Does the Sun Move According to the Bible?



Everything in the universe moves.

Or nothing.

It depends on perspective. Relativity acknowledges paradoxes, and is in itself paradoxical.


Pointing out that your absurd claim that only God hating atheists scoff at creationism is wrong is ad hominem?

That's not what I said.

I said God hating atheists are behind the invention of evolution, helicentrism, and the Big Bang theory.

It is a simple fact that is obviously wrong. I'm no God hating atheists and as far as I am concerned, creationism is an absolute joke.

Yes, I know.

You're the epitome of Romans 1:22-23

(Rom 1:22-23)....but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened... Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools

Of course you simply glanced over the correction with regards to the Big bang theory who originated from a hypothesis put forth by a priest.

Because it's not true.

It began with Aristotle, not some Catholic priest.
Oh, you found a quote from a crackpot. That changes everything...

Once again, ad hominem to everyone who disagrees with you.

The only positive thing to say about your view is that you are consistent in your madness, being both a geocentrist and a creationist.

Don't forget global warming. That's another myth invented by God hating atheists.

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Greatest poster ever
How would it not be?

Do other planets and their moons revolve around their common center of mass?


Do other stars and their planets revolve around their common center of mass? What physical mechanism would make the earth any different?
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Literal lunatic
How would it possible that the earth alone, among all other celestial objects in the observable universe, is stationary?

The only reason you are having a problem is because you've been told all the movement is caused by gravity.

Think about this.

We are told that the earth has more gravitational pull than our moon due to it size, right?

So how is it that this little moon at it's farthest distance away from earth takes it's puny gravity reaches all the way back and overpowers earth's gravity to move the tides?

Totally couldn't happen could it?

Things are not moving around out there due to the illogical explanations heliocentric science has theorized.:think:

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Greatest poster ever
We are told that the earth has more gravitational pull than our moon due to it size, right?

So how is it that this little moon at it's farthest distance away from earth takes it's puny gravity reaches all the way back and overpowers earth's gravity to move the tides?

The earth's gravity does overpower the moon's gravity. That's why the earth's ocean waters don't get pulled completely off of the earth. But there is enough gravitational pull from the moon to cause tides.


Literal lunatic
Jews reject Christ Jesus.

The only way to the Father is through the Son.

Therefore, Einstein the Christ rejector will end up in the same place as the God hating atheists.

Not sure what Einstein's views on Jesus were.

All the Apostles preached Jesus was the son of God.

Even Paul to the Athenians, he started out with God first, before telling them about his son.

That place they end up may not be like you think.

When one see's Christ he aint gonna have no choice but to believe.

That old idiot is gone, burned away.

Not by literal fire.

LOL, even John fell down like dead didn't he?:)


Literal lunatic
The earth's gravity does overpower the moon's gravity. That's why the earth's ocean waters don't get pulled completely off of the earth. But there is enough gravitational pull from the moon to cause tides.

Do you realize the stupidity of what you just said?

There will be a place out in space closer to the moon than the earth where the gravitational pulls have to cancel out.

If the earth's gravity is even stronger the closer you get to the surface how's the moon's gravity gonna get to the surface.

What's it gonna do? Let the earth's gravity suck it in then turn on the reverse warp drive captain?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Do you realize the stupidity of what you just said?


There will be a place out in space closer to the moon than the earth where the gravitational pulls have to cancel out.

If the earth's gravity is even stronger the closer you get to the surface how's the moon's gravity gonna get to the surface.

What's it gonna do? Let the earth's gravity suck it in then turn on the reverse warp drive captain?



Literal lunatic
For instance, there is a real fact about a neutral gravity zone between the Earth and the Moon. I quote from a letter from NASA dated April 5, 1990 addressing this matter:

"...On a direct line from the Earth to the moon, equal gravitational effects would be found at approximately 216,000 miles, given a mean distance of 240,000 miles between the two bodies...."20 (Emph. added)

OK. So all we are describing here is something that must logically be true if the statistics about the Earth and Moon gravitational pulls are fairly accurate. Earth’s gravity is said to be six times as strong as the Moon’s gravity, or said the other way, the Moon’s gravitational attraction is 1/6 or about 17% that of Earth’s gravity.

Somewhere between the two bodies the pull of one body has got to be overcome by the pull of the other one. At this point (which NASA says and von Braun confirms averages c. 216,000 miles from the Earth) there is a neutral gravity zone where the Earth’s gravitational pull becomes weaker than the Moon’s gravitational pull and, at this same point, the Moon’s gravitational pull becomes weaker than the Earth’s gravitational pull.

This circumstance is demanded by the gravity concept and all the supposed facts and laws that describe the Earth and Moon gravitational fields. OK, Vern? Now keep that in mind as we read what "science" says about Tides on Earth....

What "science" says is that the Moon’s gravitational pull reaches out thru the neutral gravity zone (where it couldn’t attract a balloon full of feathers, a dead horse, or the Astrodome) and goes on beyond 50,000, 100,000, 216,000 miles and sucks the big ole Earth toward it like stretching a rubber ball! I know it’s incredible; I know it’s insane, but that’s what the naturalistic (i.e., "scientific") explanation demands that the Moon must do. Read it for yourself from these examples (which are repeated in every book on the subject):


User Name

Greatest poster ever
For instance, there is a real fact about a neutral gravity zone between the Earth and the Moon...

Thanks for posting this, because now I understand the source of the confusion. Here is the solution:

The “zero point” isn’t the point at which the moons gravity stops. It’s not the point at which the earth's gravity overcomes the moon's gravity so that the moon's gravity can’t come any closer to the earth. It’s just the point at which things balance...As you move away from the moon, the force of the moons gravity decreases – every time you double the distance from the center of the moon, the moons force of gravity on you decreases by a factor of four...The force doesn’t stop at equilibrium – it just balances there. If you move closer to earth than the equilibrium point, then the earth’s attraction is stronger than the moon’s. But it still exists...The force of the moon on the person on earth is very small – on the order of 1/300,000th the gravitational force of the earth on that same person. But it’s definitely there – real, and measurable. And that kind of force is enough to produce the very modest effect of tides.​

That's the gist of it, but you can read more at the source for the full explanation:
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Ben Masada

New member
Not even the theology of the Bible is geo-centric. Nor is it heaven-centered. It is God-centered. He has been doing many things, and the universe is full, not empty, of other beings with whom He has been interacting. This earth was destroyed once by water and will be destroyed again by fire, and a new heavens and earth will be created. That is the ordinary sense of 2 Pet 3, which was in the ordinary mindset when it spoke of the deluge.

True that this earth was destroyed once by water but it will not be destroyed again by fire. According to Abraham, when Sodom and Gomorrah had to be destroyed, the Lord sent a revelation to Abraham to inform about His will. If you read Genesis 18:22-32, Abraham tried to bargain the salvation of Sodom and Gomorrah by playing so to speak with a number of "If's" all the way down from 50 righteous ones and until 10. The Lord allowed the bargain with Abraham down to a Minyan of 10 righteous male adult Jews. That's the number when the Lord would not allow to go any lower. If there was a Minyan of 10 righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah, the Lord would not destroy those cities. That's whence the Minyan of 10 Jews was inspired to start from. (Gen. 18:32)