Does the Sun Move According to the Bible?
No, if we are talking according to Physics but, metaphorically, yes, That's what happened when Joshua arrived in Canaan and five Canaanite kings got together in a coalition, and went into war against the Israelite Army. That's what happened when the sun stood still upon Gibeon and the Moon in the Valley of Ajalon.
So many times the Sun can move according to the Bible, if you can distinguish between the literal and the allegory. There are a few allegories to explain the power of HaShem in the Bible aka the Tanach. This allegory of Joshua is meant to show that the Lord, not only caused the universe to exist but also that He is on the control of the laws of Nature.
Many who do not understand the role of allegories, parables and analogies can even become atheists for lack of understanding of the symbols. For instance, the sun and the moon in the sky mean powers to-be at their rise. In the case of the sun and the moon coming to a stop, mean loss of power and the decadence of kingdoms.
Joshua was in war with 5 Canaanite powerful nations which were giving him and to the armies of Israel a very hard time to succeed. Having been a very successful Army commander, Joshua commanded that the Israelites advanced and tried harder to get the best of them. The 5 kings of the Canaanites were being chased by the Israelites and, passing by a famous cave called the Cave of Makkedah, the 5 kings, all as if they were one entered the cave to hide themselves and the chasing was stopping and causing a pause in the war as if the armies of the enemies had giving up the fight. Later, much later, when the case was reported for the records, the text was embellished in the allegory as if the sun and the moon which represented the power of the 5 kings had stopped in the sky while the Israelite Army proceeded with the chasing. As Joshua was reported that the enemy kings were hiding in the very interior of the Cave of Makkedah, he commanded that stones be rolled to the entrance of the Cave till all the battle was finished. Then, Joshua ordered the chasing to proceed till the battle was over. It was then that Joshua commanded that the 5 kings be taken out of the Cave and be hanged from 5 trees.
The whole allegory is recorded to this day as if the sun and the moon, the power of the 5 kings had come down. The whole allegory starts with Joshua 10 and is dealt with down to the next 26 verses.