Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


Hall of Fame
It's this sort of argument right here that is just plain stupid.

Like I haven't read this argument from you before under each of your umpteen usernames ...

Because you have flat out JUST acknowledged that there is no inequality, and yet will continue to act as if there are inequalities;

Oh, you would like that, wouldn't you. What I have acknowledged is that there are some insecure men who pretend that women are not their equals. You, and all your alters fall into that category.

though otherwise there is no reason to be a feminist and, by extension, the existence of it is a completely sexist agenda of it's own.

:chuckle: Nice try, but no cookie. Feminism, to you, is any woman who dares disagree with you and call you on your misogyny.

And no less, you based this argument on a painfully obvious, visible straw man of my post. I mean really, I meant to show that they were not a minority and that's what I did :freak:

Considering I never referred to women as a minority, your argument is baseless.

What's rather telling is that on a thread discussing Trump, YOU, once again, have hijacked this thread to discuss feminism.


What's rather telling is that on a thread discussing Trump, YOU, once again, have hijacked this thread to discuss feminism.

:rotfl: I brought up something within the subject of feminism to make a point pertaining to something entirely different.

I made a mention of it.
~This is what became of it~

Yall are the spastic feminists making volcanoes out of anthills, why don't you take what you just said, put it in a blender and take it to your brainless head :up:


Hall of Fame
Why is he a wacko? For exposing that feminist socialist rusha for what she is?

:yawn: He's a socket puppet ... who defended abortion under one of his previous ID's. As for you, your continued desire to thrive on anger impresses no one.


:yawn: He's a socket puppet ... who defended abortion under one of his previous ID's. As for you, your continued desire to thrive on anger impresses no one.

:juggle: Trying to appeal to one's belief of something as opposed to another's to gain their confidence.

Not very original of you, Rusha

And it's not even honest. I don't believe or uphold abortion, I simply just don't accept the ridiculous idea that a fetus is equal to one already born. Leviticus doesn't either. But forget me and scripture, right :rolleyes: Never bought into the unreasonable tripe, that's comes with a certain flack I've always expected actually.


Hall of Fame
:juggle: Trying to appeal to one's belief of something as opposed to another's to gain their confidence.

Not very original of you, Rusha

:chuckle: What's not very original is you pretending like that post was meant to gain the confidence of the person I replied to.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Why is he a wacko? For exposing that feminist socialist rusha for what she is? A 16 time Obama voter?

He is a wacko for the most apparent reasons. Exposing radical feminist agenda must be done with a realistic effect.

Do you know who Andrea Rita Dworkin is? Does Rusha? When I take on the radical feminists I go for those who have an influence and are total poison! This sick women makes any member here seem at a loss on the subject. She is the heart of the evil behind the most infectious part of feminism.

Rusha may have some ideas you find extreme, although I seriously doubt she is anything close to what I am addressing. Secondly. using obvious button pushing and wacky statements will not do anything to take down the evil, so, you see, my old friend, he is a little wacky!


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
He will not let it happen. Trump is not going to give up in money making just to be president. I think he is trying to send a message, 'it is good to be fiscally conservative, not only social.'

I don't think I can agree with you here Kat, Trump has sacrificed big time, and still keeps plugging along. If he was just playing around I believe he would have bailed before losing money & his brand's reputation by speaking his mind. Time will tell but, I think that he is going stick with it for now anyway...we will see.

I do not think most Americans want a man who believes what is good for corporations is good for all people to be in the role of president.

Well given that all of the RINO's on The right & all the progressives on the left are bought lock, stock, & barrel by corporations and special interests, I don't see that Trump has the backing of any of them, quite the contrary, the reason the man has resonated with average Americans is his candor on the subjects such as illegal immigration, offshoring of American Jobs & our industrial base. Trump is speaking jobs & prosperity for all which seems to be selling better than the same ole, same ole coming from the rank & file politicians of both parties, and he is self funding his campaign which makes him beholden to no one, more than you can say for this entire field of panderers on the right & left.

I would like a good moral man first and someone who will not give away our resources second.

Show me the man/woman that has these credentials that has a chance of getting elected & I will vote for certainly won't be Bush or the rest of the RINO crowd that is for sure, that just won't sell to the masses...Just being honest about it anyway.

Trump does have a good message, we throw away too much of our resources in things which do not work for us; however, we also need a leader who puts people before capital.

I agree with this statement Kat but, I do not agree that Trump does not want to restore this nation back to it's place in the world and restore the prosperity that we Americans have seemed to have lost since our politicians put corporate interests above the prosperity of the country and it's people. Trump is the only one up to this point that is addressing this issue and it is winning him support no matter what caustic things he says. Again, time will tell, we will all have to wait and see how his candidacy unfolds going forward. I do love how that he confounds candidates on both sides, & the media, yet still enjoys a healthy lead on the rest of the field...he is doing something right.


Well-known member
Trump has a team that is smarter than
the media and the RNC, his team is
spanking those manipulators at their
own game!:banana::banana::banana:

So do we have a bet? It's a simple yes or no.

I'd like to make a wager with THall: if Trump wins (at all, let alone "big"), I'll leave TOL. If Trump doesn't win (and of course Trump won't win), THall leaves TOL. No new registration, no sock puppets, just leave. Why? Because I can't stand THall; I think he's a blowhard.

Sounds good and fair to me. How about it? Heck, I'll throw in a donation to the charity of THall's choice on my way out.


New member
simple enough

but isn't it more about honesty?

Actually, it is about competence.

People are tired of lying politicians,

that are all talk and no action.

Who do you think would be more honest,

a career politician whose campaign is bought

and payed for by corporations?.......

Or a man who funds his own campaign,

admits he used to be a Dumbocrat (as was Ronald Reagan),

and has changed his mind.

Trump is leading in the polls by such a large margin,

FOR A REASON that many are still in denial about.

The Barbarian

Trump is leading in the polls by such a large margin,

FOR A REASON that many are still in denial about.

3:55 pm, July 14th, 2015
On the one hand, the new poll contains good news for Trump. After leading Jeb Bush 15% to 11% in last week’s Economist/YouGov poll, Trump once again finds himself on top of the heap with 17%, compared to 14% for Bush...

The bad news for Trump comes in the hypothetical general election match-ups against Clinton. While Clinton is only four points ahead of Bush, 46% to 42%, she leads Trump by a whopping 17 points, 51% to 34%.

Maybe Chrys is right. Maybe Trump is wrecking the republican party on Clinton's behalf.


New member

3:55 pm, July 14th, 2015
On the one hand, the new poll contains good news for Trump. After leading Jeb Bush 15% to 11% in last week’s Economist/YouGov poll, Trump once again finds himself on top of the heap with 17%, compared to 14% for Bush...

The bad news for Trump comes in the hypothetical general election match-ups against Clinton. While Clinton is only four points ahead of Bush, 46% to 42%, she leads Trump by a whopping 17 points, 51% to 34%.

Maybe Chrys is right. Maybe Trump is wrecking the republican party on Clinton's behalf.

What a dishonest post using a bogus poll.

How about some real data?


Well-known member
What a dishonest post using a bogus poll.

How about some real data?

You don't seem to understand polls. Or how to read very well.

Barbarian posted this article: Poll: Trump Leads GOP Field, but Trails Hillary by Huge Margin

It explains that Trump is currently ahead in the GOP race, but is behind Clinton in a presidential race. Simple. Do you understand that? It says it pretty clearly.

You got all knee-jerky and posted a link to RCP's Republican Nomination polls.


Those polls show that Trump is ahead in the GOP race. I understand that you're in a weird angry frenzy, but we all already know that Trump is ahead in the GOP race. Barbarian's article clearly said it. It says it right in the headline: "Trump Leads GOP Field." Got it.

But you didn't link to any Clinton vs. Trump polls. You totally skipped that part. It's the entire point of the article.

Do you understand why you're absurd?

So here's the link to RCP's polls (your own source) for Trump vs. Clinton in a presidential race:

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton


That's your own source. It says the same thing that Barbarian's article said. Trump is currently ahead in the GOP race, but behind Clinton in a presidential race.

I know you think very highly of yourself, but you really ought to reconsider that. Maybe you should stick to admiring yourself dressed in camo fatigues in the mirror of your 4x4. ... Or do you wear knight's armor?

Also, you must have missed my posts regarding my offer to you:


I'd like to make a wager with THall: if Trump wins (at all, let alone "big"), I'll leave TOL. If Trump doesn't win (and of course Trump won't win), THall leaves TOL. No new registration, no sock puppets, just leave. Why? Because I can't stand THall; I think he's a blowhard.

Sounds good and fair to me. How about it? Heck, I'll throw in a donation to the charity of THall's choice on my way out.

You're obviously very sure of yourself, so I'd think you'll be more than happy to take the bet.

It's a simple yes or no.


New member
You don't seem to understand polls. Or how to read very well.


You seem too young and stupid to understand politics.

Hillary Clinton won't make it through the primary process

of her own party. She would lose in the general and even

the Dumbocrats know that. Wake up.

Trump is dominating for a reason, again, WAKE UP!


New member
the first clinton needed perot

the second one will need trump

the clintons are not stupid

perot and trump supporters are

The Repubs hosed themselves by putting out
inappropriate pictures of Perot's daughter.

He was withdrawing from the election, and then
the pics came out, so he double down and gave
Clinton the White House to pay the Repubs back
for disrespecting his family. Keep it real.