Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?


New member
You ONLY reason this way, because, you had "Calvinist indoctrination" transplanted into your mindset. Basically, you have been brainwashed over long periods of time and cannot see the forest for the trees.
The same could be said of you and the doctrines you hold as true, could it not?

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New member
Or perhaps you are Universalist? If you believe that God's will always triumphs over mans, and as it clearly states that God is willing that all men be saved, then you must therefore believe that all men will be saved. Calvinism inevitably leads to Universalism.
No.. Not universalism, universal reconciliation, like in the bible.


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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
but thats not the real answer to my simple question..please it the will of God wins or the will of man wins?

The question is too vague. Do you mean ultimately or do you mean ever?

All power belongs to God and any power that others have has been delegated to them by God and can be recalled by Him at will. That single issue alone would make it impossible for God to be ultimately defeated but that doesn't mean that God always gets what He wants. The bible teaches this clearly...

Isaiah 5:3 “And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah,
Judge, please, between Me and My vineyard.
4 What more could have been done to My vineyard
That I have not done in it?
Why then, when I expected it to bring forth good grapes,
Did it bring forth wild grapes?

Luke 7:30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the will of God for themselves, not having been baptized by him.​

That's just two examples. There are many others.
Incidentally, in the Luke 7 verse, the word translated "will" is boulḗ. It is the strongest word in Greek for "will". It is the same word as is used in Acts 4:27-28, for example.

Resting in Him,

Brother Ducky

New member
Quote Originally Posted by Brother Ducky View Post
Interesting thesis statement. Why don't you visit a maternity ward and convince the women that they are not in pain. Or show me that there are no weeds in my garden.

Rather than make broad sweeping statements out of the blue, how about making a case for a non-reformed Biblical anthropology that makes free will salvation viable?

You ONLY reason this way, because, you had "Calvinist indoctrination" transplanted into your mindset. Basically, you have been brainwashed over long periods of time and cannot see the forest for the trees.

I don't think so. And as one who came to Christ as an adult and within a non-Reformed context, I think of myself as teachable. So why don't you at least attempt to make the case for an anthropology for man not being so fallen that he can by his free will save himself. Use Paul, use that rest of the Bible.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I don't think so. And as one who came to Christ as an adult and within a non-Reformed context, I think of myself as teachable. So why don't you at least attempt to make the case for an anthropology for man not being so fallen that he can by his free will save himself. Use Paul, use that rest of the Bible.

You want to believe that God sends his "only begotten Son" into the world to atone for the sins of the world and then hides it from some so that they cannot hear and believe the Gospel and be saved.

Same old devious, unmerciful, unjust, unrighteous, God of Calvinism.

patrick jane

Quote Originally Posted by Brother Ducky View Post
Interesting thesis statement. Why don't you visit a maternity ward and convince the women that they are not in pain. Or show me that there are no weeds in my garden.

Rather than make broad sweeping statements out of the blue, how about making a case for a non-reformed Biblical anthropology that makes free will salvation viable?

You ONLY reason this way, because, you had "Calvinist indoctrination" transplanted into your mindset. Basically, you have been brainwashed over long periods of time and cannot see the forest for the trees.

I don't think so. And as one who came to Christ as an adult and within a non-Reformed context, I think of myself as teachable. So why don't you at least attempt to make the case for an anthropology for man not being so fallen that he can by his free will save himself. Use Paul, use that rest of the Bible.
Jesus saves completely - you heard it and believed, you were'nt predestined

Brother Ducky

New member
You want to believe that God sends his "only begotten Son" into the world to atone for the sins of the world and then hides it from some so that they cannot hear and believe the Gospel and be saved.

Same old devious, unmerciful, unjust, unrighteous, God of Calvinism.

So why have you not addressed the issue? Calvinism is nothing if not logical. A key point in Calvinist thought is the depravity of man. Rather than huff and puff with name-calling, why not spend some time in the Bible and tell me why there is enough free will for people to come to Christ and save themselves?

Ask Mr. Religion

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Matthew 23:37 KJV
(37) O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
Libertarian free willers need to drop pointing to this passage and claiming victory. The passage has nothing to do with their claimed libertarian free will.

No one born is able to choose wisely until God first acts (Eze. 36:26) by regenerating them from spiritual death unto life (that is what we call "being born again"), for the lost possess no moral ability to choose wisely (Jer. 17:9; Mark 7:21-23; Eph. 2:2; Eph. 2:4-5; Titus 3:5; John 3:19; Rom. 3:10-12; 5:6; 6:16-20; Eph. 2:1,3;1 Cor. 2:14).

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