Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


New member
You seem too young and stupid to understand politics.

Hillary Clinton won't make it through the primary process

of her own party. She would lose in the general and even

the Dumbocrats know that. Wake up.

Trump is dominating for a reason, again, WAKE UP!
Really? There hasn't been a single debate yet. The polls, currently, are very limited. Clinton posed a very real threat to Obama in the primaries in the last election and she will be a threat again during the next one. You making very bold claims about politics and yet you don't see to understand this.


New member
Really? There hasn't been a single debate yet. The polls, currently, are very limited. Clinton posed a very real threat to Obama in the primaries in the last election and she will be a threat again during the next one. You making very bold claims about politics and yet you don't see to understand this.

Clinton lost her last primary to an unkown
black man who had not even served a full
term as Senator. Now she has even bigger
problems. Wake up.


New member
Clinton lost her last primary to an unkown
black man who had not even served a full
term as Senator. Now she has even bigger
problems. Wake up.
I think she will do just fine against Trump who has no relevant political experience... at all.


In the past six months the GOP have squandered away HUGE amounts of time as they tried to shut down Homeland Security, tried to build a pipeline to help a Canadian oil company, tried to turn a human trafficking bill into a referendum on abortion and are now trying to defund Planned Parenthood.

Ellizabeth Warren has pointed to the fact that Republicans are doing all this nonsense instead of working on the kind of issues that would help level the playing field for the rest of us.

We are hardworking people and we should never forget this.


Well-known member
Ellizabeth Warren has pointed to the fact that Republicans are doing all this nonsense instead of working on the kind of issues that would help level the playing field for the rest of us.
The GOP don't want to level the playing field. They work for and represent the wealthy elite. And the wealthy elite want to stay the wealthy elite. They OWN the playing field, and they want to keep it that way.


Well-known member
You don't seem to understand polls. Or how to read very well.


You seem too young and stupid to understand politics.

Hillary Clinton won't make it through the primary process

of her own party. She would lose in the general and even

the Dumbocrats know that. Wake up.

Trump is dominating for a reason, again, WAKE UP!

Like I'd said, you don't seem to know how to read very well...

Please show us where I said anything at all about whether or not I think Clinton will or can win.

You can't, because I didn't. All I was doing was correcting your mess of an angry, blubbering, inaccurate post.

The fact is, currently in the polls, Trump is leading in the GOP race, and he's well behind Clinton in a presidential race.

... No matter how fast your head spins, no matter how frantically your knees are jerking, no matter how much how much you thrash around like the spastic angry nutcase you are.

Hey, did you miss my offer, or is there a reason you're running away from it:

I'd like to make a wager with THall: if Trump wins (at all, let alone "big"), I'll leave TOL. If Trump doesn't win (and of course Trump won't win), THall leaves TOL. No new registration, no sock puppets, just leave. Why? Because I can't stand THall; I think he's a blowhard.

Sounds good and fair to me. How about it? Heck, I'll throw in a donation to the charity of THall's choice on my way out.

It's a simple yes or no. Should be an easy yes for you.


Well-known member


Quite the cartoon.

I can just hear the anger and defensiveness from conservatives who favor Trump and who actually read this cartoon.

I'll bet they will only be able to express their opinions with mockery, labeling and personal attacks.


We've forgotten our own history...

In 1773, the real, original Boston Tea Party happened in Boston. A nonviolent protest ensued against the East India Tea Company, the closest thing to a global corporation back then.

Colonists, many of them disguised as Indians, boarded the company's ships and took the tea chests from the ships' holds and dumped them into the harbor.

The colonists wanted to protect their own small businesses (their tea shops) and carried out the protest to preserve the ability for them to make a profit selling their own tea.

The British tea ships represented a wave of privatization that would result in economic hardship for the colonies.


New member
We've forgotten our own history...

In 1773, the real, original Boston Tea Party happened in Boston. A nonviolent protest ensued against the East India Tea Company, the closest thing to a global corporation back then.

Colonists, many of them disguised as Indians, boarded the company's ships and took the tea chests from the ships' holds and dumped them into the harbor.

The colonists wanted to protect their own small businesses (their tea shops) and carried out the protest to preserve the ability for them to make a profit selling their own tea.

The British tea ships represented a wave of privatization that would result in economic hardship for the colonies.
You are missing the big reason. Don't skew history to make your argument easier.

The beginning of the the Boston Tea Party is often sourced to what the Colonists felt was an unfair tax on tea. The Tea Party was a protest in reaction to a tax meant to help raise funds following the French and Indian War. But the tax was also a political power move on behalf of Parliament, meant to reassert control over the colonies, as well as an economic decision designed to bail out the floundering East India Company, a threshold of English commercial interests.

The Barbarian

The various tax acts enacted by Parliament had all those motives, but even within Parliament, there were voices pointing out that taxation of British citizens without them being politically represented was contrary to the British Constitution.

The majority in Parliament argued that the colonists had "virtual representation" from English boroughs. The argument was soundly refuted by William Pitt the Elder:

The gentleman tells us, America is obstinate; America is almost in open rebellion. I rejoice that America has resisted. Three million of people so dead to all feelings of liberty, as voluntarily to submit to be slaves, would have been fit instruments to make slaves of the rest.

I come not here armed at all points, with law cases and acts of Parliament, with the statute book doubled down in dog's-ears, to defend the cause of liberty: if I had, I myself would have cited the two cases of Chester and Durham. I would have cited them, to have shown that even under former arbitrary reigns, Parliaments were ashamed of taxing a people without their consent, and allowed them representatives.

Why did the gentleman confine himself to Chester and Durham? He might have taken a higher example in Wales; Wales, that never was taxed by Parliament till it was incorporated.


New member
Quite the cartoon.

I can just hear the anger and defensiveness from conservatives who favor Trump and who actually read this cartoon.

I'll bet they will only be able to express their opinions with mockery, labeling and personal attacks.

But I'd still prefer Trump.