I'm pretty sure that caring more about the feelings of a sexual pervert than the truth is hateful to God.
The sexual perverts don't like the statement? So what?
And this is why you guys keep losing in court. "The gays don't like it...so what?"
Once upon a time "discrimination" meant unfair treatment of someone on the basis of a protected class. Now it means thinking that homosexuality is wrong or saying what one honestly thinks.
Discrimination is now a thought crime.
Nope. No one cares what you think. He was put on suspension for distributing anti-gay literature while on work time and in his capacity as Fire Chief. Not only that, he gave it to subordinates who didn't request it. That's what triggered this whole thing in the first place...some of his employees complained.
Yeah, so? He gave three people a gift that he thought would encourage them in their Christian faith.
Your "if it agrees with me it's OK" blind spot is making you look ridiculous again. He gave out anti-gay literature during work hours, in his capacity as Fire Chief, to employees who not only didn't request it, but complained about it as well. You can't do that.
How do you know it was on gov't time?
That's what's being reported.
Again, he didn't sign away his soul to the city when he signed the employment contract nor did he sign away his First Amendment rights.
Being a gov't representative does not exempt one from the enjoyment of the Bill of Rights.
I'm not going over this again with you. You're legally wrong as evidenced by the fact that the courts are consistently ruling against you.
You finally stumbled onto something.
The city's policy regarding gays (which is one of advocacy) cannot be dissented from by any gov't employee at any time, the consequences of dissent from the cities official ideology is termination.
The city is no more advocating homosexuality than they are advocating being religious, black, or a woman. All of those are protected classes under the city's anti-discrimination laws.
The definition of fascism is...
Hilarious. To you, "fascism" means "not allowing me to discriminate against gays".
This is why your side consistently loses in court.
No you can't.
Because that would be telling the truth to those who don't want to hear the truth and it would be countermanding the official state ideology which currently advocates homosexuality.
Thanks for making it perfectly clear what this is really about for you. You just want to be able to preach your anti-gay message whenever and wherever, and force everyone to listen.
Fortunately, we don't live in a theocracy.
Because the First Amendment doesn't extend to saying things "publicly anymore."
Not while you're at work. I'm pretty sure if he'd handed out KKK literature, he'd be fired for that as well.