Dozer's Fixation on Rape!

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
you ain't kiddin,,,if a man dresses up like a cowboy and goes into a bar,,well they'll dance,but if a man goes into a bar after work in coveralls that say Halliburton on them,,,well money begets girlfriends don't it?,,,

and if a man dresses in chaps and goes into a gay bar and drinks himself unconscious and gets raped, i would have no problem with saying that his behavior, including his choice of dress, were contributory factors


New member
Hall of Fame
something different if what you were wearing was a contributory factor

was it?

She said encourage, and in the scenario she gave, i can see nothing that would have done so. Just what she is wearing, doesn't encourage a crime.

I disagree that even creating an opportunity for something to happen, causes it to happen.

I maintain that a person can contribute to them becoming a victim in some situations, but even then they are not guilty of the crime itself, in any way.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

verb: encourage; 3rd person present: encourages; past tense: encouraged; past participle: encouraged; gerund or present participle: encouraging

give support, confidence, or hope to (someone).
"we were encouraged by the success of this venture"
synonyms: hearten, cheer, buoy up, uplift, inspire, motivate, spur on, stir, stir up, fire up, stimulate, invigorate, vitalize, revitalize, embolden, fortify, rally; More
informalbuck up, pep up, give a shot in the arm to
"the players were encouraged by the crowd's response"
promising, hopeful, auspicious, propitious, favorable, bright, rosy;
heartening, reassuring, cheering, comforting, welcome, pleasing, gratifying
"an encouraging start"
supportive, understanding, helpful;
positive, responsive, enthusiastic, boosterish
"my parents were very encouraging"
antonyms: discourage
give support and advice to (someone) so that they will do or continue to do something.
"pupils are encouraged to be creative"
synonyms: persuade, coax, urge, press, push, pressure, pressurize, prod, goad, egg on, prompt, influence, sway;
informalput ideas into one's head
"she had encouraged him to go"
antonyms: dissuade
help or stimulate (an activity, state, or view) to develop.

i'd say that behavior can help a criminal situation to develop

remember scenario #2?

At a bank, the manager and tellers spend the day drinking and waving big fistfuls of cash at the poor people walking by.

They drink themselves into unconsciousness with the bank doors wide open and bundles of cash lying about.

People come in and steal the cash.



New member
It most certainly has been mentioned that how a woman is dressed can incite a rape.
You claimed what you were wearing was irrelevant.
If you were wearing something red and were walking in front of 4 members of the Crips, then what you were wearing was not irrelevant.

I didn't describe my behavior or what I was doing at all.
So, we can only wonder where you were, what you were doing there, and how your behavior may have contributed to what happened.

I don't want to hear it, so why don't you drop it?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
does miley cyrus's twerking on stage encourage the young men in the audience to act like (non-criminal) animals?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
tam posted: "Then I guess her dress code is not a factor for rape."

i responded: "why - do you know for sure that she hasn't been raped?"

the fact is, i don't have any idea whether miley cyrus has been raped

that doesn't stop me from being certain that her style of (un)dress would likely be a contributory factor in many situations
Sounds like pure assumption on your part.
Since women are raped regardless of their dress code, it blows that theory right out of the water.

But if you want to keep bringing up Miley; is her appearance stimulating to you?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You claimed what you were wearing was irrelevant.
If you were wearing something red and were walking in front of 4 members of the Crips, then what you were wearing was not irrelevant.

if she was wearing colors of a rival gang, it certainly could be relevant, without her even being aware


New member
Hall of Fame
You claimed what you were wearing was irrelevant.
If you were wearing something red and were walking in front of 4 members of the Crips, then what you were wearing was not irrelevant.

It would still be irrelevant, its not her fault they are maniacs. They are still guilty of what they choose to do.

However if the person knew that wearing red would bother them and then deliberately did it anyway and deliberately put themselves in their presence, then the person would be gulity of contributing to themselves becoming a crime victim, but still not guilty of the crime itself, taking nothing away at all from the responsibility of the criminal not to commit crime.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Sounds like pure assumption on your part.

well, that's why i responded with :idunno: initially
Since women are raped regardless of their dress code

you can prove that for every single woman who has ever been raped, her style of dress was not a contributory factor?

But if you want to keep bringing up Miley; is her appearance stimulating to you?

she's a disgusting pig

i'm more partial to merle oberon, grace kelly, audrey hepburn, ingrid bergman

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
However if the person knew that wearing red would bother them and then deliberately did it anyway and deliberately put themselves in their presence, then the person would be gulity of contributing to themselves becoming a crime victim , but still not guilty of the crime itself, taking nothing away at all from the responsibility of the criminal not to commit crime.

bingo! :first:


New member
Hall of Fame
It was his bed.
She should have left or found somewhere else to sleep.

You are confusing scenerios. The one i responded to, was hers. I was talking about this one:

Herewith, a Philadelphia magazine report about Swarthmore College, where in 2013 a student “was in her room with a guy with whom she’d been hooking up for three months”:

“They’d now decided — mutually, she thought — just to be friends. When he ended up falling asleep on her bed, she changed into pajamas and climbed in next to him. Soon, he was putting his arm around her and taking off her clothes. ‘I basically said, “No, I don’t want to have sex with you.” And then he said, “OK, that’s fine” and stopped. . . . And then he started again a few minutes later, taking off my panties, taking off his boxers. I just kind of laid there and didn’t do anything — I had already said no. I was just tired and wanted to go to bed. I let him finish. I pulled my panties back on and went to sleep.’”

Six weeks later, the woman reported that she had been raped.



New member
It would still be irrelevant
No, if she wore the colors of a rival gang, it would be a contributing factor, which makes it relevant.

, its not her fault they are maniacs. They are still guilty of what they choose to do.
True, but that doesn't mean the clothes were irrelevant if they were a contributing factor.

However if the person knew that wearing red would bother them and then deliberately did it anyway and deliberately put themselves in their presence, then the person would be gulity of contributing to themselves becoming a crime victim
Yes, the clothes a person wears can make them more of a target for a crime than another person wearing different clothes.

A man in an Armani suit with a Rolex Oyster on his wrist is more of a target for robbery than a man in a KMart suit wearing a Tmex.

, but still not guilty of the crime itself, taking nothing away at all from the responsibility of the criminal not to commit crime.

patrick jane

no, it was her bed

dang - you made look back and check though

I'm just sayin' if a relationship I was in was called off, 3 weeks later I wouldn't lay next to the former lover in a bed, no matter whose bed or where it is. It's an invitation, unspoken.


New member
There is a reason for that stigma.
Some people on this thread are trying to pretend there isn't any reason.

Yup! Some really clever lawyers for rich preppy kids discovered that juries don't want to believe that these nice boys would rape anyone
Especially maids and silly freshman college girls
many of whom commit suicide out of shame.
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