Donald Trump will WIN BIG!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

POLL ALERT: Trump DOMINATES in latest CNN Poll

Coming out of the RNC convention, Donald Trump is dominating Hillary Clinton in the latest CNN/ORC poll. In a two-way race, he’s beating her 48% to 45%. In the likely four-way race that includes Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, he’s winning 44% to 39%.

This translates to a 6-point RNC convention bounce for Trump, which are traditionally measured in two-way matchups.


like marbles on glass


The cult of Trump.


New member
The cult of Trump.

We know the truth is hard for you....

We know that his kids are smarter than you....

We know that the truth threatens you....

We know that reality is looming at your very door....

We know you have no where to hide now, your exposure is complete....

We know like all flawed thinkers, your lies will be exposed...

Enjoy your bubble, if just for a few more hours....


like marbles on glass
We know the truth is hard for you....

We know that his kids are smarter than you....

We know that the truth threatens you....

We know that reality is looming at your very door....

We know you have no where to hide now, your exposure is complete....

We know like all flawed thinkers, your lies will be exposed...

Enjoy your bubble, if just for a few more hours....

:chuckle: Did you practice that in front of the mirror in your Darth Vader mask?

(Comic-Con was last weekend, btw.)


New member
It is amazing to me that the best that this generation can provide is a Trump and a Hillary as presidential candidates.

Well, what can I expect, the present mayor where I live has spent seven years in jail for taking bribes while being the mayor. Almost immediately after paying for his crimes, the people voted him in again as the mayor.

What is wrong is being elevated as right and what is right is being decried as wrong.


like marbles on glass
Now that Trump is leading by 9 points
with independents, and the Devil's
National Convention is imploding, and
we have all of the primary vote data.....

Who here at TOL is still stupid enough
to publicly claim that TRUMP won't win?????

Now that Hillary is leading nationally by 9 points, and Donald Trump is imploding....

He certainly isn't winning big. We'll find out come November.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Now that Hillary is leading nationally by 9 points, and Donald Trump is imploding....

He certainly isn't winning big. We'll find out come November.

The latest polling has Trump's troubles continuing to mount.
[h=3]Polling Data[/h]
PollDateSampleMoEClinton (D)Trump (R)Spread
RCP Average7/29 - 8/5----47.340.4Clinton +6.9
IBD/TIPP7/29 - 8/4851 RV3.44639Clinton +7
LA Times/USC7/30 - 8/52205 LV--4544Clinton +1
McClatchy/Marist8/1 - 8/3983 RV3.14833Clinton +15
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl7/31 - 8/3800 RV3.54738Clinton +9
FOX News7/31 - 8/21022 RV3.04939Clinton +10
Reuters/Ipsos7/30 - 8/31072 LV3.54339Clinton +4
Economist/YouGov7/30 - 8/1933 RV4.14643Clinton +3
CBS News7/29 - 7/311131 RV3.04741Clinton +6
CNN/ORC7/29 - 7/31894 RV3.55243Clinton +9
PPP (D)7/29 - 7/301276 LV2.75045Clinton +5