Disagree but respect

God's Truth

New member

are you implying I am judgeing?

Have I ever call anyone cult, non-believer or unsaved? not.

There are plenty of those self appointed judges here.

why don't you talk to them?

It is so sad what you are doing here.

Are you delusional?

You call people fake Christians all the time.

You came here and encouraged katie because she was going against me. You didn't care if what katie said was true or not, you just liked it that she was against me.

You are the biggest hypocrite on TOL.


Jesus told the members of His body they are to judge all things. We hear what she says is outside the faith....thus we are called on to expose her as FAKE. Just like we have judged what you say, and judge that you are fake. It's called discernment.

I realize you hate that, but you need to deal with it. You see what I mean?

You are claiming marhig fake. Jesus says we know them by their fruit.

I don't think you guys have discernment on how to look for fruit.

Marhig is one of very fruitful servant.

Jesus does not approve of slandering His faithful servant.

"Fruit of spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self-control."

Mrahig producing all of them.

You should praise her faithfulness but you are doing the opposite.


Are you delusional?

You call people fake Christians all the time.

You came here and encouraged katie because she was going against me. You didn't care if what katie said was true or not, you just liked it that she was against me.

You are the biggest hypocrite on TOL.
bless you, friend.


Well-known member
I never judge anyone as non-believer, unsaved or cult or wolf.

"From time to time, there have arisen from among the ranks of Jehovah's people those, who, like the original Satan, have adopted an independent, faultfinding attitude . . . They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such 'Bible reading,' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom's clergy were teaching 100 years ago"

Do you agree with this statement?


Well-known member
You are claiming marhig fake. Jesus says we know them by their fruit.

I don't think you guys have discernment on how to look for fruit.

Marhig is one of very fruitful servant.

Jesus does not approve of slandering His faithful servant.

"Fruit of spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self-control."

Mrahig producing all of them.

You should praise her faithfulness but you are doing the opposite.

The plastic fruit inspector is hard at work. :chuckle:

You realize you have no idea what Marhig actually does in her life, right? Just as you have no idea what I do. What is clear is that you both deny Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh, so that is how we know you both are FALSE brethren. Claimers....in name only.

God's Truth

New member
Right here. You told me that I said Christians should not speak the truth and that I think repenting is wrong.

So you believe that Christians should speak the truth and tell people to repent of their sins? GOOD. I am so glad that you believe that and do that.


New member
I'm almost afraid to comment on this thread...especially since I'm new....

From what I can tell, both Katie and God's Truth are right in their own way.

I get the impression that you both know what you're talking about, but somewhere there was a disconnect and this thread got heated fast.

Referencing the beginning of this thread:

We are commanded to love one another as Christ loves us. We are also to hold others accountable, which includes telling them to repent.

Will we walk up to random strangers and scream at them that they're lost and will have to repent or go to Hell? Um, you could, but you're not gonna be reveived well. Which, btw, I'm fairly certain God's Truth was NOT thinking this when it was mentioned.

Loving others is what we were commanded. If by loving others gives us the opportunity to become witnesses for Christ, then we are to take it.

From my standpoint, I see Katie talking about new, infant Christians, and God's Truth taking up a notch and talking to older (established?) Christians.

Honestly, God's Truth would have to be working with established Christians, because 1 Cor 2:14 says "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (NKJV)

I do think that if you told a lost person to repent they'd be totally confused. They wouldn't get it. But, a Christian is to be held accountable by other Christians. And that's not judging. That's being accountable. Oh, there are so many things that go with that statement, so please don't be critical that I didn't mention them.

Speaking of accountability, the mudslinging and name calling between brothers and sisters on Christ does no good for your relationship with these people or for your witness for Christ.

Again, LOVE unconditionally.

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God's Truth

New member
I'm almost afraid to comment on this thread...especially since I'm new....
Hello Shauna_hale, welcome to TOL.

From what I can tell, both Katie and God's Truth are right in their own way.
I didn't agree with katie for a good reason.

I get the impression that you both know what you're talking about, but somewhere there was a disconnect and this thread got heated fast.

Referencing the beginning of this thread:

We are commanded to love one another as Christ loves us. We are also to hold others accountable, which includes telling them to repent.

I agree.

Will we walk up to random strangers and scream at them that they're lost and will have to repent or go to Hell? Um, you could, but you're not gonna be reveived well. Which, btw, I'm fairly certain God's Truth was NOT thinking this when it was mentioned.

Thank you, for I would not ever suggest just doing that. However, katie brought up people at abortion clinics protesting. I do think that it a good thing to do. Many people, even those who claim to be Christian might not really understand that abortion is wrong. There are many who teach that the baby early on is just tissue and nothing more.

Loving others is what we were commanded. If by loving others gives us the opportunity to become witnesses for Christ, then we are to take it.

From my standpoint, I see Katie talking about new, infant Christians, and God's Truth taking up a notch and talking to older (established?) Christians.

Honestly, God's Truth would have to be working with established Christians, because 1 Cor 2:14 says "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (NKJV)
So then, you are saying that we cannot tell anyone about Jesus since the unsaved cannot receive the truth? That is a false teaching that you were taught. Are you a Calvinist?

That scripture is about those who only want to please their flesh will not accept the things of the spirit. We are flesh and spirit. Some people only want to please their flesh and they don't want anyone to tell them they have to stop.

I do think that if you told a lost person to repent they'd be totally confused. They wouldn't get it.
That is why you have to explain it to them.

But, a Christian is to be held accountable by other Christians. And that's not judging. That's being accountable. Oh, there are so many things that go with that statement, so please don't be critical that I didn't mention them.

Speaking of accountability, the mudslinging and name calling between brothers and sisters on Christ does no good for your relationship with these people or for your witness for Christ.

I hope that you have seen that I have not slung any mud.

Again, LOVE unconditionally.

God wants us to obey. If we want to remain in Jesus' love we have to obey.