Do you have to believe in the Trinity to be a Christian?


New member
Just because you say so?
This is bully mentality.

No this is frustration at not getting a person to be forthright. It's expected on a Christian site but not really practised on here by many, as keypurr and his ilk constantly show. As PPS has NEVER demonstrated his willingness to have himself understood nor cooperate, the feedback is inevitable.


Why should any Christian feel compelled to believe in the Trinity?
The word is not found anywhere in the Bible. It is a theological short-cut devised by later theologians.


Take a look at the title of this thread.

You trins cannot come up with scriptural bases judging non-trins believers as non-believers or cults.

Because Jesus did not require to believe in the trinity is requirement for salvation.


New member
If one is NOT willing to submit or base their personal theology on the Bible, it is FALSE and erroneous. God's written words contains ALL the truth we need to know about who our God is.

Unfortunately for your argument, the Bible does not teach belief in the Trinity.


Spreading believe in the trinity is requirement for salvation is based on bully mentality.

It is not of Jesus.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Spreading believe in the trinity is requirement for salvation is based on bully mentality.

It is not of Jesus.

Sure it is.

John 4:25-26 Modern English Version (MEV)

25 The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things.”

26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.”


If one does not believe and accept who the real savior is then one cannot be saved.

this is what I am saying. You are spreading your own salvation.

It is not Jesus' salvation.

Bring Jesus' word for your assertion.

I know you cannot because it is not there.


New member
Why should any Christian feel compelled to believe in the Trinity?
The word is not found anywhere in the Bible. It is a theological short-cut devised by later theologians.

This is a useless argument that is constantly refuted here and your know it. I personally have refuted it to you.
None of God's Omni attributes are verbalized in the Bible either, so why do you believe them?


New member
this is what I am saying. You are spreading your own salvation.
It is not Jesus' salvation.
Bring Jesus' word for your assertion.
I know you cannot because it is not there.

There is ONLY one real Jesus meshak...if one does not accept the real thing then one cannot be saved. It's pretty simple.

Jesus said: I and the Father are one.
Jesus said: If you've seen me you've seen the Father.
Jesus said: If you knew me, you would know my Father also.
Jesus said: You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.
Jesus said: If you do not believe that I am He, you will indeed die in your sins.
Jesus said: You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am.
Jesus said: Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.



There is ONLY one real Jesus meshak...if one does not accept the real thing then one cannot be saved. It's pretty simple.

Jesus said: I and the Father are one.
Jesus said: If you've seen me you've seen the Father.
Jesus said: If you knew me, you would know my Father also.
Jesus said: You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.
Jesus said: If you do not believe that I am He, you will indeed die in your sins.
Jesus said: You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am.
Jesus said: Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.

You are inserting your own assumption. Where did Jesus say He is God or He and His father make one God?


New member
No this is frustration at not getting a person to be forthright. It's expected on a Christian site but not really practised on here by many, as keypurr and his ilk constantly show. As PPS has NEVER demonstrated his willingness to have himself understood nor cooperate, the feedback is inevitable.
