Do you have to believe in the Trinity to be a Christian?


New member
Apple7: ‘Let’s discuss scripture.’

PPSBS: ‘Why you…triadic-pantheistic-deoxyribonucleic-hypnotrin….arghhhh…rage!!!!!!’


TOL Subscriber
Apple7: ‘Let’s discuss scripture.’

PPSBS: ‘Why you…triadic-pantheistic-deoxyribonucleic-hypnotrin….arghhhh…rage!!!!!!’

Apple7BS: I'm gonna rage on as an ignorant arrogant heretical reprobate, pretending it's about scripture and lexicography.

PPS: Okay, then. Knock yourself out, non-Trinitarian God-parts dude.


New member
Apple7: ‘Let’s discuss scripture.’

PPSBS: ‘Why you…triadic-pantheistic-deoxyribonucleic-hypnotrin….arghhhh…rage!!!!!!’

You're wasting your time with PPS...he doesn't want anyone to understand him, which is why he uses his 50 cent words all the time, and many times OUT of context.


New member
You're wasting your time with PPS...he doesn't want anyone to understand him, which is why he uses his 50 cent words all the time, and many times OUT of context.

All he can do is heckle from the sidelines.

I’ve watched him debase himself for the past 2.5 years as he chronically refuses to address scripture head-on…and, when challenged, has a ready-made insult to hurl your way…

He’s kept around for his entertainment value, only…as we all know that there is really a scripturally ignorant pencil-necked geek behind his false-front….


TOL Subscriber
All he can do is heckle from the sidelines.

I’ve watched him debase himself for the past 2.5 years as he chronically refuses to address scripture head-on…and, when challenged, has a ready-made insult to hurl your way…

He’s kept around for his entertainment value, only…as we all know that there is really a scripturally ignorant pencil-necked geek behind his false-front….

LOL. More self-masticating nothingness from a Pantheist Tritheist heretic, raging against truth as a hater of God.

Come discuss it all in person with this alleged "pencil-necked geek", keyboard warrior. You'd learn volumes, and possibly even get saved.


New member
All he can do is heckle from the sidelines.

I’ve watched him debase himself for the past 2.5 years as he chronically refuses to address scripture head-on…and, when challenged, has a ready-made insult to hurl your way…

He’s kept around for his entertainment value, only…as we all know that there is really a scripturally ignorant pencil-necked geek behind his false-front….

Yep, pretty much.


New member
You Canuck theologically illiterate heretics don't know what context even is.

at least I know how to spell YOUR and put it in a proper sentence.

Haven't you Canucks are very smart, compared to trolls like you.

When you start actually presenting hermeneutically sound exegesis, I may be interested. However, after years of seeing you spout inaneness, I seriously doubt you ever will.


TOL Subscriber
at least I know how to spell YOUR and put it in a proper sentence.

I didn't use the word YOUR or put it in a sentence, illiterate.

Haven't you Canucks are very smart, compared to trolls like you.

No, because it's never said; and rightly so.

When you start actually presenting hermeneutically sound exegesis, I may be interested. However, after years of seeing you spout inaneness, I seriously doubt you ever will.

Your (oh, lookie... the word your) theological illiteracy is staggering.

You're a laugh a minute. You couldn't exegete your way into actual salvation to have your soul saved, reprobate.


TOL Subscriber
PPS CAN'T voice what he is because it's too complicated for us common folks, and apparently himself.

LOL. Sure I can and have, bazillions of times.

I'm a Trinitarian. A Uni-Hypostatic Multi-Phenomenal Trinitarian.

You're not even a conventional historical Trinitarian, heretical Tritheist.

At least you're not also a Pantheist like Apple7BS.


New member
LOL. More self-masticating nothingness from a Pantheist Tritheist heretic, raging against truth as a hater of God.

Thanks for once again proving my real time...

Come discuss it all in person with this alleged "pencil-necked geek", keyboard warrior. You'd learn volumes, and possibly even get saved.

Give us your name and number.

Unless, of course, this is yet another blow-hard lie of yours...


TOL Subscriber
I know he uses a big words that I don't understand but that's no reason to attack him.

StanJ and Apple7 have a long-standing grudge against me from another site where I owned them and other false Trinitarians nearly 3 years ago.

They're theologically illiterate and aren't even actual Trinitarians themselves.


New member
I know he uses a big words that I don't understand but that's no reason to attack him.

He reaps what he sows, and it's not BIG words that are the problem, it's his inability to use them in proper context or frame of reference, and his desire to appear smarter than he actually is. There are very few people I have met that have a bigger vocabulary than I do, but I don't make a habit of using words most people won't get, just for the sake of obfuscation and deflection.