Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


New member


"Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain[1] is a 527 Political Action Committee formed in 1997.[2] The group makes controversial allegations against Senator John McCain concerning his time as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. The group was founded by Vietnam veterans Jerry Kiley and Ted Sampley.[2]

The group has made a video in which Bob Smith, former Republican Senator from New Hampshire, Bob Dornan, former Republican Representative from California, former Congressional staffers and others make various allegations against McCain.[3] The group has also disseminated taped excerpts[4] of McCain's questioning of Dolores Alfond of the National Alliance of Families before the United States Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs."

McCain solely responsible for block U.S. Senate action to recover missing POW's. That is a fact. McCain is a snake, not a hero.
Do your own research.


New member

"Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain[1] is a 527 Political Action Committee formed in 1997.[2] The group makes controversial allegations against Senator John McCain concerning his time as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. The group was founded by Vietnam veterans Jerry Kiley and Ted Sampley.[2]

The group has made a video in which Bob Smith, former Republican Senator from New Hampshire, Bob Dornan, former Republican Representative from California, former Congressional staffers and others make various allegations against McCain.[3] The group has also disseminated taped excerpts[4] of McCain's questioning of Dolores Alfond of the National Alliance of Families before the United States Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs."

McCain solely responsible for block U.S. Senate action to recover missing POW's. That is a fact. McCain is a snake, not a hero.
Do your own research.
A wiki article based on a special interest group with a very slanted agenda is not what I had in mind. Where are some credible sources about McCain's capture and experience?

The Barbarian

Your dishonest accusations don't stand up to

any reasonable scrutiny.

Well, let's take a look...

Got it? He never personally declared bankruptcy. O.K.? But just once for good measure: Donald Trump, personally, never declared bankruptcy. We good? Smart!

Still, since 1991, Trump-related companies have filed for corporate bankruptcy four separate times. Filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows a corporation—which is legally distinct of its shareholders, owners, board, and C.E.O.—to stay in business while it re-structures and attempts to reduce its debt. So, while he’s been able to keep his personal finances in order, the businesses that so proudly trumpet his billion-dollar name are something of a different story.

By 1989, poor business decisions left Trump unable to meet loan payments. Trump financed the construction of his third casino, the $1 billion Taj Mahal, primarily with high-interest junk bonds. Although he shored up his businesses with additional loans and postponed interest payments, by 1991, increasing debt brought Trump to business bankruptcy[40] and to the brink of personal bankruptcy. Banks and bond holders had lost hundreds of millions of dollars, but opted to restructure his debt to avoid the risk of losing more money in court. The Taj Mahal emerged from bankruptcy on October 5, 1991, with Trump ceding 50 percent ownership in the casino to the original bondholders in exchange for lowered interest rates on the debt and more time to pay it off.[

Trump has never filed for bankruptcy personally,

Didn't say he did. I pointed out that four of his corporations went bankrupt under his mismanagement and cost his investors millions of dollars.

and you are a liar for insinuating such a thing.

What happened, as I showed you earlier, is a matter of public record. No point in denying it.

I've owned two businesses, and had a part ownership in another. None of them went bankrupt, and none of them cost investors anything. So Trump is behind 4 to zero.

prowess of such a successful business man.

Four bankruptcies isn't what I'd call "successful." He lost incredible amounts of other people's money for those dumb enough to trust him.

Barbarian.......You're fired.

This isn't a cheesy reality show, skippy. This is the real world. And Trump's only skill seems to be a knack for getting out of trouble. Not the sort of guy you want handling your money.


like marbles on glass

"Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain[1] is a 527 Political Action Committee formed in 1997.[2] The group makes controversial allegations against Senator John McCain concerning his time as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. The group was founded by Vietnam veterans Jerry Kiley and Ted Sampley.[2]

The group has made a video in which Bob Smith, former Republican Senator from New Hampshire, Bob Dornan, former Republican Representative from California, former Congressional staffers and others make various allegations against McCain.[3] The group has also disseminated taped excerpts[4] of McCain's questioning of Dolores Alfond of the National Alliance of Families before the United States Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs."

McCain solely responsible for block U.S. Senate action to recover missing POW's. That is a fact. McCain is a snake, not a hero.
Do your own research.

This is all you have? Seriously?

Nothing but some "allegations" by among others, the guy who assaulted one of McCain's staffers, distributed the fake photo of Kerry with Jane Fonda, and who, according to the Washington Post, went after McCain using "innuendo to make claims that ranged from far-fetched to scurrilous to slanderous."
In a 1992 article in his magazine, U.S. Veteran Dispatch, Mr. Sampley called McCain "the Manchurian candidate," suggesting he had been brainwashed by his captors and might have been a dupe or secret agent of the Soviet KGB. When McCain recommended that the United States establish diplomatic relations with Vietnam, Mr. Sampley accused him of abetting the enemy.

In typically provocative style, he delivered a stack of the accusatory articles to McCain's office on Capitol Hill. One of McCain's aides, Mark Salter, ordered Mr. Sampley out of the office. In a nearby stairwell, they got into a fistfight that was broken up by security guards.
"I worked him over pretty good," an unapologetic Mr. Sampley later said.

He served two days in jail and was ordered to keep away from McCain and his staff.

Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain

Vicious South Carolina Flyer Attacks McCain's Vietnam Service

Some people will believe anyone, as long as that person says what they want to hear. No wonder you're so enthralled with Trump.


like marbles on glass
If you had more specific information about McCain,

and how he gave intel to the enemy almost immediately after capture,

and lied about

how he was injured (on ejection from his aircraft, not torture)

and you listened to those who were in the POW camp with him

as POW's, you might have a different opinion of him.

But as of now, you have swallowed the Politically correct

'war hero' label.

We all feel terrible and empathetic toward someone who winds up

as a prisoner of war. But some survive with a lot more of their

honor intact than others. McCain was certainly a POW,

a hero? Not hardly. He served his country, yes. He was

captured, yes. He was also an Admiral's son, and received very

very favorable treatment for aiding the enemy. Sorry that is not

what you want to hear, or what the media wants to talk about, but it

it a matter of record in the U.S. Navy.

He served his country.

He was tortured.

He refused early release.

Whether you agree with McCain's politics or like the man or not, what Trump said about him was contemptible, and beneath the dignity of someone seeking the Presidency.

Trump is really good at running his mouth off, so it's no wonder you're crazy about him.

We all feel terrible and empathetic toward someone who winds up

as a prisoner of war.

McCain is a snake, not a hero.

Yeah. You're such a trump.


New member
He served his country.

He was tortured.

He refused early release.

Whether you agree with McCain's politics or like the man or not, what Trump said about him was contemptible, and beneath the dignity of someone seeking the Presidency.

Trump is really good at running his mouth off, so it's no wonder you're crazy about him.

Yeah. You're such a trump.

You should listen to the US Senators that served with
him in the Senate. They will tell you what McCain did
to leave the POW's in enemy hands. Or just keep your
head in the sand and play the denial game.


like marbles on glass
Presidential material? What a joke.



The debate was a circus. What a waste of time.


New member
Hall of Fame
I didn't watch the whole debate but I didn't come away liking Trump any more than I did before.

I thought his comments about how his political donations gets him what he wants were terrible. He called it a broken system. Am I supposed to think he wouldn't be manipulated by money in the same broken system? That he'll reform that broken system that he took advantage of so much according to himself?? :doh:


New member
Hall of Fame
FOX did their best to make Trump look bad. But that might not affect the Trump supporters.

It did seem like they were going after Trump a bit tougher than the rest in some of their questioning. Maybe just because he's the front-runner? Or maybe because Fox doesn't like him? :think:

They asked some tough questions for everyone though. I was a bit surprised.

I agree that Trump supporters will probably come away liking him even more. I'm not sure if he gained much support during that debate though. :idunno:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I didn't watch the whole debate but I didn't come away liking Trump any more than I did before.

I thought his comments about how his political donations gets him what he wants were terrible. He called it a broken system. Am I supposed to think he wouldn't be manipulated by money in the same broken system? That he'll reform that broken system that he took advantage of so much according to himself?? :doh:

carly was the only one to mention the phone call
between trump and clinton in may

perot elected the first clinton
trump will elect the second one

yes, the voters are that stupid

trump will have a president in his back pocket


like marbles on glass
I didn't watch the whole debate but I didn't come away liking Trump any more than I did before.

He made the whole thing a circus, and the FOX team set him up to do it from the beginning. Obnoxious, crude, no substance. Tabloid Trump.

I thought his comments about how his political donations gets him what he wants were terrible. He called it a broken system. Am I supposed to think he wouldn't be manipulated by money in the same broken system? That he'll reform that broken system that he took advantage of so much according to himself?? :doh:
I did too. His comments about making people do things because he pays them. Money buys power, so he thinks he can buy his way to the White House.

He's a tiny little emperor in his own mind and that's a dangerous thing in a position of high government so I'm relieved to think there's no way he'll get there.

And what self-respecting woman would vote for Trump?

His insulting reference to Rosie O'Donnell was pure slime, but a good example of what he really thinks of his hypothetical constituents.

What made the two hours I lost watching that circus redeemable: I was impressed with John Kasich. I'd like to hear more from/about him.


New member
Hall of Fame
He made the whole thing a circus, and the FOX team set him up to do it from the beginning. Obnoxious, crude, no substance. Tabloid Trump.

I did too. His comments about making people do things because he pays them. Money buys power, so he thinks he can buy his way to the White House.

He's a tiny little emperor in his own mind and that's a dangerous thing in a position of high government so I'm relieved to think there's no way he'll get there.

And what self-respecting woman would vote for Trump?

What made the two hours I lost watching that circus redeemable: I was impressed with John Kasich. I'd like to hear more from/about him.

Agreed on all points. I'm watching Morning Joe and someone just said Trump is still playing reality tv guy, just on a different stage.

I also came away liking Kasich. Will pay more attention to him.
I don't know how much I agree with Rubio but I thought he came across well.


New member
Hall of Fame
carly was the only one to mention the phone call
between trump and clinton in may

perot elected the first clinton
trump will elect the second one

yes, the voters are that stupid

trump will have a president in his back pocket

I missed the early debate but I'm hearing that Carly did well.