ECT Do those who believe MAD believe the Apostle Paul was a liar ?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No need to respond I as a rule do not read your useless UN-scriptural dribble.

Spam, from a devil child.
Seems you really don't know how to read in context. You might want to take a reading comprehension course.

That's your best shot,punk? A Cliche? Weighty.
You don't know what you don't know and you don't know even what you think you know,sad.

Sober up, devil child.

As Paul said you preach another Gospel, which has eternal consequences.

Like the gospel your saint Judas preached, eh devil child?

Tell us, Dodgeball: Did Judas preach?:

"Hey, everyone!!!! The master is going to die for our sins, and be raised again, for our justification!!!! Believe this good news to be saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yes, or no.

I. The first angel was sent on an errand antecedent to it, and that was to preach the everlasting gospel, v. 6, 7. Observe,........................

The above commentary written by Matthew Henry.

Copy'npaste from someone else, eh perverter of the gospel of Christ, who satanically asserts that there is just one piece of good news in the book, and that Judas preached it?

Quite weighty.

My post stands. You have added NADA.

Tell us, Dodgeball, as asked: Did Judas preach?:

"Hey, everyone!!!! The master is going to die for our sins, and be raised again, for our justification!!!! Believe this good news to be saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yes, or no.

Not a peep, from this charlatan.

Thus, as I asserted: Dodgeball, on record,satanically asserts that there is just one piece of good news in the book, and that Judas preached 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV.



Well-known member
Here it is Dan:

Rev 14:6
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,

Notice NOT everlasting Gospels which is plural but gospel which is singular. YOUR WElCOME.

Hi and read my reply , and I did not say everlasting gospels !!

But you did not answer the question , as to how you were saved UNDER a 1P 1P GOSPEL , since you only believe in onr gospel ??

Is the question to HARD FOR YOU ?? Must be , but do not DESPAIR as I can help you !!

The bible teach , at least 5 gospels

#1 , The GOSPEL of the UNCIRCUMCISION IN Gal 2:7

#2 , The one called CIRCUMCISION in Gal 2:7

#3 The Gospel preached to Abram in Gal 3:8

#4 Paul the preached God's Gospel in Rom 1:1

#5 Then the everlasting Gospel of Judgment in Rev 14:6 !!

Ask and I will help you gat started to learn what GOSPEL means !!

dan p


Well-known member
What, pray tell; is your obvious hate for allowing the Scrupture to present Its' case Itself?

Luke 19:44. He can't stand to let Him say what He said so he collates numerous books to get around it, per Eccl 12:12.

What is a scrupture? A pastry of some kind?


Well-known member
Hi and read my reply , and I did not say everlasting gospels !!

But you did not answer the question , as to how you were saved UNDER a 1P 1P GOSPEL , since you only believe in onr gospel ??

Is the question to HARD FOR YOU ?? Must be , but do not DESPAIR as I can help you !!

The bible teach , at least 5 gospels

#1 , The GOSPEL of the UNCIRCUMCISION IN Gal 2:7

#2 , The one called CIRCUMCISION in Gal 2:7

#3 The Gospel preached to Abram in Gal 3:8

#4 Paul the preached God's Gospel in Rom 1:1

#5 Then the everlasting Gospel of Judgment in Rev 14:6 !!

Ask and I will help you gat started to learn what GOSPEL means !!

dan p

Thanks dan, but they are all one. Nice try


Well-known member
No need to respond I as a rule do not read your useless UN-scriptural dribble.

Seems you really don't know how to read in context. You might want to take a reading comprehension course.

You don't know what you don't know and you don't know even what you think you know,sad.

As Paul said you preach another Gospel, which has eternal consequences.

I. The first angel was sent on an errand antecedent to it, and that was to preach the everlasting gospel, v. 6, 7. Observe,
1. The gospel is an everlasting gospel; it is so in its nature, and it will be so in its consequences. Though all flesh be grass, the word of the Lord endureth for ever.
2. It is a work fit for an angel to preach this everlasting gospel; such is the dignity, and such is the difficulty of that work! And yet we have this treasure in earthen vessels.
3. The everlasting gospel is of great concern to all the world; and, as it is the concern of all, it is very much to be desired that it should be made known to all, even to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.
4. The gospel is the great means whereby men are brought to fear God, and to give glory to him. Natural religion is not sufficient to keep up the fear of God, nor to secure to him glory from men; it is the gospel that revives the fear of God, and retrieves his glory in the world.
5. When idolatry creeps into the churches of God, it is by the preaching of the gospel, attended by the power of the Holy Spirit, that men are turned from idols to serve the living God, as the Creator of the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters, v. 7. To worship any God besides him who created the world is idolatry.
II. The second angel follows the other, and proclaims the actual fall of Babylon. The preaching of the everlasting gospel had shaken the foundations of antichristianism in the world, and hastened its downfall. By Babylon is generally understood Rome, which was before called Sodom and Egypt, for wickedness and cruelty, and is now first called Babylon, for pride and idolatry. Observe,
1. What God has fore-ordained and foretold shall be done as certainly as if it were done already.
2. The greatness of the papal Babylon will not be able to prevent her fall, but will make it more dreadful and remarkable.
3. The wickedness of Babylon, in corrupting, debauching, and intoxicating the nations round about her, will make her fall just and will declare the righteousness of God in her utter ruin, v. 8. Her crimes are recited as the just cause of her destruction.
III. A third angel follows the other two, and gives warning to all of that divine vengeance which would overtake all those that obstinately adhered to the antichristian interest after God had thus proclaimed its downfall, v. 9, 10. If after this (this threatening denounced against Babylon, and in part already executed) any should persist in their idolatry, professing subjection to the beast and promoting his cause, they must expect to drink deep of the wind of the wrath of God; they shall be for ever miserable in soul and body; Jesus Christ will inflict this punishment upon them, and the holy angels will behold it and approve of it. Idolatry, both pagan and papal, is a damning sin in its own nature, and will prove fatal to those who persist in it, after fair warning given by the word of Providence; those who refuse to come out of Babylon, when thus called, and resolve to partake of her sins, must receive of her plagues; and the guilt and ruin of such incorrigible idolaters will serve to set forth the excellency of the patience and obedience of the saints. These graces shall be rewarded with salvation and glory. When the treachery and rebellion of others shall be punished with everlasting destruction, then it will be said, to the honour of the faithful (v. 12): Here is the patience of the saints; you have before seen their patience exercised, now you see it rewarded.

The above commentary written by Matthew Henry.

We don't know that that angel was telling us Gospel when he said fear God. He just warned people. The Gospel does too in its own way; Christ was the judgement of God in advance, before it actually happens.


New member
Hi and read my reply , and I did not say everlasting gospels !!

But you did not answer the question , as to how you were saved UNDER a 1P 1P GOSPEL , since you only believe in onr gospel ??

Is the question to HARD FOR YOU ?? Must be , but do not DESPAIR as I can help you !!

The bible teach , at least 5 gospels

#1 , The GOSPEL of the UNCIRCUMCISION IN Gal 2:7

#2 , The one called CIRCUMCISION in Gal 2:7

#3 The Gospel preached to Abram in Gal 3:8

#4 Paul the preached God's Gospel in Rom 1:1

#5 Then the everlasting Gospel of Judgment in Rev 14:6 !!

Ask and I will help you gat started to learn what GOSPEL means !!

dan p

Since Rev. says the ever lasting Gospel that confirms there is only one Gospel pertaining to salvation, which is the D.B.R.. Did you know that the Gospel of Grace even applies to the OT Saints ? No one in heaven will be in heaven that does not have the "BLOOD" of Jesus applied to them as payment for their sin ?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
We don't know that that angel was telling us Gospel when he said fear God. He just warned people. The Gospel does too in its own way; Christ was the judgement of God in advance, before it actually happens.

Tell us, Interloper, as I asked Dodgeball: Did Judas preach?:

"Hey, everyone!!!! The master is going to die for our sins, and be raised again, for our justification!!!! Believe this good news to be saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yes, or no.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Since Rev. says the ever lasting Gospel that confirms there is only one Gospel pertaining to salvation, which is the D.B.R..

You changed your argument. Want me to post your words?

Tell us, Dodgeball: Did Judas preach?:

"Hey, everyone!!!! The master is going to die for our sins, and be raised again, for our justification!!!! Believe this good news to be saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yes, or no.

God's Truth

New member
You changed your argument. Want me to post your words?

Tell us, Dodgeball: Did Judas preach?:

"Hey, everyone!!!! The master is going to die for our sins, and be raised again, for our justification!!!! Believe this good news to be saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yes, or no.

Judas taught the good news, and it is that Jesus will save his people from their sins.

Matthew 1:21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."

Luke 1:77 76And you, child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare His ways, 77to give to His people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, 78because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the Dawn will visit us from on high,

Sounds like the good news Paul spoke of.


New member
Tell us, Interloper, as I asked Dodgeball: Did Judas preach?:

"Hey, everyone!!!! The master is going to die for our sins, and be raised again, for our justification!!!! Believe this good news to be saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yes, or no.

Perhaps, maybe, I don't know, let me consult dr so and so?

Hey good lookin, we'll be back to pick you up later?

O wait; that's Mr. Microphone - never mind :D