It's refreshing in this day and age to see someone who actually embraces the Constitution of the United States and it's Due Process clause. The late SCOTUS Judge Antonin Scalia and Senator Ted Cruz had talked about how Roe v Wade violates the due process clause, an unconstitutional ruling that is responsible for the deaths of 58+ million in a 43 year period.
Donald Trump has no use for the Constitution, he rarely if ever talks about it and how great of a document it is. Wannabe tyrants talk about what they'll do, not what great things the law of the land has done.
Beyond people, obviously, the United States is the Constitution. The Constitution is the sole value of this nation in terms of a worthy political structure, and abiding by that Constitution the fabric of the nation. Unravel fabric, and you have rags.
The military and civilian government swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution, to protect and defend the Constitution, this for a real reason, a most important reason. You know what the real coup, the big enchilada was, in the rise of Adolf Hitler? An oath of allegiance taken to be allegiant to him, not the rule of law. The same evil can come in an oath of allegiance to some political party.
If we are not the Constitution, we are nobody. And, due to man's evil, his vanity and the lawless, ensuing corruption inevitable of self seekers, the inevitability of evil power mongers rising, we will simply become like any fallen people, destined for the trash heap of history, and rightfully so, if we forsake that law. Aside God's mercies, it is only the law that keeps the devils in check. Rule of law is serious business. I have no idea what has even become of civics teaching, that comments like the no fly list and guns don't get half the nation, anyway, rising up in protest.
Yes, if I were Mr. Trump, I'd have jumped all over such comments, which are, truly flaming "Are you nuts?" type statements by liberals. Is not willful violation of the Constitution a high crime, treason even? You tell me what real hope there is for a nation to avoid serious problems that seems to be so ignorant as to not say boo about these things. It very much is the case, if some dictator can put your name on a list and strip you of rights, and a people will allow this to come about, and this what Obama, Hillary, et al flatout advocating, while preoccupied with such all-important pursuits, like "Dancing with the Stars" or football, there is nothing left but for people to learn the hard way. It's an excessively hard way to learn by nuclear holocaust, that saber rattling against Russia, over the likes of Syria, is just a very bad and dangerous idea, declaring some "no fly zone" in territory Russia is prosecuting war in? Does this strike you as sane?
It would be a real shame for a nation to suffer all its major cities in rubble, as the result of a President that must prove she has at least as much testosterone and wears the pantsuits, just like men. Seriously. Just radical feminism that needs to, gambles to, prove she can pee in the tall weeds with Putin, could end the nation in less than an hour. This liberal thing about Trump and the nuclear button, the in-your-face hypocrisy, in light of militant, crazy, warmongering statements Hillary has made of Putin, which are, in fact, advocating and baiting for war with Russia? Well, you do the math. Everybody knows Bush had it in for Saddam Hussein over threating his daddy. Are you guys willing to get fried where you stand (and be considered one of the lucky ones), over Hillary's Wikileaks conspiracy theory and vengeance against Putin?
It occurs to me, Syria in light of Iraq, Libya, Egypt, radical Islam and the U.S., which resulted in ISIS, as well as pursuits of cyberwar tactics we're engaged in, if Putin were behind Wikileaks, are we not the pot calling the kettle black? What is Putin doing that we've not done in spades, on the war front? What sort of alchemy are these hypocrites like Hillary advocating? And what is the liberal solution? A coverup? Cut the internet at the Ecuadorian embassy, rather than face their very own words and malfeasance? What is this do as I say, not as I do to Putin? For us, it's collateral damage, for Putin war crimes? Who is Hillary to moralize, in the first place? Does anybody believe such stupidity, such dictatorial hypocrisy will elicit any respect from Putin? Anyway, that's all we need at this point, a worse idiot in the White House. Nobody could make this stuff up, the most disheartening thing that half the comatosed, backslidden nation seems to buy it all.