Disagree but respect

God's Truth

New member
It's no problem.

Believe Christ is your Lord and Savior, that he died on the cross for your sins. Confess with your mouth and believe with you heart and you shall be saved. That's the only actual "do". No works will get you there. Being a "good person" won't get you there.

And once you're saved, there's no losing salvation. We may stray from the path but we are reprimanded, as children are.

I won't get into carnal Christians or acting Christians at the moment...

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Believing and confessing are not do's?

That is a mistake of yours; but, will you admit it?

In addition, obeying Jesus is not a works salvation that is condemnation with Hell.

Can we reason together?

God's Truth

New member
So far on here, you seem to be the only person not going crazy. Thank you!

And, as silly as it is, how can you NOT get straight answers? It's a simple question. Do people not know it? Or are they afraid they'll offend someone?

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hahahaha We have here now someone who is not what they tried to appear to be.
Musterion is getting stroked now and now we know this person is not worth speaking to.


New member
Believing and confessing are not do's?

That is a mistake of yours; but, will you admit it?

In addition, obeying Jesus is not a works salvation that is condemnation with Hell.

Can we reason together?
I don't think we can reason reason together. Because each time I say my own beliefs, you tell me it's false. I can't reason with that.

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New member
hahahaha We have here now someone who is not what they tried to appear to be.
Musterion is getting stroked now and now we know this person is not worth speaking to.
By all means, feel free to not talk to me. Ignore/block me if you must, if I offend your frail sensitivities. You won't hurt my feelings.

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God's Truth

New member
Everybody goes a little crazy now and then. I have my moments.

Three main possibilities, based on my years of asking the question here.

1) They are sincere but unsaved religious people who indeed don't know it and don't want to admit they don't know...they've honestly never thought about it but are locked in to whatever their church tells them.

2) They're trolls...mobies...fakes...they don't know it but don't want to tip their hand, so they say nothing.

3) They're one of various brands of cultists who, if they admit what they believe they must do (are doing) to be saved, it will give them away and mark them for what they are, shutting them out from conversation with many. They love attention more than truth, so they resist saying anything revealing for as long as possible.

Those are the three main reasons, I think. But I will say that everyone who knows and believes the saving Gospel of grace won't fail to share it immediately when asked.

An example: God's Truth claims to be ex-Catholic and may be ex-Catholic but still has a lot of doctrine in line with Rome.

A few weeks ago she said she was already seated with Christ in heaven, something only a saved person who believes the Gospel of grace could say.

One of our elder ladies, Tambora or Glordaz, asked GT if she could ever lose that seat.

GT refused to answer.

What would you make of that?

You are not speaking truth.

I have told you more than once now that I could not lose my seat.

However, it doesn't mean that another couldn't.

God's Truth

New member
I could say a lot of things to not answering a very simple yes or no question.

*Like you said, looking for attention.
*Doesn't actually know if you can lose salvation or not.
*just wants to stir the pot.

My personal response, if I were to meet this person out in public, would be to no longer take anything that they say seriously because they can't answer a simple question.

I do find, however, that many people who aren't Christians know the Bible better than most Christians, they just don't believe it. I wondered if maybe that was the case, as I was informed by God's Truth that my beliefs were false teachings.

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You are a Calvinist. Your doctrines are full of falseness.

God's Truth

New member
EXACTLY. Which is why I consider such people to be deceptive. They'll still try to bait you into discussion on any of a hundred other topics but on THAT ONE QUESTION, they avoid telling you anything of substance. Deceptive. No other word for it and some of us on TOL call them on it.

What was it she took issue with? I don't follow most threads closely; not enough time.

You have to tell untruths about me, or how could you go against me any other way?

Now tell us if Jesus was robotic when he quoted scripture and told everyone to repent.

Is that old stuff for a limited amount of people in a certain race?

Tell us now, Musterion, should we tell any homosexual they are sinning and they should repent?

God's Truth

New member

Tell us if we should tell any homosexual that they should repent of that sin.

Tell us if we should tell a thief to repent of thieving.

God's Truth

New member
Oh, I personally, lean more toward Calvinistic views. I know most ppl don't so I don't bring it up. She flat out said it was false teachings. Um...no, it's not. And here's where I fell over....(lol, insert pic here...)

What the what???

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So much for all that compassion and control you confessed to have.

God's Truth

New member
For the record, I'm an ex-Calvinist, dead set against it now.

Not sure where GT falls...Oneness pentecostal or unitarian or something, I dunno. Don't think she's ever said, even though she's been asked. Plays her cards close to the vest. Others, old timers, say she was here before me under at least one other name but got spotted pretty quick. She's repetitive.

Did you hear that Shauna? Musterion is against the Calvin doctrines.

Musterion doesn't speak the truth about me. I have only been here with this screen name and most who know anything about me know that I go against the Calvinists.


New member
So much for all that compassion and control you confessed to have.
Just fyi, I wasn't speaking in anger or was out of control. I was questioning. And, musterion asked what the convo was. Did I miscommunicate? Pretty sure we could scroll back up and see where it went wrong...

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God's Truth

New member
See, this is what I was trying to get across, but now that I know some background, I see it was pointless...and if i could figure out how to quote like you do, on this app, i would...ugh.

I lean toward Calvinism. You don't. That doesn't make us enemies, and that most def doesn't mean one of us is saved and one isnt. These are the conversations and debates between mature Christians. I'm thinking she's not...

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I couldn't care any less what you think of me.

You have proven though to be an immature Christian who is not so compassionate and understanding after all, as you claim I am not.

You don't even get that Musterion will go against you too, if she could stop herself from taking this opportunity to tell untruths about me.


New member
Did you hear that Shauna? Musterion is against the Calvin doctrines.

Musterion doesn't speak the truth about me. I have only been here with this screen name and most who know anything about me know that I go against the Calvinists.
I don't have a problem with others not agreeing with Calvinism. That doesn't affect salvation. Regardless of which comes first, the saving or the saying, the person is still saved.

And, I never once said that I was perfect. I strive to be caring and compassionate. I try to choose my words wisely.

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