And this is why you guys keep losing in court. "The gays don't like what?"
The reason that religious liberty keeps losing in court is because our judiciary is composed of social activists who have forsaken the bill of right.
Jose Fly said:
Nope. No one cares what you think. He was put on suspension for distributing anti-gay literature while on work time and in his capacity as Fire Chief.
A. Cochran was fired for writing what he thought.
B. There is no report that Cochran did so in his capacity as fire-chief, it was not an official document nor were any of the fire dept. employees required to read it for their jobs.
C. He may have been on work time, but people engage in personal communication on work time all the time and even if this is against the town's policy, the consequences are usually not termination for the first offense.
For example, while I worked in customer service, I received a book from my atheist supervisor written by Daniel Dennett.
That gift was not an official communication from the company, nor was it distributed in my supervisor's capacity as a supervisor and while it was given to me while both she and I were at work, it was clearly a personal gift not a professional communication.
I find Dennett to be profoundly offensive (in addition to being completely stupid.)
I didn't whine and cry. I didn't run to HR and file a discrimination complaint. I didn't lobby to have my supervisor fired because she distributed something at work that I didn't agree with even though the book made claims about Christians that I found to be deeply offensive. I simply thanked her for being thoughtful and went on my merry way.
Jose Fly said:
Not only that, he gave it to subordinates who didn't request it. That's what triggered this whole thing in the first place...some of his employees complained.
And the whiners got rewarded with the attention they crave while a hard working civil servant gets punished
for communicating his religious beliefs.
Jose Fly said:
Your "if it agrees with me it's OK" blind spot is making you look ridiculous again.
Wrong again.
I am an advocated for the religious freedom of all. If my atheist supervisor wants to give me a book by an atheist philosopher despite knowing that I was a committed Christian, then I can either accept the gift with a "thank you" or refuse the gift with a "no thank you."
No one is forcing me to read it!
No whining allowed.
Jose Fly said:
He gave out anti-gay literature during work hours,
It was a bible study that was not focused on homosexuality but contained a commentary on the biblical viewpoint on homosexuality.
Incidentally, Cochran is right, homosexuality is an unclean behavior and it is condemned in the bible along with bestiality, pederasty and incest. According to the bible, those who practice homosexuality deserve to die for it, that's how much God hates it.
Jose Fly said:
in his capacity as Fire Chief,
Cochran didn't write the book as the Fire Chief, he wrote a book as a private citizen, nor was it distributed in an official capacity. There at least 30 fire stations under the Atlanta Fire Chief. Cochran gave out 3 copies.
Are you really going to argue that he distributed the book in his official capacity as a Fire Chief?
Jose Fly said:
to employees who not only didn't request it,
So what? I got a pamphlet from the democratic party that I didn't want the other day, does that mean my rights have been violated?
Jose Fly said:
The city is no more advocating homosexuality than they are advocating being religious, black, or a woman.
That's a lie and you know it.
Homosexuals demand that they be treated as a privileged class in the USA.
Cases in point.
If a fire chief had written a book that was pro-Muslim wherein Christian were criticized and gave out three copies no one would be fired, I doubt it would even reach the HR reps desk.
If a fire chief had written a book that was pro-Feminist wherein traditional marriage roles were criticized and had given it to three employees no one would be fired.
If a fire chief had written a book that was pro-African American that criticized the privileges of whites in America and had given it to three people no one would be fired.
Jose Fly said:
Hilarious. To you, "fascism" means "not allowing me to discriminate against gays".
What discrimination?
Do you even know what that means?
There is absolutely no evidence that anyone was refused a promotion, refused to be considered for employment, kept from a raise, treated unfairly disciplined, etc.. because they were gay.
Cochran simply published his views (which are true) about what the bible says regarding homosexuality.
My atheist supervisor thought it was stupid to go to church and didn't refrain for saying so but never kept a church-goer from career advancement, is that supervisor guilty of discrimination?
Jose Fly said:
Thanks for making it perfectly clear what this is really about for you. You just want to be able to preach your anti-gay message whenever and wherever, and force everyone to listen.
I preach, occasionally, at my church and even then, anyone is welcome to get up and leave anytime they want, nobody locks the doors. A book is even easier to escape. If you don't like the message, :sozo:
stop reading! :duh:
Have you ever read a book?
A book requires a pretty high level of consent for it to be read. You have to open it and start reading and then you have to keep reading. Here's the thing about a book.
You can stop reading whenever you want.
Nobody is being "forced to listen" to anything.
Jose Fly said:
Fortunately, we don't live in a theocracy.
Stop playing drama queen.
No one is advocated a theocracy. We are advocating for democracy. In a democracy, people can write books about things that some people might not like and they are protected from being punished by the state for writing them. But you have to have actually read the first amendment to understand this.