excellent example of MADism:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The "having forgiven you all trespasses" were indeed forgiven past tense...But since it's not LORD! LORD! But those that do His will...I guess that means that not all the trespassing will be forgiven if continued willfully...you know future tense...

imagine that...no sacrifice for willful deliberate sin...not even His

Heb 10:26 they understood...OT ya dig?

Oh wait why would you? Lol

Identify the sins for which the Lord Jesus Christ did not die. Specifics, and why "all," does not mean "all," in Colossians 2:13.

God's Truth

New member
No. All breathe because they are alive...

Your analogy has nothing to do with God's Truth and obeying to have life.

Speak according the scriptures and not from your own wisdom.

but Christians because they realize why they are alive and breathe OBEY...they understand and believe LIFE was given to them by GOD...and in gratitude we OBEY HIM HIS WAY...we obey our CREATOR

No way, for Jesus does NOT give life to those who do not obey, it is not possible because he words are life and you only get that life by obeying. Faith without obedience is dead. You must obey to have life.

All are alive first then we breathe...not all truly understand how we came to become alive...thus not all obey

Just like those healed of leprosy not all returned to say thanks...sad but true

What in the world does that have to do with what you are saying about breathe and having life first?

Peter spoke of an additional realization...HIS SAVIOR'S WORDS WERE ALSO ETERNAL LIFE...

So...To be alive is to breathe...to be alive eternally is to obey Him His Words of ETERNAL LIFE He is our creator...
I explained to you that your human analogy was not from the Bible and did not convince me. I don't know why you came back with more of the same analogy.

Your are speaking of worldly breathing and Jesus is speaking about what is spiritual.

You will not have life unless you do what the Word says. His words are life and merely believing without obedience is dead.

Sorry about all the shouting...sometimes I jus gotta shout it from the rooftops and tell it on the mountain ...


I understand, except that you should not ever go against obeying him, no matter what.


TOL Subscriber
Say that to my face, would you,

I am saying this in your face . . . right smack in your face, before all TOL :

Do you want to obey the Ten Commandments?

All it takes is a yes or no answer from you, Johnnie.


New member
Identify the sins for which the Lord Jesus Christ did not die. Specifics, and why "all," does not mean "all," in Colossians 2:13.

I did.

The sins of the future.

See the next verse highlights that all were forgiven past tense:

"having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross."

But then he continues even into the next chapter listing all the potential sins that could be done still...

And admonishing them NOT to do any of them...duh...

Not once do we read "go ahead and do it cuz they be wiped out already"

God's Truth

New member
Identify the sins for which the Lord Jesus Christ did not die. Specifics, and why "all," does not mean "all," in Colossians 2:13.

Being dead in sins is about not doing the purification/ceremonial works.

They were UNCIRCUMCISED and Jesus did not make them get circumcised before he would save them.


New member
Your analogy has nothing to do with God's Truth and obeying to have life.
right because that is exactly how it doesn't work...even the wicked are born it rains on the evil...the rebellious ones are breathing...they live...

Speak according the scriptures and not from your own wisdom.
right got it...just quote scripture...don't think...come let us reason...test all things...just quote scripture...

No way, for Jesus does NOT give life to those who do not obey, it is not possible because he words are life and you only get that life by obeying. Faith without obedience is dead. You must obey to have life.
Israel herself was given plenty of life but fell away...even obeying. At one point He hated her sabbaths and sacrifices...obedience in and of itself is not life...

Oh and what law did you obey to be born?

What in the world does that have to do with what you are saying about breathe and having life first?
exactly that as Christians we are grateful for every breath and our life and in doing so we acknowledge we are created and alive and thus grateful we are obedient...breathing...

The lepers were healed but not all were grateful to come back and acknowledge Who healed them...the wicked live without acknowledging or being grateful

I explained to you that your human analogy was not from the Bible and did not convince me. I don't know why you came back with more of the same analogy.

Your are speaking of worldly breathing and Jesus is speaking about what is spiritual.

You will not have life unless you do what the Word says. His words are life and merely believing without obedience is dead.

Umm yes do you notice how He healed and fed in the worldly breathing realm first and then moved on to spiritual? Drink of this water...but of the living water I offer...etc...

If a human doesn't acknowledge the gift of worldly breath of Life how could they ever be ready for the spiritual breath of Eternal Life...

I understand, except that you should not ever go against obeying him, no matter what.

Right got it...I don't plan to hold my breath or stop breathing...nor will I endorse others from doing so...lol see it does work...


TOL Subscriber
Identify the sins for which the Lord Jesus Christ did not die. Specifics, and why "all," does not mean "all," in Colossians 2:13.

Wrong question . . .

Jesus Christ became sin in order to vicariously pay the death sentence of His elect people.

He did not nullify or pay for the sins of the unbelieving world.

So your premise is incorrect . . .


TOL Subscriber
All life and breath is the gift of God.

All redemption from bondage to sin is a gift of God.

All desire and ability to obey is the gift of God.

Grace from God unto everlasting life is the greatest gift from God.

Sinners cannot find life, redemption, forgiveness, or faith to serve and obey God by their own efforts or will, but only by the will and Grace of God.

God's Truth

New member
right because that is exactly how it doesn't work...even the wicked are born it rains on the evil...the rebellious ones are breathing...they live...

I am speaking of spiritual things.

right got it...just quote scripture...don't think...come let us reason...test all things...just quote scripture...
You know that is not what I am saying. You are giving a human analogy to speak about something from the Bible is not reasonable.

Israel herself was given plenty of life but fell away...even obeying. At one point He hated her sabbaths and sacrifices...obedience in and of itself is not life...
You are badly mistaken. God hated those things because they did NOT obey.

Oh and what law did you obey to be born?
Do you mean to be born the first time or born again?

exactly that as Christians we are grateful for every breath and our life and in doing so we acknowledge we are created and alive and thus grateful we are obedient...breathing...
That makes no sense.

The lepers were healed but not all were grateful to come back and acknowledge Who healed them...the wicked live without acknowledging or being grateful
What does that have to do with what we are talking about?

Umm yes do you notice how He healed and fed in the worldly breathing realm first and then moved on to spiritual? Drink of this water...but of the living water I offer...etc...

If a human doesn't acknowledge the gift of worldly breath of Life how could they ever be ready for the spiritual breath of Eternal Life...
That does not prove what you have been saying.

Right got it...I don't plan to hold my breath or stop breathing...nor will I endorse others from doing so...lol see it does work...
I don’t get what you are saying. You are going against obeying Jesus. You claim he saves you first. That is from Luther and Calvin.

God's Truth

New member
All life and breath is the gift of God.

All redemption from bondage to sin is a gift of God.

All desire and ability to obey is the gift of God.

Grace from God unto everlasting life is the greatest gift from God.

Sinners cannot find life, redemption, forgiveness, or faith to serve and obey God by their own efforts or will, but only by the will and Grace of God.

God does NOT save unbelievers.


TOL Subscriber
God does NOT save unbelievers.

Then who does He save?

For no sinner believes until God extends His grace and resurrects dead men to new spiritual life!

Salvation is not a reward. God's grace is not a reward. Good works are not rewarded. Sinners can do nothing to merit the reward of everlasting life.

Christians only become believers because God chooses to regenerate and save them from their unbelief and bondage to sin, death, and the devil.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I am saying this in your face . . . right smack in your face, before all TOL :

Do you want to obey the Ten Commandments?

All it takes is a yes or no answer from you, Johnnie.

No, you would not, Naggie, as you are as wimpy, as that Banned Billie Bob Boy "husband" of yours, you admitted satanist, Galatianis 1 perverter.

What was that verse, loser, hag, that tells me I must answer any/all questions, especially from admitted children of the devil, such as yourself, confessed Catholic Clavinist/Canvinist?

Not a peep, eh loser?

And answer my questions, ,you despised satanist-with a yes, or no.

I thought so, "bah" witch.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Wrong question . . .

Jesus Christ became sin in order to vicariously pay the death sentence of His elect people.

He did not nullify or pay for the sins of the unbelieving world.

So your premise is incorrect . . .

Evasion, witchepoo, Galatians 1 perverter:

Identify the sins for which the Lord Jesus Christ did not die. Specifics, and why "all," does not mean "all," in Colossians 2:13.

Do you want to keep the Ten Commandments, Johnnie?

As I predicted, when I asked this satanist...

Show us where any MADist said that, wicked one. Let's go-give the quotes. I never said the law was done away with-I have repeatedly said just the opposite, satanic accuser.

Tetelestai, Pate, others............have said that-not me.

Show us where any MAD proponent has asserted that "all the Law is null and void for Christians"-names, and quotes.

If not, shut your devilish trap.

Am I clear, Naggie Endora?

Tell us, Naggie...

Hebrews 8 KJV
13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

Does the NC, replace the OC? Has it today? Is the OCC vanished? Hebrews says it has not-"ready to vanish." So, if it has, where is the law, you so blubbering cite, if the OC is gone, replaced by the NC?

Watch the spin, disjointed mumbo jumbo, from her SOF, not the bible....Watch....?

. Let's go-give the quotes. I never said the law was done away with-I have repeatedly said just the opposite, satanic accuser.

Tetelestai, Pate, others............have said that-not me.

Show us where any MAD proponent has asserted that "all the Law is null and void for Christians"-names, and quotes.

If not, shut your devilish trap.

Am I clear, Naggie Endora?

Tell us, Naggie...

Hebrews 8 KJV
13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

Does the NC, replace the OC? Has it today? Is the OCC vanished? Hebrews says it has not-"ready to vanish." So, if it has, where is the law, you so blubbering cite, if the OC is gone, replaced by the NC?

Watch the spin, disjointed mumbo jumbo, from her SOF, not the bible....Watch....?]

Not a peep.

Does the NC, replace the OC? Has it today? Is the OCC vanished? Hebrews says it has not-"ready to vanish." So, if it has, where is the law, you so blubbering cite, if the OC is gone, replaced by the NC? Watch the spin, disjointed mumbo jumbo, from her SOF, not the bible....Watch....

Yes, or no, Nag of TOL, admitted Catholic Calvinist Gal. 1 perverter.

Not a peep, as I've reduced it/her to sound bytes.

God's Truth

New member
Then who does He save?

He saves those who believe in Him and obey.

Jesus tells us repeatedly that we have to believe and obey.

For no sinner believes until God extends His grace and resurrects dead men to new spiritual life!

That is nowhere in the Bible.

Salvation is not a reward.

God's grace is not a reward. Good works are not rewarded. Sinners can do nothing to merit the reward of everlasting life.


Revelation 22:12
[ Epilogue: Invitation and Warning ] “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.

Christians only become believers because God chooses to regenerate and save them from their unbelief and bondage to sin, death, and the devil.

So now you are calling it the devil's doing that people sin? I thought you said God is the one who does that?

Again, God does NOT save unbelievers. To say He does is nowhere in the Bible.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I did.

The sins of the future.

See the next verse highlights that all were forgiven past tense:

"having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross."

But then he continues even into the next chapter listing all the potential sins that could be done still...

And admonishing them NOT to do any of them...duh...

Not once do we read "go ahead and do it cuz they be wiped out already"

The "handwriting of requirements" as you cite, is not the law, loser-it is the charges/indictment, that were nailed to the cross.

You-out with the law, to bring others to Christ:

Galatians 3:24 KJV

Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

You: out with the law, so that the lost can have a knowledge of sin:

Romans 3:20 KJV

Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for [B]by the law is the knowledge of sin[/B]



TOL Subscriber
No, you would not, Naggie, as you are as wimpy, as that Banned Billie Bob Boy "husband" of yours, you admitted satanist, Galatianis 1 perverter.

What was that verse, loser, hag, that tells me I must answer any/all questions, especially from admitted children of the devil, such as yourself, confessed Catholic Clavinist/Canvinist?

Not a peep, eh loser?

And answer my questions, ,you despised satanist-with a yes, or no.

I thought so, "bah" witch.

So your answer is "no" then?

Lazy afternoon

1. Chapter, verse, where I am required to answer any/all questions, especially from devil children, such as yourself, as you satanically assert.

Come on, you wicked witch-give me the scripture.

I thought so-you won't-without your SOF, you have NADA, you vile Galatians 1 perverter.

2. You did not answer my question, witchie poo, Endora, married to wimpie banned Billie Bob Boy:

Why do you assert that the Lord Jesus Christ did not die for our sins, and forgive us all trespasses, Naggie poo?

Show us where any MADist said that, wicked one. Let's go-give the quotes. I never said the law was done away with-I have repeatedly said just the opposite, satanic accuser.

Tetelestai, Pate, others............have said that-not me.

Show us where any MAD proponent has asserted that "all the Law is null and void for Christians"-names, and quotes.
If not, shut your devilish trap.

Am I clear, Naggie Endora?

Tell us, Naggie...

Hebrews 8 KJV
13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

Does the NC, replace the OC? Has it today? Is the OCC vanished? Hebrews says it has not-"ready to vanish." So, if it has, where is the law, you so blubbering cite, if the OC is gone, replaced by the NC? Watch the spin, disjointed mumbo jumbo, from her SOF, not the bible....Watch....

Not a peep.

Real tough lady, are you, with your "Johhnie" spam, aren't you, satanist? Say that to my face, would you, as we know that wimp Billie Bob boy husband would not, as he was banned, and wimped out from TOL, right, Calvinist demon? Yes...

Heb 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
Heb 10:27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
Heb 10:28 He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:
Heb 10:29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?


New member
The "handwriting of requirements" as you cite, is not the law, loser-it is the charges/indictment, that were nailed to the cross.


Ummm...yup...I do agree...not the Law was nailed on the cross but what the Law points out...da sins...and well the sins that were done in the past...those which were held against them...so past debts that were due...again past tense

Your question was what sins were NOT died for...

So well the ones in the future...debt to be yet incurred...

No sacrifice for deliberate sin willfully done...once the holy commandment is known if we return to our own it is WORSE than not having heard it at all...

Don't be a dog returning to your own vomit...mmmmmkay?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Heb 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
Heb 10:27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
Heb 10:28 He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:
Heb 10:29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

=more spam irrelevant verses,w/o explanation, and think, "That does it."

Hebrews, Leviticus, Genesis-Revelation.


People laugh at you, LALost.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No sacrifice for deliberate sin willfully done...once the holy commandment is known if we return to our own it is WORSE than not having heard it at all...

Don't be a dog returning to your own vomit...mmmmmkay?
Not written to members of the boc.

Your vomit is dung.

So there. Fun!