their children.[/quote]And that might include vaccinations in their minds. If it does, they are not honoring their parents. Their parents taught them to care about their kids and they are.

If they rebel, then I can't stop them and I won't.
I difference of opinion is not a rebellion, at least not in my mind.

Sure it does. Why do you think some healthy people can be exposed to contagions and not get a cold?? Healthy immune systems supported by good nutrition.
Supported, yes, convey immunity, no. Even with a well supported immune system is is possible for people to catch diseases.

I also used it as a preventative when I saw it was in my children/animals, stopping the further spread. So there's that, too.
I would wager that there was some sort of isolation along with the vitamin A. The fact of the matter is, the vitamins will not stop the spread of an active virus.

Your thinking is backwards. You do not force the public to be exposed to medical risk to protect your daughters.
Yes, you do put requirements on the public to support public health.

In Cali they are taking away the opt-out for homeschoolers.
Then don't move to California. I support mandatory vaccinations. There are reasonable exceptions that need to be allowed, but overall, I support mandatory vaccines. I do not support forced vaccines.