Donald Trump will WIN BIG!

The Barbarian

Kasech came off pretty well to me, also. I was much more impressed with Rand Paul, however. He'll never be allowed to get the nomination, but he seemed the most sane and problem-oriented candidate on the stage.


New member
FOX did their best to make Trump look bad. But that might not affect the Trump supporters.

People with real discernment don't pay any attention
to the sophomoric manipulators at Fox News.

They are not real journalists, they act more like

sorority brats with an agenda than professional



New member
carly was the only one to mention the phone call
between trump and clinton in may

perot elected the first clinton
trump will elect the second one

yes, the voters are that stupid

trump will have a president in his back pocket

Carly clearly won her debate and spanked Rick Perry.
Intelligence is a beautiful thing in a debate.

Trump clearly won the debate although some can't admit that.

Huckabee performed above expectations as did Dr. Carson.

Cruz was the toughest on our enemies, and it did not go unnoticed that the Fox clowns deliberately did not give Trump any national security questions. They did not want him looking tough.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Carly clearly won her debate and spanked Rick Perry.
Intelligence is a beautiful thing in a debate.

Trump clearly won the debate although some can't admit that.

Huckabee performed above expectations as did Dr. Carson.

Cruz was the toughest on our enemies, and it did not go unnoticed that the Fox clowns deliberately did not give Trump any national security questions. They did not want him looking tough.

do you think trump has a deal with the clintons?


New member
No, he looks like a pompous windbag who clearly avoided the legitimate debate questions posed to him.
No surprise there. I would love to see a more moderate conservative come out of the primaries here. That is the only way I see the Repubs having a shot.


Well-known member
No surprise there. I would love to see a more moderate conservative come out of the primaries here. That is the only way I see the Repubs having a shot.
A moderate republican, like John McCain, Mitt Romney, or Bob Dole? A moderate will have no shot. Our elections are more about turn-out that who the majority of people want, since the majority of people don't even vote. A moderate will not get a good turn-out from their side. Obama's not a moderate and he excited the left.


New member
A moderate republican, like John McCain, Mitt Romney, or Bob Dole? A moderate will have no shot. Our elections are more about turn-out that who the majority of people want, since the majority of people don't even vote. A moderate will not get a good turn-out from their side. Obama's not a moderate and he excited the left.
Problem is the conservative base is shrinking, minority groups continue to be turned off by the candidates that hit the front page. They need to get some of those groups back before they can even think about picking out the wallpaper in the Oval Office.

The Barbarian

Perry and Paul are the two most rational people when it comes to making the republican party more inclusive. Hispanics tend to be socially conservative, and they will vote republican in significant numbers if the party reins in the idiots who hate them.

Bush won his first election because he openly appealed to Hispanics. He always got a surprisingly large percent of the Hispanic vote. Perry hasn't forgotten that lesson.


New member
do you think trump has a deal with the clintons?

I am sure Trump has given the Clintons
money to buy favors, that is what Corporate
cronyism is in politics. All business men do it,
they must to be competitive.
I don't agree with the practice, I think it is corruption
and it is widespread.

If you speak of a current deal to make sure the
Republicans lose to Hillary, I doubt it. I think
that Trump could not be bought like that. I also
think that Trump's ego is large enough to believe
that he could win the Presidency as a third party
candidate. Another reason is the horrible position
Hillary is in relative to winning her own party's
nomination. She is more likely to go to jail, than to
the White House. Petraeus was convicted for much less.


Donald Trump will WIN BIG!

A select group of conservatives are attracted to "The Donald," but the chances of expanding his base to include those moderates necessary to win a national election is negated every time he opens his mouth.

The more airtime Trump receives, the more he becomes the "face" of the Republican Party and the more moderates who are turned off by his style shift their vote to the Democrats.


New member
Donald Trump will WIN BIG!

A select group of conservatives are attracted to "The Donald," but the chances of expanding his base to include those moderates necessary to win a national election is negated every time he opens his mouth.
In addition to every minority.


New member
Donald Trump will WIN BIG!

A select group of conservatives are attracted to "The Donald," but the chances of expanding his base to include those moderates necessary to win a national election is negated every time he opens his mouth.

You are obviously unaware of the Democrats and
Republicans and Independents near the borders that
support Trump. They are millions, they are legion.


New member
You are obviously unaware of the Democrats and
Republicans and Independents near the borders that
support Trump. They are millions, they are legion.
I find that highly unlikely since Trump doesn't support their political interests.


You are obviously unaware of the Democrats and
Republicans and Independents near the borders that
support Trump. They are millions, they are legion.
Even in the Republican Party, Trump’s characterizations reflect a minority view. Among Republicans, 66 percent say undocumented immigrants from Mexico are mainly honest, while 19 percent say they are mainly undesirable.

There is clear resistance to his candidacy within the party. A majority (54 percent) say his views do not reflect the core values of the Republican Party.

If Trump were to receive the GOP nomination, 62 percent of Americans say they definitely would not consider voting for him. In contrast, just over 4 in 10 say they would definitely not consider voting for Clinton, Bush or Sanders.

Trump, however, could become a factor if he were to leave the GOP race and run for president as an independent. The survey shows that in a hypothetical three-way race, Clinton is at 46 percent, Bush is at 30 percent and Trump is at 20 percent among registered voters.

Trump takes more support away from Bush than Clinton in such a contest. In a head-to-head matchup, Clinton tops Bush by 50 percent to 44 percent among registered voters.
If there are "millions" and "legions" that support Trump, there are even more "millions" and larger "legions" that would refuse to vote for him!


New member
Hall of Fame

Donald Trump on Friday night attacked Fox News host Megyn Kelly for menstruating. "She had blood coming out of her eyes. Or blood coming out of her whereever," Trump told CNN's Don Lemon about her questioning of him at Thursday night's debate. "You call women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals," she said. "Hours later, Trump retweeted a statement calling Kelly a "bimbo." On CNN, he called Kelly a "lightweight" and unprofessional. Last month in an exchange with another female reporter, Trump belittled her. “Come on, try getting it out.” Trump told NBC News's Katy Tur. “Don’t be naïve. You’re a very naïve person.”


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I think
that Trump could not be bought like that.

who is buying whom?
the clintons can be bought
the foundation is proof of that
trump has already admitted that he is not above buying anyone
he will do whatever it takes
he can hand the clintons the presidency

wake up