Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


Hall of Fame
This rude, crude, embarrassing, obnoxious, sexist, racist, orange-tinted P.T. Barnum who boasts about his money buying him power, who boasts about, well, about everything - he speaks for you.

You want him in the White House. You're insane.
Say what you will about the questions, the answers, or the general tone to the debate. As soon as Republican front-runner Donald Trump started up on Kelly after she questioned previous comments he has made toward women, Twitter users went to their keyboards (or mobile devices).

"Rather, it was that Trump's comments, and the overt hatred of women he conveyed, appear to have a real political constituency in America. Looking just at the immediate reaction, despite the backlash among the GOP establishment, his comments have inspired what appears to be an overwhelming wave of online hatred not against Trump but against Kelly," writes Vox's Max Fisher

The analysis, run by Izzy Galvez, took a look at a handful of four letter words sent to Kelly's Twitter account over the past year. As one might expect, she hasn't really been the target of that much Twitter harassment—or, at least, the chart is so skewed based on the results from Thursday, that it's hard to really tell just what kinds of unfriendly things Twitter users have typically sent her (or said about her).

Starting with the debate, however, quite a few unpleasant words were either used alongside her name or sent directly to her—more than 800 mentions in total, and that's just for a small sampling of words. Those who didn't curse Kelly out with that degree of specificity, or found other creative ways to do so, wouldn't be included within the total.,2817,2489286,00.asp

That sums Trump's (the thrice married adulterer) character up quite accurately. :)


Trump will survive this latest uproar for a simple reason. He is right that Kelly attacked. She went after him in a way that she did not do with the other candidates. She sought to take him down and force him to make a politically correct retraction. She was following the script of the political elite who are desperate to find a way to cut Trump out of the landscape. I am betting it will backfire on her and her handlers.


Poor "Donald" - instead of lobbing him an easy question, Megyn Kelly had the audacity to to bring up his longstanding tendency to bad-mouth women in public.

This topic was bound to rear its ugly head sooner or latter and being the frontrunner in the polls Trump should have been prepared.

Obviously he wasn't, and running for president is the one area where a multimillionaire can't bluff or bluster his way through or expect those around him to do him any favors.

If he wasn't prepared for a "light-weight" like Megyn Kelly, how is he going to handle the political "heavy hitters" in the Democratic Party who now smell blood in the water and can't wait to provoke him into "self-destructing" during the live television debates in front of millions of viewers.


New member
Trumped again!



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Trump will survive this latest uproar for a simple reason. He is right that Kelly attacked. She went after him in a way that she did not do with the other candidates. She sought to take him down and force him to make a politically correct retraction. She was following the script of the political elite who are desperate to find a way to cut Trump out of the landscape. I am betting it will backfire on her and her handlers.

would you vote for trump
he was running against hillary?


Trump is a pig. Kelly tried to show that---and she did.
Trump was/is the front runner, he should get tougher questions than, say Dr. (Aren't I special for what I can do) Ben Carson.

Next time I would like to see a steel cage match between Paul and Christie. Christie has the weight advantage but I think Rand might be quicker.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I don't think I can agree with you here Kat, Trump has sacrificed big time, and still keeps plugging along. If he was just playing around I believe he would have bailed before losing money & his brand's reputation by speaking his mind. Time will tell but, I think that he is going stick with it for now anyway...we will see.

I think Trump is trying to show what is possible? It seems to me he may be trying to inspire, maybe Cruz, maybe Walker? One more possible, have Carly Fiorina run as the vice president. If the Republicans have a woman candidate, they will stand better against Hillary.

Well given that all of the RINO's on The right & all the progressives on the left are bought lock, stock, & barrel by corporations and special interests, I don't see that Trump has the backing of any of them, quite the contrary, the reason the man has resonated with average Americans is his candor on the subjects such as illegal immigration, offshoring of American Jobs & our industrial base. Trump is speaking jobs & prosperity for all which seems to be selling better than the same ole, same ole coming from the rank & file politicians of both parties, and he is self funding his campaign which makes him beholden to no one, more than you can say for this entire field of panderers on the right & left.

I do agree, we do not need another big government neo-con with more focus on interventionist internationalism. We need better in-house leadership, and there are several potentials who full the bill. I do think we need someone keen on the economy and that is Carly Fiorina's asset

Show me the man/woman that has these credentials that has a chance of getting elected & I will vote for certainly won't be Bush or the rest of the RINO crowd that is for sure, that just won't sell to the masses...Just being honest about it anyway.

I agree with this statement Kat but, I do not agree that Trump does not want to restore this nation back to it's place in the world and restore the prosperity that we Americans have seemed to have lost since our politicians put corporate interests above the prosperity of the country and it's people. Trump is the only one up to this point that is addressing this issue and it is winning him support no matter what caustic things he says. Again, time will tell, we will all have to wait and see how his candidacy unfolds going forward. I do love how that he confounds candidates on both sides, & the media, yet still enjoys a healthy lead on the rest of the field...he is doing something right.

I do think Trump running is positive, yet I doubt he has the dedication, I do believe he has many good ideas and his position allows him to express his opinions publicly. You response was most intelligent and well thought out. I would rep you but I seem to have to spread it around and am not likely to stay on long.
God Bless!

patrick jane

he can't be a politician, just a character. it's probably andy kaufmann -

trumpeltstiltskan wears a cheap red cap, no tie and a massive mouth
no chance -

The Barbarian

I do love how that he confounds candidates on both sides, & the media, yet still enjoys a healthy lead on the rest of the field...he is doing something right.

If Donald Trump were to face any of three popular Democrats in a battle for the White House, then the Republican would likely lose. In head-to-head matchups with Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders or Vice President Joe Biden, Trump would finish behind each, said a Quinnipiac University poll out Thursday. [Of the four, only Biden is not a declared candidate for president.]

More Americans would vote for a self-declared socialist than would vote for Trump. Let that one sink in.
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"The Donald" has gone a full week without saying something that is offensive to some segment of American society!

If this continues, we should expect Trump to drop in the polls - out of sight, out of mind!