Does the Sun Move According to the Bible?


New member

The Chinese observed that the Sun Set and Rose up again and Set again

which meant that there was a reversal of the Rotation of the Earth. at that time.
Jos 10:12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.

Jos 10:13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

Hab 3:11 The sun and moon stood still in their habitation: at the light of thine arrows they went, and at the shining of thy glittering spear.

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Greatest poster ever
Yet you can't prove heliocentrism true.

Nor can you prove geocentrism false.

Actually, the earth does not revolve around the sun per se, but around the solar system's center of mass:

The center of mass in the solar system is commonly referred to in astronomy and astrophysics as the barycenter. "The barycenter is the point between two objects where they balance each other; it is the center of mass where two or more celestial bodies orbit each other."

[T]he Sun is not at the geometric center of any planet's orbit, but rather approximately at one focus of the elliptical orbit. Furthermore, to the extent that a planet's mass cannot be neglected in comparison to the Sun's mass, the center of gravity of the solar system is displaced slightly away from the center of the Sun. (The masses of the planets, mostly Jupiter, amount to 0.14% of that of the Sun.) Therefore a hypothetical astronomer on an extrasolar planet would observe a small "wobble" in the Sun's motion.

In modern calculations the terms "geocentric" and "heliocentric" are often used to refer to coordinate systems that are chosen for practical reasons. In such systems the origin in the center of mass of the Earth, of the Earth-Moon system, of the Sun, of the Sun plus the major planets, or of the entire solar system can be selected. However, such selection of "geocentric" or "heliocentric" coordinates has only practical implications and not philosophical or physical ones.​


Conservation of momentum requires that when one object circles another, the center of mass of the system must remain fixed. The two objects actually revolve around their common centers of mass. For double stars with comparable masses, the center of mass is between the stars. For cases where one object is far bigger than the other, like the earth and moon, or the sun and earth, the center of mass is within the larger object. But it is never at the center of the larger object. So if anything revolves around the earth, the earth also has to move. Unless you want to postulate that, of all objects in the universe, the earth is not subject to the laws of motion. But individual pieces of earth obey the laws of motion. Tie two rocks to opposite ends of a string and throw them, and they'll revolve around their center of mass. So why would the earth as a whole be different? Where's the evidence that it is?​


This video animation depicts the movement of the sun and the planets around the barycenter, which is represented by a red diamond shape:

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!!



Well-known member
If you mean denying the presuppositions or the ability of evolution to explain complex machinery in organisms, then you are quite mistaken.

Your ignorance, willfull or otherwise, of facts does not change reality. No one cares about creationist ravings about the central paradigm of modern biology. Creationists are viewed as absolutely irrelevant at best, most often as a joke.

It is the concoction of 19th century racists who wanted to stay on top of the pile, fraught with artificial knowledge. Darwin didn't have much confidence in it on complex questions, and had to be pushed by the cynicism of Huxley to publish it.

Even if it were true it would be absolutely irrelevant.

You are engaging in the age old trick of psychologization. Instead of discussing the actual ideas and concepts, you dismiss them based on some projected motive in the originators of the idea.

The theory of evolution and its description of human beings does not support racism, in fact it pretty much invalidates it since there is are no significant genetic difference between the human 'races', there are hardly any differences at all.


Creationists are viewed as absolutely irrelevant at best, most often as a joke.

By God hating atheists.

God hating atheists have one thing in common, they want to prove the Bible wrong.

Thus, we have evolution, heliocentrism, and the Big Bang theory.

All three were invented by God hating atheists.

Edwin Hubble was a God hating atheist. Hubble said the following regarding geocentrism:

"Such a condition (geocentrism) would imply that we occupy a unique position in the universe, analogous, in a sense, to the ancient conception of a central earth. The hypothesis cannot be disproved but it is unwelcome and would be accepted only as a last resort in order to save the phenomena.....The true distribution must either be uniform or increase outward, leaving the observer in a unique position. But the unwelcome supposition of a favoured location must be avoided at all costs....Such a favoured position, of course, is intolerable … Therefore, in order to restore homogeneity, and to escape the horror of a unique position, the departures from uniformity, which are introduced by the recession factors, must be compensated by the second term representing effects of spatial curvature. There seems to be no other escape." - Edwin Hubble: Mariner of the Nebulae (1996) by Gale E. Christianson, p. 183.

Hubble knew that geocentrism proved the Bible correct. So, Hubble made sure that geocentrism was avoided at all costs.


you dismiss them based on some projected motive in the originators of the idea.

I guess it's just a really big coincidence that they are all God hating atheists.

What projected motive could God hating atheists possibly have?


BTW, you cannot prove helicentrism correct, and you can't prove geocentrism false.

You have made a philosophical decision to believe in heliocentrism.


Well-known member
By God hating atheists.

God hating atheists have one thing in common, they want to prove the Bible wrong.

Thus, we have evolution, heliocentrism, and the Big Bang theory.

All three were invented by God hating atheists.

Nope, by scientists that hold theistic beliefs as well, and pretty much anyone educated and/or people with their critical faculties in order.

Big Bang theory was based on a God hating atheist? I'm sure that would surprise FATHER Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître quite a bit. His hypothesis of the primeval atom was the groundwork for the Big bang theory.

Your foaming at the mouth conspiracy theories are noted, but sadly for you they are completely irrelevant. I see that this time its the God hating atheists who are to blame. Not the Jews, who are usually cast as the villains in your fairytales.


Well-known member
Not even the theology of the Bible is geo-centric. Nor is it heaven-centered. It is God-centered. He has been doing many things, and the universe is full, not empty, of other beings with whom He has been interacting. This earth was destroyed once by water and will be destroyed again by fire, and a new heavens and earth will be created. That is the ordinary sense of 2 Pet 3, which was in the ordinary mindset when it spoke of the deluge.


Nope, by scientists that hold theistic beliefs as well, and pretty much anyone educated or with their critical faculties in order.

See, this is what you do.

You always try to make yourself out to be on the side of people who are more "educated" then everyone else.

Somehow, you think this makes you appear smarter than everyone else who disagrees with you.

This technique is not much different than ad hominem

Your foaming at the mouth conspiracy theories are noted, but sadly for you they are completely irrelevant.

Once again, when someone disagrees with you, they are labeled as a conspiracy theorist.

No matter how hard you try, you can't prove geocentrism false. So, you try to convince everyone that smart, intelligent, educated people hold to your view, and dumb conspiracy theorists hold to the opposing view.

"Despite the testimony of all the equations, and despite the published testimonies of top scientists to the viability of geocentricity as a model of the universe, and despite the inability of experiments to establish its truth or falsity; some will still scoff at geocentricity. How can one ever determine which is the truth? Only by going outside the universe and taking a look around can one ascertain the truth of the matter" - Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D.

Like I said, you have made a philosophical decision to accept heliocentrism.


Do you admit that other celestial objects in the observable universe revolve around their common center of mass?

Is this some sort of trick question?

I already told you that in geocentrism everything revolves around earth.

So if planet earth is "their common center of mass", then the answer is yes. If planet earth is not, then the answer is no.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Is this some sort of trick question?

I already told you that in geocentrism everything revolves around earth.

So if planet earth is "their common center of mass", then the answer is yes. If planet earth is not, then the answer is no.

Which celestial objects do not revolve around the earth's center of mass?


This earth was destroyed once by water and will be destroyed again by fire, and a new heavens and earth will be created.

The earth was not destroyed by water. It was still here when the water receded.

Moreover, only Futurists hold that this earth will be completely destroyed by fire, and a new one created with a new heavens.

Preterists don't hold to this teaching. The "new heavens and new earth" are a reference to the New Covenant, not a brand new planet earth.

If anything geocentrism proves your Futurist theories about a brand new planet earth wrong.

BTW, are your works going to be literally tested with fire?

(1 Cor 3:13) their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person's work.


Well-known member
See, this is what you do.

You always try to make yourself out to be on the side of people who are more "educated" then everyone else.

Somehow, you think this makes you appear smarter than everyone else who disagrees with you.

This technique is not much different than ad hominem

Pointing out that your absurd claim that only God hating atheists scoff at creationism is wrong is ad hominem? It is a simple fact that is obviously wrong. I'm no God hating atheists and as far as I am concerned, creationism is an absolute joke.

Of course you simply glanced over the correction with regards to the Big bang theory who originated from a hypothesis put forth by a priest.

Once again, when someone disagrees with you, they are labeled as a conspiracy theorist.

No matter how hard you try, you can't prove geocentrism false. So, you try to convince everyone that smart, intelligent, educated people hold to your view, and dumb conspiracy theorists hold to the opposing view.

"Despite the testimony of all the equations, and despite the published testimonies of top scientists to the viability of geocentricity as a model of the universe, and despite the inability of experiments to establish its truth or falsity; some will still scoff at geocentricity. How can one ever determine which is the truth? Only by going outside the universe and taking a look around can one ascertain the truth of the matter" - Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D.

Like I said, you have made a philosophical decision to accept heliocentrism.

Oh, you found a quote from a crackpot. That changes everything...

The only positive thing to say about your view is that you are consistent in your madness, being both a geocentrist and a creationist. Of course, to fully adopt the biblical view, you would have to affirm the full view, flat disc shaped earth with a cheeselid like firmament with celestial lights lodged into it.



Literal lunatic

They all do.

Actually the Michelson Morley experiments proved the earth was stationary.

They're the reason Einstein dreamed up the theory of relativity.

Wudn't he a Jew who believed in God?

He was honest enough to admit he dreamed up more stuff than could ever be proven.