excellent example of MADism:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
So your answer is "no" then?

So, your answer is, "yes," that you are still beating your Billie Bob Boy ,"husband," and yes, the law is done away with, as the NC replaced the NC, and that the Lord Jesus Christ did not die for our sins, forgiving us all trespassesk, and you lied when you asserted MADists assert that the law is null/void, devil mouth?


New member
Evasion, witchepoo, Galatians 1 perverter:

Identify the sins for which the Lord Jesus Christ did not die. Specifics, and why "all," does not mean "all," in Colossians 2:13.

As I predicted, when I asked this satanist...

Not a peep.

Does the NC, replace the OC? Has it today? Is the OCC vanished? Hebrews says it has not-"ready to vanish." So, if it has, where is the law, you so blubbering cite, if the OC is gone, replaced by the NC? Watch the spin, disjointed mumbo jumbo, from her SOF, not the bible....Watch....[/B]

Yes, or no, Nag of TOL, admitted Catholic Calvinist Gal. 1 perverter.

Not a peep, as I've reduced it/her to sound bytes.

What an insolent obnoxious brat you are! You must have been raised by wolves. What does it take to get banned on this site?


TOL Subscriber
What an insolent obnoxious brat you are! You must have been raised by wolves. What does it take to get banned on this site?

The owner of this site ("Knight") and all the MADists, consider this poster to be their defender, protector, and spiritual hero!

In their eyes, he is the greatest.

Go figure . .

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
So your answer is "no" then?

So, your answer is, no, that the Lord Jesus Christ doid not die for our sins, forgiving us all our trespasses, and you agree with this?":

"Jesus died for all sins that you repent of."-"god"suntruth

Naggie boy won't touch this...

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
What an insolent obnoxious brat you are! You must have been raised by wolves. What does it take to get banned on this site?

Let me get my hankie out...You are quite irrelevant, cry baby, and bore me.

Your page:This page has had 86 visits


The great saint John W's page:

This page has had 16,529 visits


New member
Gentiles were NEVER governed by "The Law." Christ and His Apostles/Disciples preached the "Kingdom Gospel" to the Jews, only. After Christ left this world, Peter and the rest of the Apostles continued the Kingdom Gospel, however, the Kingdom Gospel, now contained, faith in Christ, as well. Thusly, the Jews had to combine WORKS and faith in Christ. Whereas, the Gentiles were being preached, the Grace Gospel (By Paul) which was by faith alone, without works. That's the difference between the two Gospels.

Jews: The Kingdom Gospel, which included faith in Christ plus works.
Gentiles: The Grace Gospel, which include faith alone without works.

What part of faith without works is dead, did you miss?


TOL Subscriber
You're joking, right???

No. I have been here for almost ten years, and those in control consider John W their sentry who walks the walls to protect TOL from adversaries, such as myself.

It would be a laugh, if it were not so sick . . .

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No. I have been here for almost ten years, and those in control consider John W their sentry who walks the walls to protect TOL from adversaries, such as myself.

It would be a laugh, if it were not so sick . . .

You can't touch me, biblically, Galatians 1 perverter.


New member
I am speaking of spiritual things.{/quote] me too...but I start with the flesh first and then move to spiritual aspects...

You know that is not what I am saying. You are giving a human analogy to speak about something from the Bible is not reasonable.
We are to learn not only what He taught but HOW He taught and He used human analogy all the time...like being reborn...

You are badly mistaken. God hated those things because they did NOT obey.
"I hate, I despise your feast days, And I do not savor your sacred assemblies. " They obeyed the big important things but neglected the little things you know like LOVE...what profits a man learning sacrifice and NOT mercy? They obeyed but did not have the right attitude in their daily lives and with each other...

Do you mean to be born the first time or born again?

Learn one and you will learn the other...

That makes no sense.
sure it does...see breathing is analogous to obedience and well Christians obey because they are grateful they are alive first...they don't obey to become alive...even doesn't work biologically...you can't breath before you are biologically alive...outside the womb

What does that have to do with what we are talking about?
not all those who are alive realize Who made them alive and thus wish to obey Him their creator...it really isn't rocket surgery

That does not prove what you have been saying.
not trying to prove anything trying to help you see that before that which is spiritual there is a physical...and He knew that but not all that breath do

I don’t get what you are saying. You are going against obeying Jesus. You claim he saves you first. That is from Luther and Calvin.
The way to salvation was planned before I was even thought of by my folks...it was made possible before I was born...and of course He saved me before I knew I needed to be...

and then when I finally got my new reborn naked backside spanked I began to breath...I wanted to obey...to LIVE and more abundantly...


Literal lunatic
Whereas it was true, Paul went to the Jews first, but, the Jews rejected his message and at some point Paul turned to the Gentiles with the Grace Gospel, that The Ascended Lord Jesus Christ gave to Paul, to teach the Gentiles. The Grace Gospel did not contain anything to do with The Law, because, ONLY the Jews were given the Law, not so when it comes to the Gentiles.

You once told me that my obsession against MAD might come back to haunt me, might I say your obsession with it might hinder you from all truth?

http://www.originofnations.org/books, papers/where_did_the_twelve_apostles_go.htm