Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


Well-known member
The one good thing about all the Trump business is that it's making it harder and harder to deny how absurdly corrupted our political process has become. Even the most intractable idiots must be having a hard time maintaining the belief that we are still a representative democracy, these days.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Perry and Paul are the two most rational people when it comes to making the republican party more inclusive. Hispanics tend to be socially conservative, and they will vote republican in significant numbers if the party reins in the idiots who hate them.

Bush won his first election because he openly appealed to Hispanics. He always got a surprisingly large percent of the Hispanic vote. Perry hasn't forgotten that lesson.

nor has jeb
he knows better than anyone
you need the mexicans
hence the 'act of love' statement
they will not forget that
the ones who like him
especially the ones who don't

jeb also knows you need the religious wackos


New member
Hall of Fame
Trump is dumped from a Red State conference because of his comments on Megyn Kelly. Trump then called the leader of Red State weak and pathetic.

:mock: Trump

The Barbarian

One problem with being the class clown is, after you've done the most disgusting thing imaginable, what's left?

The party is angry at him for effortlessly topping even Ted Cruz.

Trump, if he goes 3rd party, will tap off enough of the crazies to throw the election to the democrats. If he wins the republican nomination, he'll throw the election to the democrats.

Hence the dilemma.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
One problem with being the class clown is, after you've done the most disgusting thing imaginable, what's left?

The party is angry at him for effortlessly topping even Ted Cruz.

Trump, if he goes 3rd party, will tap off enough of the crazies to throw the election to the democrats. If he wins the republican nomination, he'll throw the election to the democrats.

Hence the dilemma.

do you think trump has a deal with the clintons?

The Barbarian

do you think trump has a deal with the clintons?

I don't think there's a deal. Trump has expressed admiration for the Clintons, although he'd dump his own mother if there was something in it for him. He's clearly where he wants to be. He can assure that the republicans fail in the next election, and that power feeds his ego. Hence the republican eagerness to get him to promise to support whoever is nominated.

If they get him angry, he's likely to trash 2016 for them.

I doubt if there's a conspiracy. But Clinton must be pleased. I could be wrong, of course. Republicans going down because of a rich boy with more money than brains would appeal to her sense of irony.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I don't think there's a deal. Trump has expressed admiration for the Clintons, although he'd dump his own mother if there was something in it for him. He's clearly where he wants to be. He can assure that the republicans fail in the next election, and that power feeds his ego. Hence the republican eagerness to get him to promise to support whoever is nominated.

If they get him angry, he's likely to trash 2016 for them.

I doubt if there's a conspiracy. But Clinton must be pleased. I could be wrong, of course. Republicans going down because of a rich boy with more money than brains would appeal to her sense of irony.

he can and will elect hillary
he knows that
the clintons know that
trump will do very well with a president hillary
we all know that
even you
is that a deal or what?


If someone could create a characature made up of everything people don't like about (R) capitalist pig types, it would be Trump. He's like Rush Limbaugh, he says terribly offensive things, but then fanes outrage, claiming he was misquoted, a victim of a media smear.


New member
who is buying whom?
the clintons can be bought
the foundation is proof of that
trump has already admitted that he is not above buying anyone
he will do whatever it takes
he can hand the clintons the presidency

wake up

You seem to have an inability to distinguish between
someone who buys influence, and someone who's
influence can be bought.

Trump would be very difficult to buy relative to a Clinton.


a clinton prayer
I think Hilary's a very vulnerable candidate.

Trump has a good chance at being the GOP nominee, as long as he keeps up with his bluster, his arrogant take on politics as usual in the Republican Party and his name-calling and insults. People--especially the over 55 white guys--eat this stuff up.

They are tired of sitting in their recliners fearful, defensive and yelling their protest at the modern world around them. This is why the Tea Party was able to make such an inroad in the party.

The only thing Trump might have problems with would be Bernie Sanders because he is the only one who is lashing out against crony capitalism. And Trump is a perfect example of this.

But I still put my meager savings of the Trumpster.


Any native speaker of English who has an ear for language ought to look at the vocabulary and the types of questions that FOX "News" asked Trump. They probed for scandals and always seemed to come up with the questions that would put him in a bad light. There were never these types of questions directed at other folks.

The word has come down that Trump is to be marginalized and mocked. Rush Limbaugh knows the story if anyone still listens to him.


New member
Any native speaker of English who has an ear for language ought to look at the vocabulary and the types of questions that FOX "News" asked Trump. They probed for scandals and always seemed to come up with the questions that would put him in a bad light. There were never these types of questions directed at other folks.

The word has come down that Trump is to be marginalized and mocked. Rush Limbaugh knows the story if anyone still listens to him.

Megyn Kelly is not a journalist, just a paid clown.

While the borders are open,

the economy is stalled,

Russia is preparing for war,

Iran is building a nuclear weapon,

Americans are killing their unborn by the millions,

A criminal could win the Democratic nomination,

Megyn Kelly decides with her limited time she should
grill Trump about his comments to Rosie Odonnel......?????

Really Megyn???? That is the type of questions you worked so hard on????????

That is the relevant material Americans need answers to. to make
the right decision??????? Blonde bimbo snake, maybe, not a journalist.


When the polls reward a candidate for making outrageous comments, its just a matter of time before Trump crossed over the line.

If Trump reverts back to his "loose-canon" mode during the early days of a campaign, what would he be like as a president during a national emergency like 9/11?

If Trump can't handle a few questions from Megyn Kelly during a Republican debate, how is he going to respond against the onslaught of the Democratic "heavy hitters" during a national campaign?


Megyn Kelly is not a journalist, just a paid clown.

While the borders are open,

the economy is stalled,

Russia is preparing for war,

Iran is building a nuclear weapon,

Americans are killing their unborn by the millions,

A criminal could win the Democratic nomination,

Megyn Kelly decides with her limited time she should
grill Trump about his comments to Rosie Odonnel......?????

Really Megyn???? That is the type of questions you worked so hard on????????

That is the relevant material Americans need answers to. to make
the right decision??????? Blonde bimbo snake, maybe, not a journalist.
Conservative Republicans in power do not want to do the right thing. It's too comfortable making money off their web sites from the gullible (each week it's a new issue where the candidate NEEDS YOUR HELP to fight the "liberal agenda!).

And plus once they are in Washington it's a plum job with hardly any work time scheduled to actually show up.


New member
If Trump can't handle a few questions from Megyn Kelly during a Republican debate, how is he going to respond against the onslaught of the Democratic "heavy hitters" during a national campaign?

Not only did he handle the questions, he increased
his lead in the polls, and twitter crucified Megyn Kelly.


like marbles on glass
Not only did he handle the questions, he increased
his lead in the polls, and twitter crucified Megyn Kelly.

Yeah, I'm sure you're proud of all those twitter users who took the opportunity to call her vile names - like, oh, the usual misogynistic terms used against women... slut, whore, the b word (TOL won't let me type that one) and the c word.

But that's okay, they're just all plain-talking, I'll-say-what-I-what-to-say members of the Trump dumpster diving team, aren't they? Just like you.

This rude, crude, embarrassing, obnoxious, sexist, racist, orange-tinted P.T. Barnum who boasts about his money buying him power, who boasts about, well, about everything - he speaks for you.

You want him in the White House. You're insane.
Say what you will about the questions, the answers, or the general tone to the debate. As soon as Republican front-runner Donald Trump started up on Kelly after she questioned previous comments he has made toward women, Twitter users went to their keyboards (or mobile devices).

"Rather, it was that Trump's comments, and the overt hatred of women he conveyed, appear to have a real political constituency in America. Looking just at the immediate reaction, despite the backlash among the GOP establishment, his comments have inspired what appears to be an overwhelming wave of online hatred not against Trump but against Kelly," writes Vox's Max Fisher

The analysis, run by Izzy Galvez, took a look at a handful of four letter words sent to Kelly's Twitter account over the past year. As one might expect, she hasn't really been the target of that much Twitter harassment—or, at least, the chart is so skewed based on the results from Thursday, that it's hard to really tell just what kinds of unfriendly things Twitter users have typically sent her (or said about her).

Starting with the debate, however, quite a few unpleasant words were either used alongside her name or sent directly to her—more than 800 mentions in total, and that's just for a small sampling of words. Those who didn't curse Kelly out with that degree of specificity, or found other creative ways to do so, wouldn't be included within the total.,2817,2489286,00.asp
