Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Indeed I have. Unlike yourself, however, I have taken the time and effort to dig deeper, performing the required exegetical analysis in support of my view of these verses and more. When you can point me to your own efforts doing the same, perhaps a discussion will take place and we will both learn from one another. When can I expect to see this from you?


Unfounded accusations seem to be a "hobby" of yours.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You obviously do not know me well enough to form such an opinion. Those that do, know better. I just believe we ought to make the distinction between different kinds of persons in error, as made in Jude 22-23. Some persons require compassion, and some require fear. Given the number of errors you hold, you are in the latter category. :AMR:


And some 'require' witnessing in order that burning coals may be heaped upon their heads? Do you recall your charming comments in that regard in relation to the 'reprobate'?

If you think fear is something that's required to jump on a bandwagon then been there already AMR as I alluded to with my former church. Manipulation doesn't produce love and to think it does or can is an error on your own part, not that I suspect you'll even consider anything outside of your own rigid set of beliefs and academics.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Agree, not to lose faith, yet faith comes to replace reason and that aspect recedes, and faith remains, even seems stronger.

Faith without knowledge and assent is not true faith. We cannot divorce faith, knowledge, and assent as they form the three components of faith.

1. Saving faith is childlike but not childish.
2. A person is not justified by a mere profession of faith.
3. Saving faith requires intellectual assent to the truth of the gospel.
4. Saving faith involves a personal trust in and love for Christ.

We can believe that a chair will bear our weight, but we do not exhibit personal trust in the chair until we sit on it. Trust involves the will as well as the mind. To have saving faith requires that we love the truth of the gospel and desire to live it out. We embrace with our hearts the sweetness and loveliness of Christ.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Calvinists DO believe all men were created willful, but because of Adam's original sin, the will of man serves only sin, death, and the devil. His will is not "free." It is enslaved and held in bondage by Satan. Hebrews 2:15

Faith (belief) cannot issue forth from a wicked, hard-as-stone heart. (Jeremiah 17:9, 7:12

The wicked heart of any sinner, must first be changed and replaced with a new spiritual heart of flesh, that has the spiritual capacity to believe in the spiritual truths of God. God has promised He will do this for His people. Ezekiel 11:19, 18:31; Jeremiah 32:39

This new heart alone, resurrected from spiritual death and gifted by the power of the Holy Spirit to live anew, possesses the capacity to repent from sin and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Faith (belief)and repentance comes only by the grace of God to sinners; never in the opposite or from their corrupted human hearts, wills, nor by nature. Impossible. For the corrupted heart, mind, will, and nature of man is cursed and at enmity against God. Fallen souls hate God and cannot, nor will not, believe in His Word.

So why do you keep posting otherwise?

There is absolutely no scripture you can provide to claim that any corrupted human being has the ability, capacity, "free" will, or virtue inherent to his being, to stop sinning and believe in God. None.

And you post and post and post your wrong views, ad nauseum . . .

In fact, your message is merely a regurgitation of the heresy of Pelagius, who also talked and talked and talked about men not evidencing corruption from original sin, but the inner virtues by which they might willfully choose to be saved or not.

Daily you represent heresy and Pelagianism. You have been repeatedly warned by Godly men that you have been taught wrongly. May God grant YOU a new heart to repent of this vile error and false teaching.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You'll notice I basically wouldn't give "The Nangster" the time of day. I perceive her as an angry, accusatory, bitter, cranky, and uncivil Curmudgeon. It would not be in my best interests to sit here and indulge her with a reply.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Faith without knowledge and assent is not true faith. We cannot divorce faith, knowledge, and assent as they form the three components of faith.

Well, you know I know that, nevertheless when one gets old all the thinking is not near as much available, yet the faith is real and really strong!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You'll notice I basically wouldn't give "The Nangster" the time of day. I perceive her as an angry, accusatory, bitter, cranky, and uncivil Curmudgeon. It would not be in my best interests to sit here and indulge her with a reply.

I used to wonder the same, but now I know she is old and might be that way from being old. We all age differently.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
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And some 'require' witnessing in order that burning coals may be heaped upon their heads? Do you recall your charming comments in that regard in relation to the 'reprobate'?
As long as you deny there is actually such a person as reprobate you will continue to struggle here. All are born sinners. None are born morally neutral and become sinners when they sin. None born deserve universal mercy, for then the very word has changed. No one wants to live in a world where mercy is obligatorily extended to all malefactors. Think about it and it will come to you.

If you deny the doctrine of Adam's original sin and its consequences, you will also struggle with these matters. Such is the issue with holding to error upon error that will cascade into full-blown heterodoxy and even heresy.

The promiscuous sharing of the Gospel brings shame upon the reprobate, hence the phrase, "heap coals upon their head", per the ancient Egyptian custom in which a person who wanted to show public contrition carried a pan of burning coals on his head. The coals represented the burning pain of his shame and guilt. When believers lovingly share the Good News with all persons, it should bring shame to some people for their hate and animosity of God. Those that truly feel this shame are among the elect. Those that do not are among the reprobate, for the same sun that melts the snow (unregenerated elect), hardens the clay (reprobate).

Understand it now?


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
A while back I wrestled with the idea of eternal damnation versus annihilation. However, through looking at what the Bible has to say about the subject, arrived at only one conclusion, "Eternal damnation" is the ONLY conclusion. It would feel quite assuring if "annihilation" were true, however, it has no validity in the Bible. Therefore, we must be ever vigilant to share the Gospel with others. Their destination is too horrible to contemplate.